The Slow Down

We are all just hanging out and relaxing, enjoying our time with one another.  Yesterday went by so fast and in between the opening of presents and the forever cooking in the kitchen (and the cleaning), I managed to sit and knit and just BE.  It felt good and I felt so happy.

I am tolerating the mess on the coffee table brilliantly.  Even Frodo looks like he is stunned by it.  It just wouldn't be Christmas without that big old pile of mess.

Some yarns that have been knitted with and that blue is going to be a wurm hat eventually.  Haven't started it yet but I love looking at it.

While cooking I managed to ball up two more skeins for my sweater that has been idle on the needles.  Every day my forearm feels better and I think it was more arthritis symptoms than abuse.  Let's just say I like to think it isn't from over knitting-tsk tsk tsk-that is like swearing.  Seriously I am happy with the amount that I can knit comfortably.

How was your Christmas??


  1. Good for you for slowing down.
    I'm trying to do that too, I'm horrible at it. I did manage to lie still in bed and read for a half an hour this morning. That was a real wonder for me.

  2. So glad you are able to slow down. So are we today, I'm not even dressed yet ;) going to see Lincoln this afternoon then home for left overs..........better go shower now.

  3. It seems you has a wonderful Christmas and a turkey dinner, hmmmm - looks yummy..Have a nice time ahead...

  4. It all looks so lovely and homely and cosy. The turkey looks perfect. Glad you relaxed and enjoyed it. Ours was a good one too.

    Enjoy more happy days,

  5. Sounds like a perfect Christmas Day, Our table wouldn't be safe like that - I am very impressed with your dog just looking and not touching.
    Love leanne New Zealand

  6. looks like Santa was very very good to you all!!! (Is that a grey furry something I spotted??? for Frodo??? Freddy just barely sneaked onto the 'nice' list and scored a few toys that are just about history already!)

  7. Merry Christmas! It looks like you had a wonderful day. I can relate to the mess on the table. When I return home from work today I will have to tackle the same mess. Enjoy the next few relaxing days!

  8. Merry Christmas, Karen. I'm so glad that your holiday was yarn filled and peaceful. I wish our days had been more like that!

  9. Sounds like you had a good day! I wish we could have had a day to just sit and be and watch C play with her new baby. We still had a great holiday. It was just BUSY!

  10. Looks like a lovely holiday for you, very relaxing

  11. Looks like a really nice Christmas! I'll be posting about ours in a day or two. Relax and enjoy the rest of the week.

  12. Fab time - enjoying the slow days here. Just been reading somewhere that it is bad luck to knit for others from Christmas Day to 12th Night - it's fine to knit for yourself though xxx

  13. Looks like a perfect Christmas, Karen... just makes me smile to see all the yarn... the knitting book... the beautiful knits... Yours is a home that delights my soul. We enjoyed the chaos of grands! And, what a joy it was! Wishing you and yours all the best 2013 has to offer ~ tanna

  14. That's great news, that your arm isn't cramping your knitting style. And you look to have had a lovely Christmas. Even the handsome Frodo looks rested and relaxed :D

  15. Looks like your Christmas was wonderfully sweet! I'm finally back and checking in on all my favorite blogs :) I loved the picture of Frodo :) He does look stunned! Haha!

  16. Looks like a lovely holiday. Sounds like you enjoyed every minute of it.


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