The Silence of Autumn

I have been watching the rain outside today.  Most of the time I am not a big fan of rain but this week, I've been enjoying the shift of weather.  There is a little chill in the air.  The leaves are dropping rapidly and the colors are starting to show.  Today was my first acorn squash and it was delicious and tasted like autumn, if autumn had a taste.

My company left early this morning, I hope that we can go visit them sometime in the spring or whenever the schedule lets us.  We had so much fun and I loved having a knitting buddy.  Something else....I'm exhausted :)  I think I might be getting older.  Today was a day of pure knitting mostly in silence.  I became centered again.

Frodo was exhausted as well.  He slept ALL day.  Poor little guy, it's so terribly difficult to be loved by all.  We should all have his problems.


  1. I love rain. Although we live in the South I come from the North near to the Lake District where it rains all the time but is beautiful and green with lakes and hills. It's good to have a knitting buddy too. I had one this weekend. It's so nice to share something with someone.

  2. knitting buddies are the best! I love your photography! It's a rainy day here too and I've been knitting in my rocker this afternoon and so enjoying it! Looking forward to seeing what knitting you are up to tomorrow!!

  3. I love rain (when I don't have to be out walking in it.) And we should all be as lucky as Frodo :)

  4. Beautiful pictures. The return to fall foods and meals is one of my favourite things about this time of you I can almost taste autumn.

  5. I love rainy afternoons (we had one today). It gives me a reason to curl up in my chair with tea, knitting and a candle on. Everything feels cozy. I don't love it when the rainy afternoons last all day long for more then one day in a row. That bums me out. I also love knitting partners. The only one I have in real life right now is my mom. We usually knit together once a week or so! Poor little Frodo! To have his life of chasing rabbits, going for walks and taking long naps. Ahhh. :-D

  6. We have been having huge thunderstorms all afternoon here and I loved it, I knit and took a nap, pure heaven!
    I can not wait to cook acorn squash, how do you prepare yours? I have one here, but it is still too hot [88 degrees] to leave the oven on for long.

  7. Watching the rain here too, such a grey morning...still, great reason to get the fire roaring :) Hope your Frodo 'recovers'! x

  8. Autumn has yet to hit us. We are having this very mellow, dry, and wonderful late summer. I am enjoying it. Blessings, Tami

  9. We've had the rain, but it's getting warm again...High in the low 80's. What?!?!

  10. I was hoping for rain yesterday but it was just cloudy cloudy cloudy. Days of centeredness are so good for the soul! BTW love your new banner!

  11. It's so fun to see Autumn creep into everyone's photos and writing. It's just a little bit different, depending on geography. I love it!


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