Yarn Along

My knitting has been quite challenging this past week, but only because I am making rookie mistakes.  I did the icord bind off of the body of the pink cardigan THEN tried the sweater on and wanted two more inches in length.  I have no idea why I didn't try it on before the bind off.  So it took quite some time to undo the icord bind off and put the stitches back on the needles, added the two inches in length and then did the icord bind off again.  Currently I am on the neck bind off.  Once that is done I will be working on the sleeves.  My shortest needles are in another project so I am trying to decide do I knit the other project and release the needles or just slip the stitches on a spare?  Decisions...  I also finished the mitt that is in the photo last night. Only one more to go!!  I think the mitt knitting hurts my hands because of the tight gauge I am getting, so I knit the mitts in spurts.

I finished The House at Tyneford and it was excellent!  It's the kind of book that haunts you afterwards.  I just love that feeling.  I currently am reading Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, just started the book last night so I have no opinions as of yet.  I feel like I am on a roll of good book reading so I have my fingers crossed that I am continuing to ride the wave of excellent fiction!

What are you knitting and reading?

Joining Ginny


  1. Undoing a bind off is always a hassle. I'm sure it'll be more than worth it in the end :)

  2. Rookie mistakes are such a pain, aren't they? I always end up beating myself up about it which just causes me to make more!
    The London Mitts pattern is lovely, I have added it to my queue - thanks for the link :o)

  3. I did that last winter with a sweater for Ree. After it was all finished it was too short. It was pain (thankfully only "normal" bind off!) but it was difficult with a 2 year old crying that I was "breaking" her sweater & she wanted it!

  4. My theory is.. just buy another set of needles! ;) But I have a bad habit that if I move things to holders it stresses me out and I start again fresh.

    I'm adding The House at Tyneford to my wish list!

  5. undoing an i-cord bind off takes a millenium to do.....what a drag. It's going to be gorgeous, though, so well worth the effort to do it right!! (I loved Hotel....I'm betting you will, too!!! I finished Language of FLowers---it was a goodie; thanks for that recommendation!)

  6. How frustrating, I admire you for doing it though, when that happens to me I usually have to put it aside for a while (read: year or so), until I have forgiven myself enough to set it right!

  7. Glad you now have the right length, although undoing a bind-off is quite painful! Glad to hear you liked your book. Jacinta

  8. I have been wanting to learn how to do an icord bind off so now I know who to call when I have a question!
    You really have been having great book karma and I hope it keeps up, I keep adding to my list.

  9. Rookie mistakes ~ I do that all the time. Not focusing, or something. But on to happy things...love the cover of the book AND the title! I hope the contents live up to both :)

  10. I hate having to unravel things once I've cast off. I always stitch things up so securely that I can't undo them!

    Fingers crossed with the book reading...I'm doing so well with my latest choice but will give it another chance.

  11. I don't know the icord bind off, so I'm don't know how difficult it is. I do know what a pain it is to do it the normal way, so I'll take your word!
    I LOVED the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I like to read all types of WWII fiction. I hope you enjoy it too.

  12. Ugh. I always do that kind of thing! I get so eager to finish up that I do all the finishing, top stitching, binding off, etc., without trying on the garment.
    Why wouldn't it just fit ;)
    Love the colors up there!

  13. No fun when that happens! Luckily you've caught up with yourself and are past the point of where you've had to start again - that's what I find the hardest.

  14. i read the Hotel book this summer and found it quite sweet. unravelling once i've bound off is a pain to me too... hmm such is a knitter's life isn't it?

  15. If I was that close to finishing a project, I would do whatever I needed to do to finish that project. Your mileage may vary.

    I've heard really good things about that book. Hope you continue to enjoy it.

  16. I loved Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet! Hope you do too.

  17. I think I'm going to have to read your latest book, if for no other reason, because I love the title. It sums up life perfectly!

  18. Oh I had to undo a bind off last year, and it was such a pain. I am going to have to look into that book, thank you for the recommendation.

  19. mistakes (rookie or not) happen to the best of us. the good news is that you are an experienced enough knitter to undo those mistakes :)

  20. Yikes on undoing the bind off, I have never had to do it and really hope I don't, I think I would make a mess of it. Happy to hear you were able to fix it and add the extra length.

  21. The House at Tyneford IS excellent, isn't it?

    Well done for sticking it out with your adjustments on the pink lemonade cardigan.


  22. I'm not sure I could handle undoing a bind off, it would probably send me around the bend. Hurray for being able to make it right! I love the title of your book.

  23. I've never undone an icord bind off, but I so understand those kind of mistakes, I'm sure its perfect now!

  24. Your sweater looks lovely! And while I love the looks of an icord bind off, I can only imagine the fits it must be to undo!! This week sharing a sneak peek of the Sunday Sweater I'm test knitting for Ginny. Stop by if you have a moment!

  25. The sweater looks so nice! I hope we get to see it modelled!

  26. I read The House at Tyneford after I read your review. I have just finished a great book, The Light Between Oceans by M. L. Stedman--this is a great book! I enjoy your books reviews and love to see what you are knitting.

  27. Ugh, sorry you had to re-do all of that. I make rookie mistakes like that, too. I'd love to call them learning experiences, but I never seem to actually learn from them ;-)

    Best wishes!


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