yarn along

Hello, I am happy to be blogging because you see, I've lost power on Monday night. Right now we are in a cheap hotel but and this is a most glorious but, I had a hot shower and I'm on the Internet and I have the news on.  My anxiety is through the roof. However my fingers are crossed that the power will be restored and all will be well.

I have a tiny confession, I quit reading A Casual Vacancy over the weekend. It was harsh writing for me. I did like the long list of characters and the nosy  little town. I did not like the excessive offensive language, I do like to sprinkle my sentences with sentence enhancers but this was too much for me.  I thought every character was so sad and it was causing me anxiety to read it, so I quit.

I started this book a few days ago and it's too early to opine.  My knitting is two lovely skeins of purple yarn. I'm alternating each row and doing garter stitch. Easy, mindless, and fun.

It's going to be a couple of days until I can visit your blogs but I am thinking of you all.  Keep your fingers crossed I can have power back soon.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. Karen, I had a feeling you lost power when I didn't 'see' you around yesterday. I am glad you are safe, warm and dry and hope your power is restored soon. I always pray for you and will continue to do so.
    Love your yarn, but then you always use the most delicious yarns!

  2. May your hotel stay help you relax a little and all my fingers are crossed that the power is restored soon. The yarn looks lovely and rich in colour. Happy knitting. Jacinta

  3. Tiger's Wife: strange one. Look forward to hearing what you think.

    Stay safe x

  4. So glad you are safe. My heart goes out to all affected by Sandy. Simple knitting is a salve for the anxious soul. blessings ~ tanna

  5. Life is too short for books you don't enjoy! Hope the power is back on soon.

  6. I started to get a little worried yesterday afternoon when I hadn't seen you anywhere around! I'm glad you were able to get to a hotel. My prayers are with you for peace and that you get home SOON!! Stay safe!

  7. Pretty purple! I hope your power is back soon and there was no damage. I have family in NYC and Philly and both are without power as well.

  8. I've been worried about you - I hope your power is back on soon. Love that purple yarn. I'm sorry you didn't like the Rowling book, but glad to hear your thoughts before I went looking for it. Be safe! xo

  9. You are so smart to go to a hotel - I hope the power comes back on for you very soon. I've been hearing some similar feedback on the Casual Vacancy - I think I'm still going to give it a shot, but only when I'm bound to be surrounded by puppies, chocolate cake, and other forms of happiness. :) Hang in there - and I'm so happy you could post today!

  10. lucky you were able to find a bed and hot shower! During our extended outage in '09 with the ice storm, we couldn't even GET to a hotel!! (We had gas logs and gas water and gas stove---we were absolutely fine for the week; we even had people showering in our bathroom; I most definitely didn't feel sorry for myself at all!!!)
    Hot shower---knitting---and a dry roof over your head--what more do you need??? Stay safe!

  11. I had been wondering how you fared in the storm. I'm glad you're able to wait it out with showers and the internet :) and I hope the power is back on soon. I love your yarns! Take care!

  12. Oh no! Hope you get power back soon, until then try to enjoy the room service ;)

  13. I'm glad you are staying warm and enjoying your knitting. I had heard that Vacancy was a huge departure from the norm for Rowling. With this review, I will likely avoid this read. Hugs... hope you are home safe and sound soon!

  14. Enjoy your hotel stay. I wondered if you had lost power when I saw the area map of people without power. Hopefully power was the only thing you lost (not trees or anything else.).

  15. I hope you guys have power back. We got ours back last night. I think if we were still out today I would have started going batty (yes, intentional pun).

    Happy Halloween!

  16. Very pretty yarn....hope you can get back home soon.

  17. i hope get your power back soon and your roof is ok. glad you got a place to stay.
    my husband is read the new JK book. he likes it, but i have heard before (like you said) it is a bit intense and there is lots of abuse. sometimes i just can't read that stuff. life itself can be super intense, my fiction doesn't have to be. enjoy the mindless knits. :)

  18. Karen, it has been too long. What a gorgeous new header you have. I am hopeful your power is restored soon. Eek! We had a discussion about Casual Vacancy yesterday. One of the mothers at the park was struggling to finish it. Another had read it, but didn't sound enthusiastic about it. I think I may skip it outright. I listened to an audio version of The Tiger's Wife and enjoyed it okay. I am not sure I do well with the magical mysticism.

  19. Oh! Hope you get power soon! Good for you for not spending time on a book that wasn't encouraging you in any way. I love the purple yarn!

  20. Oh, I hope your power is restored soon! We were lucky: we lost power around 5 o'clock on Monday, and it came back on at nine thirty the next morning. I was amazed at how much my life depends on power--I couldn't even use my gas stove for cooking!

    I think I would have stopped reading Casual Vacancy, too. Books can really influence my mood, and I have learned to avoid dark, depressing, or anxiety producing books. I had Tiger's Wife on my reading table for a while, but I never got around to actually reading it--you'll have to let me know how it is.

    I will be thinking of you and hoping that you will be able to return home soon <3

  21. hope you will be able to go home soon Karen!! Much love!

  22. I'm glad you are safe and warm. Hopefully you can return home soon. I think we've all read books that just don't jive with us and we have to put them down. Pretty yarn!

  23. Beautiful knitting!! I hope and pray you are able to get everything back in order soon!

  24. I am hoping you get power back and get home soon. I know how the power outage crazy goes. Sign. I am glad you are at a hotel, and have your knitting! Thinking of you!

  25. Is one of the skeins Mochi or Mini Mochi, by chance?

    Hope you get to return home soon! Be blessed!

    1. Yes! You've got an eye for yarn, I hope to update my ravelry acct once I have power.

  26. Glad you are safe and in warm in a hotel, hope you can go home soon. Take care.

  27. I totally get that---life is too short to read books you dislike!
    Glad you are warm and safe...hope you're not displaced too long!

  28. I always feel guilty if I don't finish a book, but it's silly to spend time reading something you don't enjoy!
    I hope you're going to have your power back soon, and can enjoy hot showers in your own home..

  29. I used to feel guilty when I didn't finish a book, but I got over it. I bought the book to entertain me and if it's not doing the job, why should I waste my time? I hope you are still safe and sound and get to go home soon to minimal damage. Sandy was a cruel storm.

  30. hope your power is back soon.
    for now, enjoy the hot showers, new book, and internet connection:)

  31. well here it is monday and I am finally getting to visit....our power was finally restored Sunday afternoon.......6 full days of no power!! It was an adventure for sure but with a borrowed generator we managed to survive! I did get a lot of knitting done an will share at this weeks yarn along.....hope you are home and safe and warm!!!

  32. Oh I was wondering how you and your husband (and Frodo!) were doing.. thank you for the update!


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