Snowflakes and Winter

My days have been quiet and filled with peace.  I always relish the days when I haven't a worry or care in the world.  Every single day should be like that.  So I savor those non-stressed days and bank up that contentment feeling for when the storms brew in my head.

I just love these "charlie brown christmas trees" in my yard.  We have many and they always make me smile.  I imagine a very large heavy ornament pulling their tender trunks towards the earth.  While my husband and kids were snowblowing and shoveling and sledding, Frodo and I did a walkabout to document the snow fall.  He loves when I grab the camera!

Soon the end of the year will arrive and resolutions come to my mind.  I could list so many tiny goals and invent more and more.  I could be more productive, healthier, knit more (love that one) and organize this house from top to bottom.

However, I just want to be in any moment in fullness and appreciate the beauty.  I want all my moments captured in photos or words.

I wish for all of you a peaceful happy and joyful new year!!


  1. I am so happy you have snow Karen, it is beautiful! Happy New Year to you, it's going to be a great year.

  2. Karen, you have such a lovely and peaceful blog. I love reading it! I really appreciate your goal of a quiet, peaceful and contented life. Me too! Blessings from above for the times when the storms brew in your head.....I know what that is like!! Blessings, blessings, blessings!

  3. It all looks so beautiful. Wishing you all the best in the year to come. Happy New Year!

  4. There is something so calm and peaceful about a snowy yard and the sound made when you first step into it.

  5. Wishing you peace as well Karen. So much snow in those pics, I love it from afar. :)

  6. Happy New Year to you! May you have peace and contentment everyday

  7. Savor!! I hope you enjoy the peacefulness these moments instilled throughout every day of 2013!! Happy New Year, Karen! blessings ~ tanna
    ps... I'm still coveting those mitts. going to have to add them to the 2013 queue. ;)

  8. Lovely snow pics! How wonderful that you are feeling calm and peaceful! Savour that! Thanks for being part of my online mama/knitter community that i cherish so much in 2012! Looking forward to an inspiring 2013. All the best from my family to yours! Sylvia

  9. So jealous of that snow!!! We've been teased with a few flakes but I was told that I shouldn't talk about my family that way ;) Happy New Year Sweet Lady!!!

  10. Your snow!!!! Beautiful!!! Ours is just about gone, but I savored the moments we had it!! I just love winter!!!! Isn't sooooo hard for me to 'live in the moment', but such a good thing to strive for. A good thing to add to the resolution list!
    Happy New Year, friend!!!

  11. Happy New Year Karen. Wishing you and your family all the best for 2013!

  12. Happy New Year Karen! May all of your hopes be lit, may all of your dreams soon shine...XO

  13. What breathetaking photographs Karen. It looks amazing...apparently there is snow on the way here too...I hope so I love that peaceful whiteness that it brings.
    Hope it's a good one.

  14. Lovely photos! Glad your are feeling so peaceful....sounds like you have a a great little list going for your 2013 goals. Happy New Year, Karen!

  15. May the New Year bring you all the peace and happiness you deserve!

  16. So much peace in this post Karen :). I hope you had a wonderful new year and that you can knit till your heart's content!!
    And I love the view out your window! What a beautiful place you live in...
    Happy New Year!

  17. How I would love to come visit you with all that snow!! HappyNew Year!


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