Pink Cardigan Complete

I thoroughly enjoyed knitting this top down cardigan and not once did I get bored.  There was a lot of details to keep track of during the body of the sweater.  Shaping, button hole making and pleating on the side seams kept me eagerly knitting away.

Because of all the little construction details, I would say this is not a beginner sweater pattern.  Definitely give it a try if you understand sweater construction and have knit a top down sweater before.

I think I will be knitting this sweater pattern again in a darker yarn, I wanted to cast on right away when this was completed but I did not want to burn out.  So I'm waiting a couple of months.

I love the ruching detail at the shoulder seams.  The pleating on the side seams adds a lovely touch.  While I was doing all of this self photography, Frodo wanted in on the action.  So I decided to fulfill his wishes.  That is when he wanted down and to run away.  Too bad.  I snapped him in motion :)

Oh and do you see that line on the arm?  Yep, it's the dreaded double pointed needle laddering....Oh well next sweater I think I am knitting flat and seaming.  I don't like magic loop, I don't like two circulars, I don't like nine inch circulars (I know I am picky and opinionated!) .
Ravelry notes are here


  1. It is beautiful!! I love the color and the pattern. It looks lovely on you! And I love the shot of you with Frodo! He is too cute!

  2. It gorgeous!
    I'm so scared to use tiny buttons on a sweater. Though I guess you used fingering yarn, right?
    Anyway, great job! (:

  3. It is so gorgeous!! I love the details, and the shoulders are just lovely. Well done!

  4. absolutely perfect (and I do mean perfect, because I'm pretty sure that 'line' will eventually disappear with wearing)
    Hi, Frodo!!!

  5. Fabulous header, fabulous cardigan (I must check out which yarn you used) and I have just returned from Lori's Alaska trip to say I'm very happy to read that you like ice, winter, and the cold too!


    ps I share you preferance for dp needles. But what to do about the ladder?

    1. I think another blocking will even out the laddering. I find if I knit with 100% wool I do not have ladder issues, but this yarn was a blend and has some bamboo and silk in it and that is why the ladder appeared.

  6. It's beautiful Karen, really beautiful! I do love that you knit it in pink.
    9 inch circulars? I didn't know they made them, the smallest I have used is 16 inch. Now I am curious and must see if I can find some to try.
    Hi Frodo!

  7. it's so pretty Karen, love it! i'm also in love with the photo of you and Frodo!!

  8. Lovely! I am knitting my first cardigan now. :) Love the picture with Frodo!

  9. It's a very dainty sweater with the pleats. I really like the color. I'm sure your darker one will be just as lovely.

  10. love, love, love it! and the color, too! the details are perfect and frankly, it was the ruching up by the shoulder and the pleats on the side that made me sit up and pay attention.

    ps: hi to frodo, too!

  11. It's gorgeous! I love the color - it looks great on you. And I love seeing Frodo too :)

  12. Oh! That is so lovely! I've had issues with the ladders and found that if my tension is tight enough, I don't have that problem. However...sleeves seem to work better on dpn's for me. I do love this one though.

  13. Love this cardigan! It's stunning and that color is scrumptious! I get that double-pointed laddering every time. In fact, my current project will have it. How to get rid of it?

    1. Block block block, will help. Also do not pull the yarn too tight or let it be too loose each one causes laddering.

  14. Oh my goodness! This is so lovely! I am always so inspired by wonderful knitters. I am making a cowl neck (for the third time) because I only know one stitch and just keep going:) One day I would love to make something other than a scarf or a cowl....someday:) Until then, I will gaze in awe at all of the lovely things other knitters make. XO

  15. That's totally cute, and you can wear I right away!

  16. Looks lovely. Enjoy wearing it! Jacinta

  17. It is gorgeous, I love the colour.

  18. Yay! So fun to see the finished project! It is lovely!!! Cant wait to see the next color choice :)

  19. oh it's so lovely! and your side kick is cute, will he get a sweater too? ;)

  20. Oh lovley. Great shoulder detail. Lovely to see you and Frodo too...

  21. Wow I love this!! The instagram picks have not done this colour justice!! Wonderful :)

  22. Hi Frodo :)
    The cardigan turned out great, I love the shoulders!

  23. It looks gorgeous and you look gorgeous in it. Thanks for the thinking ahead steps re:magic looping etc. I swear I am always amazed at how much and how fast you knit-awesome!

  24. You are such a prolific knitter! And this cardigan is lovely :D The colour is gorgeous!

    Am I terribly unobservant or is that a new header? Love it :D

  25. Its lovely! Thanks for sharing!


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