
This weekend was filled with:

-lots and lots of walking, the weather is beautiful and the scenery lovely!
-seeing pink sunrises (without a camera)
-seeing the moon and stars on clear nights (without a camera)
-contemplating running for a camera and just giving in to enjoying the moment
-spotting the BIGGEST pigeon ever!  It looked like a chicken!
-finishing knitting stocking ornaments (phew!)
-eating dill pickles, yum.
-finalizing who is picking up which kid this week and when

how was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Dill pickles! I may have to go fridge diving now! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. i bet that was a turkey in disguise (they are all running scared about now, you know!)
    glad you had a great weekend!!!!

  3. I am so glad to hear you are having some beautiful weather, it's about time for y'all to catch a break. I am thankful for the rain today, we have been so dry and I worry about the water table [I have a well for water].
    I love, love dill pickles and have been putting them in my salads, so good.

  4. What a blissful weekend!
    Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!

  5. i remember the weather after hurricane earl being so beautiful on st. maarten and people saying that beautiful weather follows a storm like that. interesting. would love to see your little christmas ornament knits!

  6. Ahh, sounds like a lovely weekend.

  7. I've been there with wanting to grab the camera. Beautiful weather is always welcome.

  8. Enjoying some beautiful weather here, too... without a camera! ;) Yea for picking up kids! blessings ~ tanna

  9. I frequently don't have my camera. Or I have my phone, but the camera isn't on. And it's usually when C is doing something funny or cute. Then I can't get her to do it again!

  10. I took hardly any pictures either this weekend. I am so bad with that!

  11. Have fun with your kids this week, friend!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. all the walking sounds good. as does seeing all the natural beauty around you without a camera in hand. sometimes, you just need to unplug.

    enjoy your kids!!!

  13. I love the empty handed walks....sometimes it hurts when I see a beautiful moment I want to capture in film and I don't have my camera, but to be able to fill the space with just the moment in hand is a beautiful lesson in letting go. XO

  14. I'm so glad you took the time to enjoy those moments for yourself!


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