Only a Dusting

Last night the trusty weather man predicted only a dusting maybe an inch all to end by nine in the morning.  It is now nearly noon and it is STILL snowing and we have about three inches.  The photos were snapped at the crack of dawn (7 a.m.) when I went to get the paper with Frodo.  I bundled up and grabbed the camera.

The kids are now safely back at their schools and I have reclaimed my clean house.  It is eerily quiet, almost too quiet.  Why is it when they are here I want quiet and when they're gone I could do with a bit of chit chat in the background?  It's a mystery that is unsolvable.  So isn't it nice that nature decided to gift me with a beautiful scenery to accompany my too quiet house.

I'm thinking it's a chili making kind of day with some wooly knitting.  I've started some fetching mitts for the dog groomer and her assistant as Christmas gifts.  I love my pair and wear them all the time!!


  1. Snow! How beautiful. We haven't seen snow in two years. Samuel has never played in it....he was too young to remember our trip back to Ohio. Chili and wool knitting sound great. Enjoy!

  2. ah, i want some snow too!! beautiful!

  3. snow. so lovely. i always like how quiet the world seems when it is snowing.
    chili sounds perfect, enjoy.

  4. It's just beautiful, really beautiful.
    I have been in and out of boring ol' rain today, it's not beautiful.
    Snowing outside, knitting inside and chili simmering on the stove
    sounds like heaven to me, enjoy!

  5. It was 63 and beautiful on SU. Yesterday's high was 36 and grey. I worked on my stash busting blanket in the basement while C watched some sprout TV. No snow though which was kind of a disappointment.

  6. All these pictures of snow today! I've spent the majority of my life in Florida (though I do remember those Oklahoma winters of my youth). B and I have been talking recently about where we'll move when we can. He likes the cold and I want sheep. I see snow in our future. It makes me chilly just thinking about it. (:

  7. I was bummed, we were just west of the snow! I seriously need snow.

  8. BEAUTIFUL photos today Karen! Wow.

  9. I want to be your next door neighbor!! Look at that snow! beautiful!

  10. It's so pretty, it looks like wonderland! A perfect mitten knitting backdrop x

  11. The snow looks so peaceful. We are still waiting for our turn. We were supposed to get a dusting last night, but it missed us.

  12. so jealous of your snow, Karen! we've had icy windshields the last few days but that's about the only sign of winter so far

    thanks for posting some wintery photos ~ I can imagine the silence that comes with this weather ~ I love how sounds become crisp and soft and muffled in the cold air

    I miss the east coast sometimes!

  13. What a beautiful scene. Darn I tell you it was 80 degrees today! I often stop myself from wishing the noise away. I wonder what a quiet house will really feel like. Glad everyone is back to school safely. Hope your chili was delicious.


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