A Purple Scarf

This week I'm working on a simple scarf with an easy cable and lace pattern from my imagination.  With only 37 stitches on the needles it should be going faster than it is.  I had a hiccup with some arm pain, but I think I know what caused it.  One word:  posture.  As in how I sit on the love seat.  Oh to be 20 years old again and sit any which way for hours with not one little ache or pain.  I should have appreciated my pliable body more back then.  Anyways, the yarn is Cascade 220 a basic yarn that can do incredible projects.

My book this week, is the new Anne Lamott book Help Thanks Wow.  It is wonderful to read, her writing is fresh and real and you feel like she is just sitting across from you at a cafe table having a personal chat.  I love her reflections about God and her universal stance on life.  This is a great little book to pick up if you want to get a sense of her writing style.  I highly recommend it!

On Friday I will be getting my daughter who only has two weeks off.  Her finals schedule was quite long and strenuous (law school).  So for two weeks everyone will be here and I'm looking forward to it.  Yes even the noise and chaos!! I still have baking to do and cleaning, but then who doesn't??

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. That looks like a beautiful rich colour. Hope the pain eases soon. Yes, lots of baking and always cleaning to do! Enjoy having your family with you to celebrate. :)

  2. The pattern is very pretty. I hear you about how we sit when we knit. I usually get a pain in my neck and shoulders and right now my hips are hurting, guess I sat too long on a not so comfortable chair. Oh the joys of not being 20 anymore. :-) Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Love the colour of the scarf, so rich :)

  4. Ever since you introduced me to Anne Lamott I have loved her and will have to find a copy of her new book to read, it looks wonderful.

  5. Oh, I love that scarf! I hope you'll share the pattern when you're finished…
    So glad to hear you're getting your daughter home for a bit. I remember when I was in school, how much I loved going home for the holidays. (But oh, how I hated the exams that came beforehand! I'm having flashbacks…) xo

  6. It looks so pretty! Cascade is one of my favorites. My SIL just finished law school. I bet she's glad for the 2 week break and to be home.

  7. I love the purple of the scarf! I hope the pattern works itself from your imagination to paper some day ;-)
    I'm reading the same book!! And enjoying what little I've read of it so far.
    I'm finding I'm having problems with my back. I couldn't figure out what's going on with it. Until my husband pointed out last night my horrible posture while sitting at the computer. I think maybe this means there's been too much computer! Enjoy the time with your daughter!! (And son too!)

  8. Lovely scarf, the pattern is pretty and the colour fab! I often find that scarves take me 10x longer than anything else, and I cannot understand why. Have fun with your daughter, we having baking to do too!

  9. The scarf will be lovely. I wish I were 20 again too. I moved a lot better back then :) I know you will enjoy having everyone home. I have. One more Christmas gift to finish and then I'm done!

  10. gosh, darn---we did it again.....i'm working on purple, too (although mine are socks--started eons ago, or so it seems!!!) As long as i'm wishing, I think i'll wish for the body i had 40 years ago!!! (I just got thrown out of the yoga class and demoted---back to physical therapy. DRAT.)

    you are the second person i've seen today reading that book......must find it!!! sounds good.

  11. Enjoy your family time! Hope your arm behaves itself; pilates has helped my flexibility a whole lot. Ann's other books are great also; have you read Operating Instructions? BTW, great scarf!

  12. don't you love getting those college kids home. my daughter came home on saturday. happy happy.

  13. Pretty scarf. I want to try that Cascades 220 soon. Sorry about your arm pain....I used to have great posture and now I slouch constantly. Bet you're excited to have your daughter home from college soon.

  14. Have a very blessed week before Christmas! The scarf is such a beautiful color. Tami

  15. Yay for family time! Your scarf looks amazing - I love that pattern!

  16. Such a beautifully designed scarf!! I love the rich purple color!

  17. A beautiful scarf! Enjoy the family time and all the comes with it.

  18. A beautiful purple scarf. I love those cables. I am not loving that you are having some pain. :( Ann L. is a wonder. I remember those law school exams - booooo! I know she will do well and you all will have a wonderful time together.

  19. Lovely scarf and sounds like interesting reading too. I bet you can't wait for Friday. Happy holidays.

  20. Oh, enjoy your daughter. I bet you two will have a lot of fun.

  21. I love the scarf pattern! And the color is lovely.

  22. ooh lovely colour and pattern. Happiness and joy for the season, may it be merry

  23. What a pretty scarf. Purple is a great color. I really want to read that book, but I haven't read Some Assembly yet! Ugh! So many books, so little time!

  24. Ooh that purple looks yummy. I have the posture issue, too, but I think cables/lace always go slower than we expect because you have to keep going back and referring to the pattern on every row.

  25. gasp! a new anne lamott! i didn't know. what a great surprise. i'm a huge fan. love cascade 220 too. : ) merry christmas karen!

  26. Oh my word. I LOVED this book. I accompanied my read with a heavy dose of dark chocolate:) XO

  27. Nice scarf! I hope your aches and pains feel better soon. Have a great time getting your daughter tomorrow! (I didn't know Anne Lamont had that one out....I'll have to check it out.)

  28. Your scarf pattern is beautiful, Karen! Sure hope your arm pain is resolved soon. I know just what you mean about the posture thing... find myself sitting slumped with shoulders rolled forward while clicking away with my needles... then I notice my neck is hurting. Sit up straight and amazingly I feel much better. Those dowager hump postures are not a good thing. LOL! Now, how did I ever get to that place??

    I love Anne Lamott. Her writing is like a breath of fresh air. Enjoy your chaos. I know you will. blessings and Merry Christmas ~ tanna

  29. It's a lovely yarn, right? The scarf is looking great - you are so creative with your patterns!


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