Yarn Along

My knitting this week has kicked of the holiday knitting fever that starts every year around this time.  My list is short so I am confident that I will get the knitting done in time for gift giving.  For the last few days I've been thinking of a shawl for my aunt and I knew I wanted to make the Multnomah but with what yarn? I unearthed this sock yarn and I cannot remember why I bought in in 2009.  It is not in the colors that I would enjoy.  However, my aunt would love the pastel hues!!  See.  That is why there is a substantial yarn stash in this house.  I feel like I saved some money by not going out (again) and shopping for wool.  You know I would buy something for me as well.  I just cannot resist, but resist I must for now.

I am over 100 pages into the new Rowling book and it's very well written and the way she unfolds the story is a lot like Maeve Binchy's writing (RIP).  However, this is not a happy book so far.  She is using many adjectives that make my heart a little heavy inside.  This little town that she is writing about has a lot of angst.  I think I've made peace with the fact that this isn't Harry Potter and I've gotten used to the potty language that is sprinkled at times through the book.  I do find myself wondering what is going to happen and that to me is the sign of a good plot.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. I really need to add that book to my stack (but I am afraid it might sit there for a while!).

    Isn't wonderful to find a new purpose for yarn?

  2. I am knitting basket deep into Christmas knitting too and really am having a hard time believing it is only two months away. I found myself having a strong desire to head to the LYS yesterday, you know, just to browse, but I was strong and just stayed home since really I don't have time for 'me' knitting. Your aunt is so blessed to have you.
    Sorry about the book. I have never read the Potter series, but all the boys did and loved it.

  3. I have one friend that told me she thought the start of Rowling's book was too sweary (and she's no prude) because it felt unnecessary and forced, as if the editors asked her to shout "THIS ISN'T A KIDS BOOK IN CASE YOU HADN'T NOTICED" just a bit too loud! But I hear that the story is very well structured, I look forward to finding out!

  4. Glad you found the perfect yarn for your aunt in your stash. The pattern you have picked is lovely. Glad to hear the book has you captivated. Wondering what's going to happen next in a book is a good sign indeed. I'm starting to stress a little about my lack of Christmas crafting. I'm trying to rectify that from this week on. Happy knitting and reading. Jacinta

  5. I'm glad you found perfect stash yarn for your project. That's always a good feeling :) I imagine Rowling had to go to great lengths to write something "different" after writing HP for so long. I'm really intrigued by it.

  6. It's so great when you can match a yarn to the recipient well eh, it looks lovely. I read a review about the Rowling book, which made me want to avoid it...glad you are enjoying the plot though, obviously her talent is shining through the, err, potty language! x

  7. good for you getting your Christmas knitting started! I need to do the same!!

  8. It sounds like you purchased that pastel yarn just for your aunt, even if you didn't know it at the time! :) She is going to love her shawl! Still on that library wait list for this book - so I'm living vicariously through you right now! :) Any comparison to Maeve Binchy is a really good thing.

  9. Good on you for starting your Christmas knitting and using your stash. Once you have finished you will have to reward yourself by replenishing your stash! :)

  10. that's going to be absolutely lovely---aunt will adore it I'm sure! I'm wishing I was more focused on the holiday knits than I've been instead of sucked up with the embroidery. I'll get back on track soon I hope!!!!!

  11. I love that pattern—I have it saved in my favorites, which means I probably saw it here at some point. You always seem to direct me toward pretty shawls… :)
    If you think Rowling's writing reminds you of Maeve Binchy, I might have to check that book out after all. She is (was? she still is, so I can use the present tense, right?) one of my all-time favorites. xo

  12. That yarn will make a lovely Multnomah. I have made a couple of those for gifts and they knit up quick enough, yet they look so intricate!

  13. Hmmm, I saw this book at the bookshop a few weeks back, but I was aprehensive. She is an amazing writer, but Harry Potter really changed my life (sad, I know!), and I don't know if I could separate the two! I'm knitting a few gifts too and so far have been able to use all stash yarn. However I will need to get some cottons to knit some dishcloths. I need to be strong and just stick to that though!

  14. Yay for finding the perfect yarn in your stash, I'm sure your aunt will love the Multnomah.

  15. Hmm..sounds interesting. I'm not sure if I need angst reading though. I'll wait until you finish. I do love some good stash diving for Christmas gifts. it does make me feel thrifty. Can' wait to see how the shawl turns out. It is a gorgeous pattern.

  16. see, i think i need to build my stash, because every time i get an idea, i have to go to a yarn store... and then you know, so much yarn. lol
    my husband is read the new JK book, he really likes it. i am not sure i can handle the angst yet.

  17. I need to build my yarn stash....need more wool and wool blends. I still haven't started on my Christmas projects. I started something a while ago, but haven't picked it back up.

  18. your new shawl is definitely pastel-- lucky you had that skein in your stash, though pity you couldn't go yarn shopping!

  19. Christmas presents already, oh the year is flying by ;( Love the shawl and have downloaded the pattern, I'm sure I can find some yarn in my stash.

  20. I looked at her book many many times and I wasn't too sure if I would enjoy it. I need happier books right now so I think I will wait a little.
    I love the colors of your shawl, so soft!

  21. i am awaiting your final verdict before i take the plunge and buy the book. see how much influence you have? ;-)

  22. I heard similar criticisms of the new book. My copy arrived from the library, but I'm not sure I want to start it.
    Yay for lovely projects from stash yarn! Those pastels are lovely. Glad your aunt will enjoy them.

  23. I'm about to start on some Christmas knitting myself, as soon as I finish up a sweater for my little man. :)

  24. I'm sure your Aunt will love the pattern and yarn. I've always wanted to knit the Multnomah. Someday I will find the time and the right yarn.

  25. Stashes are good! I am sure you Aunt will love the gift and I am sure you will finish it up quickly!

  26. What ? Maeve Binchy died? Where have I been?

  27. I just purchased the new Rowling book myself, and then read some pretty dismal reviews wich left me rethinking my purchase. I loved the Potter books, and was looking forward to an adult book, but so far it's been left untouched on the night stand. Maybe you can share what you think when you finish?

  28. The yarn is very pretty. Shopping the stash can be fun when there is something for everyone there.
    Lucky Aunt that will be. A lovely shawl.

  29. Gotta love finding yarn in your stash for a gift, I am sure your aunt will love it.

  30. Maeve is one of my very favorite story tellers, indeed RIP. I am going to have to check out this book. Lovely knitting project going on there, how could she not love it?

  31. it will make a great gift, and if the colors are what your aunt loves then that's even better!

  32. Glad you found a way to use up some of your stash!

  33. Everyone seems so much more ahead with their Christmas knitting than I am this year. I haven't even started yet. Hopefully I'll start next week as soon as Halloween is over. Beginning with socks. I haven't made any for ages but one Hannah saw the pair I planned to make for her, she sat next to me on the sofa and we spent a couple of happy hours looking at every single pair in my two new sock books. Now instead of having a pair for a stocking filler plus other gifts she has asked if this year she can just have socks. So looks like I have a sock knitting bonanza ahead...not sure if that's the correct word to use but it just sounded right. I can't wait.

    Looking forward to seeing how your aunties shawl turns out.
    Happy knitting.

  34. Yes started my holiday knitting too, socks for a friend
    Feels good to make a start

  35. thats so cool you could 'shop' your stash for the perfect yarn! lucky aunt, the shawl is going to be so pretty.

  36. Karen....glad you were able to use up some of your stash. I know you'll make the shawl beautiful no matter the color!

  37. Funny, I've been thinking about knitting a Multnomah myself, but with that yarn??? There's too many to choose from in my stash.


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