
Say hello to my friend, he's been hanging around our yard.  I was thrilled to sneak out the side door and snap three photos.  After the first one, he stared at me (perfectly) while I captured the moment.  I hope he can make it through hunting season.

The hurricane came and went, and as quickly as the event occurred, my life is back to a normal routine.  I am still ever so thankful for my electricity and my water.  That is probably going to be a lasting feeling in the coming days.  From what we could see, we do have some downed trees but they are way in our woods so we won't be doing anything about them.

Yesterday was quite relaxing. I began the big chore of going through a year's worth of photos to make photo books and a calendar for family members.  Today I'll begin the editing.  It's fun to go through the whole year and notice what I was reading, knitting or seeing through the lens of the camera.

This morning I broke down and turned on the Christmas music.  Oh. the. JOY!  There is nothing like holiday music to put you in a good mood and a festive mood as well.  I wrote my list of what I would like to make in the next two months, very doable so far.  Now perhaps a tiny snowflake could appear?
(without catastrophic weather).

Oh and guess what? The kids will be home for the Thanksgiving break.  My son is currently making arrangements for transportation from friends in our area. My daughter will be here slightly longer since she doesn't have classes on Monday.  I am looking forward to seeing both of them.

My new discovery since I threw everything away in the refrigerator is olive oil and balsamic vinegar on my salad.  I have cut the tethers to dressings in bottles that HAVE to be refrigerated.  I was going to take a photo of interior of the frig to show you all how barren it is, but I rethought that maybe it would be kind of weird.  Let's just say, I love how clean my refrigerator is!!!

Well there are dishes to be washed and laundry to be done.  How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. hello, Mr Deer :) ~ what a majestic fellow (great capture, Karen!)

    glad you did well through the storm and your fridge is clean!


  2. That is a fantastic picture!
    YAY for everyone being home over Thanksgiving! I'm ready for Christmas music too. I know what you mean about it lifting up your spirits. It's awesome!

  3. I am so glad the storm hasn't affected you too much. We have downed tree but they have missed the house. We had power the whole time which was a blessing.
    Our weekend is about slowly getting back into a normal life. I plan on drinking tea and knitting a little.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Awesome dee picture, it is so beautiful! Glad you are back to normal!

  5. I am so happy your babies are going to be home for Thanksgiving, you must be so excited!
    I love olive oil and vinegar on my salad. Right now I am following a version of Whole30 [without the meat] and using evoo and raw vinegar, yum.
    Great shot of the buck and I hope he makes it too!

  6. oh wow! a deer on your property! and your kids home for thanksgiving. such a blessing. enjoy all your preparations!

  7. Love the picture. It sounds like your holidays will be wonderful and full of family.

  8. So awesome you will have your kids home for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your week.

  9. That picture is beautiful! And how wonderful to get time with your kiddos and a little extra with your daughter :) I'm so looking forward to the holidays this year and all the family time it is filled with :) Hope your week is wonderful!

  10. I appreciate your post about the storm and the things you are grateful for in spite of everything. You are so right about having too much food in the refridgerator/freezer. My husband and I just had that conversation over the weekend and vowed to "clean up" our fridge and freezer and not "horde" so much in there. I love the picture of the stag....that is so cool to have in in your yard. Great news that your kids will be home for Thanksgiving!

  11. so glad to hear life is back to normal....always looking for those silver linings.....clean frig!!!! (I must admit, ours was never better than it was after the ice storm!)
    i've got my fingers crossed that your 'pet' deer survives!! He's beautiful!

  12. love. love. love balsamic vinegar and olive oil on my salads!! it is just so clean tasting and light! very happy for you to have both children home for thanksgiving! always thankful for time with children. blessings ~ tanna
    ps wish you had been here for the canton visit, too!

  13. I love oil and vinegar on my salads... and on french or italian bread! YUM! Glad you are one that doesn't have a ton of clean up... have a great week!

  14. What a beauty. I hope he makes it through the hunting season too.

  15. The photo book is such a fantastic idea. Every year I think that I should make one, yet I never seem to find the time. Maybe this will be the year!
    ps- I love when my fridge looks barren too! Its not so confusing trying to see what you have to work with! ;)

  16. I love seeing all the deer in our little yard and I can't imagine how anybody could kill them. A hunter I will never be.

    I'm starting to decide what I can make for the holidays myself. It's going to be a small list this year, as I started so late and my time is limited.

    Go ahead - take a picture of the refrigerator. I'd love to see what a clean one looks like!

  17. christmas music already? my kids would be at your door in a heartbeat if they knew :)

    i make our dressing, sometimes with balsamic but usually with champagne vinegar, occasionally with apple cider vinegar.

  18. What an amazing deer, quite the poser! Have a good thanksgiving, it is a holiday that has always intrigued me, the only purpose seems to be to eat and be with family, whats not to like! I think we should start celebrating it x

  19. Great photo of the dear. When we first were married, we had a fawn that would hang around the center court right in front of our apartment. If only smartphones were around then. So happy goodwill be with your children on Thanksgiving. I won't make any snarky comments about your caving to the Christmas music already ;)

  20. I would have watched him for a long time, too. His antlers look like they're giving a hug.

  21. I'd like my fridge to be clean. You are in the Christmas mood aren't you!

  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one playing an occasional Christmas tune already! You must be so happy to have power and water again, I hope you get plenty of relaxing time to enjoy it...

  23. You and my husband?!?! He was playing the Christmas music this weekend as well. I love it, but not until after Thanksgiving....that's my preference anyway. Mine is coming home for Thanksgiving AND bringing the new girlfriend....hmmm. Should be interesting. I'm waiting for the snow too...

  24. So glad to hear that you're alright, Karen! Although, I'm so sorry there were some rough days and lots of food that went into the trash. You are doing an admirable job of seeing the silver lining, though. :) You captured a beautiful photo of your wildlife visitor!

  25. It sounds like you have so many wonderful things going on! The holidays are the best and I'm so happy they've come around again. :) And I love your deer - he is so majestic!

  26. That deer is beautiful...we sometimes get little Monkjack deers in ours but nothing so majestic as yours.

    Glad to hear things are getting back to normal. It's weird because we have no water today due to some repairs in the village and the electricity kept cutting out last week due to an internal problem. I was able to be much more empathetic...kind of as though it was happening in sympathy with your experiences over there.


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