Yarn Along

I have been a busy knitting beaver this past week.  I finished (finally) my pink cardigan last week and then had to wait for it to dry.  I guarantee you I will be knitting that pattern again in the very near future, I absolutely loved it!  I also finished my dad's socks for Christmas, here is the Ravelry page.  With each project finished I felt lighter and happier knowing that new projects could be cast on without feeling dread.  Remember four projects at the same time is my maximum.  For some reason I feel like I am cheating on one while working on the other.  I do like to mix it up though with intricate knitting and easy knitting.

My current project is another cowl with my pattern only in fingering weight.  I cast on more stitches (can't remember how many but I'll put the number on the project page).  The wool has been in my stash for quite a while.  I'm thrilled to be knitting with it and seeing the colors of autumn in my working hands.

I started a new book, non fiction this time.  This book, Buddha Standard Time was highly recommended by my daughter.  It has been sitting in my "to read" pile for months.  I thought it was about time I read it.  So far I am really enjoying it.  The book has little meditation exercises to capture living in the moment.  Tell me who doesn't need that?  I know I sure do!

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. Love the cowl, the yarn looks lovely. Good book recommendation as well, I could do with more of capturing the moment!

  2. Your knitting skills are amazing Karen and it sounds like you have had a lot of fun knitting this past week.
    Thanks for the book recommendation, I am going to have to order a copy. Capture living in the moment? Yup, I need that.

  3. Ooooh, looking good! Love the colour of that yarn too!

  4. Beautiful beautiful colours in that wool, perfect for October!

  5. Oh that book looks really interesting! Must check it out on Amazon - thanks :)

    Gorgeous cowl too

  6. Oh, my goodness, I think I need to read that book. x (At first I misread your opening sentence and thought you had been busy knitting a beaver. Te he he) x

  7. Added to the book to my Amazon wishlist, thanks for the recommendation. I love the autumn colours of that yarn!

  8. I just put the book on hold at the library! Sounds like just what I need right now! I love the cowl! After I finish my socks (and then knit something for Ree) I'm planning on knitting your cinderblock cowl for my sister for Christmas!

  9. That yarn is fantastic and the pattern is looking great. You always manage to find such lovely yarn. Sounds like a great book too. :)

    PS. Glad to hear that you don't think four projects is too many!

  10. Your cowl looks great!! Your pattern is on my list of want to knits!! That yarn has beautiful colors!!

  11. Beautiful Fall colors! Happy Wednesday to you :)

  12. You always have such gorgeous yarn on your needles!
    The pink cardigan turned out lovely - I have favourited it, I may give it a go for myself in the new year.

  13. I love your yarn. The colors are perfect for fall and it really compliments your pattern. Or maybe the pattern compliments the yarn, either way it looks great :)

  14. The colours in your cowl are gorgeous!
    I usually have a few projects on the needles too, but at the moment it seems to be only my one shawl - how did that happen? I definitely need something else!

  15. living in the moment.....i think the hardest thing in the world to do.

    i envy your 4-project committment; i'm desperately trying to finish a few things that have been really lingering LONG; the love is simply gone and it's been a trial. I'm plugging away. (and starting more things when it really drags....i'm making NO headway!)

  16. Intrigued by your book, can't wait to hear more.

    And love the colours of your cowl, beautiful!

  17. What gorgeous yarn ! Your cowl is going to be quite lovely:)

  18. the yarn for that cowl is stunning. that is going to be gorgeous when it is finished. the book sounds interesting, i am going to have to put it on my "to read list".

  19. Karen, I LOVE your new banner--your blog looks great! You always inspire me with your knitting productivity. I love to see what you have on your needles :- )

  20. I'm excited to knit your cowl, just need to get yarn for it. Your pink cardigan is beautiful! Always love coming here.

  21. Lovely knitting and sounds like a very interesting book!

  22. Love the yarn and pattern! So pretty! Putting your pink lemonade sweater on the knit list :)

  23. The book sounds intriguing. Can't wait to hear how you like it. The colors of your cowl are perfect for fall!

  24. Love the beautiful colors of the yarn! Very fall indeed. I have the same problem that you with multiple projects...I start feeling guilty.

  25. sounds like a book i could use! congrats on your productive knitting week!

  26. The cowl looks lovely, and that yarn has such beautiful colours! Perfect for fall. I love your cowl pattern- I had never seen it before but have added it to my queue on Ravelry.

  27. I love it when I finish a project knowing that I loved it so much I want to do it again. It really is nice to be knitting with fall colors now. And wearing them soon enough!

  28. Love that cowl -- I've been looking for the right cowl. Hmm, maybe that one. It looks lovely.
    Yes, mindfullness in our days -- everyone needs that.

  29. I love those colours on the cowl, so pretty!!
    I have a skein of fingering that I want to use but I don't think I'd have enough for a cowl of this size. I wonder if a smaller version would look ok? It's gorgeous!

  30. You know, I have a skein of yarn in my drawer over there that might be perfect for that cowl. I've been trying to figure out what to do with it for ages now, and I've been wanting to make your cowl for ages now, and I don't know why it took me so long to put the two together...
    I'm interested to hear more about that book. It sounds interesting; I might have to add it to my reading list. xo

  31. I very much enjoyed that book. I'd guess hat knitting must be a very meditative hobby! Currently reading Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin. So far it's pretty good.

  32. That book sounds wonderful and your cowl looks like gemstones-love it. I believe I will put that book on my list. I do need it. I need several projects at once too, but it does challenge this inner feeling that I have to complete one project before starting another.

  33. I love the autumnal colors of your cowl!

  34. I do like the sound of the book, and the colours of the cowl :)

  35. Love the colorway of your cowl!

    I'm the same as you when it comes to projects: I like having something easy to knit and something challenging at the same time. :)

  36. Such a pretty coloured yarn. Can't wait to see the finished cowl!

  37. Gosh those colors are gorgeous! I've been wanting to read this book... glad to hear that you're enjoying it.


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