Random Reflections

This week I've been so thankful for the bit of snow that greeted me in the morning and fell most of the day, defying the forecaster's predictions.  I will ignore the warmer temperatures this weekend and hope for more snow in the weeks to come.  I just love looking at the holiday decorations in the evening, it seems so cozy!  I've pulled out the Christmas mugs and my tea just taste better because of it!

I am one of those people who loves the dark evenings that creep up closer to dinner time.  I've missed walking Frodo after dinner and we haven't established a before dinner walk.  In time, it will happen.  Suddenly Frodo seems to be unpuppylike for most of the day.  Yes, he does funny little things but his napping is more frequent.  I'm not complaining, just noticing.

I am thankful for:  cranberry bread warm from the oven, checking off items on my l-o-n-g to do list, advent calendars, twinkling lights, crossword puzzles, secret shopping, and the free advent reflection booklet my church distributed :)

Have a lovely weekend!!


  1. Karen, I think in a past life you and I were sisters, I too am thankful for the things on your list, except crossword puzzles, I like word searches!
    There is something so cozy about preparing dinner with the darkness closing in and if I had snow it would be just perfect.

  2. i am one of those people who loves the dark evenings coming earlier too. it just feels so very cozy :)
    happy weekend to you!

  3. it's such a good nesting time.....dark days, firelit nights. (Of course, we have 70 degrees predicted this weekend....sort of going to mess up my fireplace fires!!!)

  4. I'm thankful for the things on your list too. Except I'm with Tracey on the word searches.
    Happy cozy weekend :)

  5. Dark evenings are so lovely, so very cozy.

    Happy weekend.

  6. I do love the darker days especially because we have a fireplace in this house and it makes it all the more cozier :) Happy Friday to you :)

  7. I heartily agree with you and the darker days. I love the coziness of the season and having everyone burrowing in. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. yes, i love the darker days. so glad to know i'm not alone in this!

  9. I love the winter months also.Sure wish we would get some snow here in Colorado.

  10. Love the cosy evenings too. Well done for getting through your to-do list, I seem to be queen of procrastination at the moment!

  11. I've been on the lookout for new mugs. I'm drinking so much more tea lately!

  12. Oooh, I can't imagine it snowing! We are having a heat wave here in Queensland, Australia. I'm melting! :)

  13. Oh, lucky, you got snow! Here we are in NH and have had barely any. It sounds like Christmas is well underway in your house and I'm sure it's lovely. Have a great weekend, Karen!

  14. Snow, how exciting! I hope your check list is ever decreasing in size. Have a beautiful weekend. Jacinta

  15. Can you send some snow to Ohio, please? I am totally ready for some of that. Oh and some cranberry bread. Please and thank you. :-)

  16. Wow, Karen, I don't know how I got so far behind in reading your blog! You've been very busy though, and I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Love your little stockings. Isn't Baby Ull great? What size needle did you use? I've noticed that the Dale Garn sweater patterns call for itty bitty ones and that sure takes a while to knit.

  17. Your posts are so cozy! I am definitely craving snow - that's a big reason we moved to this part of the world! But we keep getting cold spells mixed with warm spells and it just isn't in the cards for us yet, I guess...I will just have to live vicariously through you! :)

  18. wish snow would make it's appearence here too... loving your thankful list! enjoy your weekend Karen!!

  19. We have no snow and it's been in the 60's. Not that I'm complaining about that but it doesn't seem to be December with no snow. And the ski areas are needing some in a serious way. I agree with you about the darkness early. I appreciate it staying lighter in the summer, but there is something about when it is cold outside being able to hunker down inside with tea and yarn.

  20. Sounds like you are really settling in nice to Winter and the Holidays.
    We've had rain, rain and more rain here. Not nearly as fun as snow...but it's "Winter" for us.

  21. snow!!!! beautiful. i so hope we'll get some this year!

  22. Snow! Oh my...jealous over here. 63 today in Iowa today, crazy.

  23. Okay - I'm jealous! My girls are just dying for our first snowfall ;o)


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