Sea Shell Shawl Complete

I finished this shawl before the storm but had to wait until power was restored to block it.  I am not a pastel loving person but I think this shawl came out beautifully and I think my aunt will love it.

What's nice is that it is a cotton wool blend so maybe just maybe it could be worn year round without being overly hot.  The pattern is Mulnomah and I think it would be a good intermediate level knit.  Beginners who are adventurous could give it a try, why not?

Oh and could someone tell me why with all my holiday music in the mornings I have THIS song  (be forewarned it is a video) song stuck in my head??? Oh and it might get stuck inside your head too :D


  1. That is so beautiful - your aunt will love it, I'm sure.
    Not clicking on your link because the last thing I need is another earworm… ;) xo

    1. You should click on it anyways, it's a good song to have in your head!

  2. The shawl is so beautiful! HAHAHA about the song!! Ree enjoyed it! :-D

  3. Oh, wow! This is so pretty! I love pastel colors :D

  4. It's very pretty Karen and your aunt is going to love it.
    Oh, and I clicked the link, yeap, the song is now in my
    head now!

  5. I actually quite love the colours and I'm sure the recipient is going to love it too! Beautiful shawl!

  6. Now that's a tongue-twister: sea shell shawl. It even twists my brain up when I say it in my head. (:

  7. it's beautiful karen, and what a special gift it will make, i am sure she will cherish it!

  8. It's beautiful! Your aunt certainly will love it :)

  9. That came out beautiful. I love Multnomah. Such a great pattern. Those colors look great. Very subtle so you can really appreciate the pattern. She will love it!

  10. it's lovely karen! i know your aunt will love it :)

  11. Havent seen that movie in years and now I'll be singing that song all day :) Oh how I wanted to be her! lol! And the shawl is such a beautiful pattern! Love it!

    1. I think I'm too old to be Belle :/ But a girl can dream!!

  12. so pretty karen, and i bet it soothed you well during the storm. i'm glad you were all okay.

  13. it's already done? that was fast! it looks fantastic!

  14. So lovely! I've been circling around this pattern for months after finishing the slightly similar Whippoorwill pattern over the summer. I never do pastels either, but this looks dreamy...

  15. That is my favorite Disney movie. Who doesn't love a princess that loves books!

  16. LOVE the shawl! I am not usually a pastel person either, but I do agree that this turned out beautifully. Your aunt will love it. The kids and I have been playing Christmas music around here...but only when my husband is at work. He thinks we're nuts!

  17. What a beautiful shawl. I am afraid this beginner is still scared of circular needles and stitch markers... :(

    I watched the video, so now I have the song in my head too :) I forgot how much I liked the songs from some of the Disney films, I haven't seen any of them for years! (being as my son in now 21).

  18. It looks so pretty now that it's all knitted up what a lovely gift. I've haven't knitted a shawl yet but I really like this. Now I can just link over from yours to remember the pattern name when I get around to making one.

  19. Turned out so beautiful... such soft and serene colors...
    Okay, now I'll be having the Beauty and Beast soundtrack playing all day! ;)

  20. Oh, Karen!! It's lovely!!! Aunt will surely adore it!!!
    I was sort of wishing the link worked for me this morning....for some reason, I've got the Muppets (manumbadum???) song running in my head this morning....where did THAT come from?

  21. I'm sure your aunt will be delighted! It's knitted up beautifully. Jacinta

  22. Goodness, I missed this Karen. It's perfect. What a beautiful and most generous gift to make and give :D

  23. wow!
    I love pastel colors and this shawl is very beautiful!!
    I hope your aunt have enjoyed it!


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