Yarn Along

I have to be completely honest, my knitting has been quite minimal since Saturday due to overdosing on knitting projects.  The good news is that because I have been barely knitting my forearms are almost as good as new!  I have my barnacle sweater on the needles, working on the body.  I savor every single stitch.  The yarn is Quince and Co. Tern and the pattern is here.

The socks are for my daughter for Christmas IF I finish them. She bought the yarn years ago with the hopes of knitting a stripy scarf.  So it sat in my stash and I saw a pair of socks instead.  If you knew her you would say "that is her colorway"!  I am not that fond of the colorway.

I continue to read A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg.  I've read it before and it's a good book to read during the holiday season.  The book in the photo Life is a Verb by Patti Digh was a gift from my sister.  She saw me flipping through it during our shopping expeditions.  Sneaky sneaky little elf.  I've been reading a bit here and there, I love how there are many journal prompts and great reflections.

Oh and a new pattern is available for free here or in Ravelry..

What are you reading and knitting?

Joining Ginny


  1. Glad your arms are feeling better. The socks look great and I'm sure will be finished at just the right time ! Great sweater pattern, I really like Quince and Co., their yarns and patterns are yummy eye candy to me.

    Take care

  2. I have wanted to read Life is a Verb for ages, and am so glad to hear it's a 'good one'. You have a great sister!
    I really do like your daughter's colorway, I like all colors, much to my daughter's horror when I wear some together! ;)

  3. I am trying to make my husband a simple hat with my new knitting loom. I am running into a learning curve but with persevere! The book looks like a good one I would like. Glad your arms are feeling better. Do take care!

  4. I'm so glad your knitting injury is healing itself! I love that colorway for the socks - so bright & cheerful… and of course that Quince & Co. is phenomenal…
    That book sounds amazing! I may have to add it to my wish list. You always have the best suggestions! xo

  5. Ooh, I can almost reach out and touch that barnacle sweater and I can tell it feels good!!

  6. Life is a Verb.....interesting. It's now queued! Love the socks---and Rachel will love them whenever they get done!!! Hope the arm continues to improve.....safe travels today!

  7. Ohh I like the colorway! I usually wear subdued colors. Then I began knitting socks & fell in love with all the bright sock yarn! So for socks I go all out. Sweaters & shirts still not so much!

  8. Glad your knitting injuries are starting the heal. I hate when that happens.

  9. I really enjoyed Life Is A Verb as well. I think the stripey yarn is perfect for socks. Good luck getting them finished. I'm glad your arms are doing better!

  10. I think I'm going to have to read that book!

  11. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Did you want to knit more because you weren't letting yourself? That's how I was...silly, really. I am impatiently waiting for you to finish that sweater....it's so pretty and I want your take on it before I invest. The socks are fab!!

  12. Good to know a few days of rest helped your arms. I like the colorway your daughter chose, but I'm not really seeing it as a scarf either.

  13. ooooh. that book sounds good. hmmm, going to have to stick that on my list. and i lve that sock colorway, lol, i think people would say that about me as well.

  14. Glad your arms are better - they certainly do a power of knitting! Interesting looking book which I need to investigate xx

  15. So glad you are on the mend. After a flurry of crocheting snowflakes, my forearm started to hurt. I decided to also take a bit of a break. The colorway for the socks is fun - a bit clownfish-esque. I heard Patti speak at our local bookstore last year. She is quite inspirational.

  16. Glad you are taking it easy! My boys would love that colorful yarn!

  17. I love the stripey socks. I hope you get them done in time - they are just so fun.

  18. Glad your arm is feeling better. A couple weeks ago I stopped knitting for a few days because my wrists were hurting. Love the stockings and the socks...you use such tiny needles! I prefer the bigger ones :)

  19. I love the stripes in your socks!! Great colors.

  20. the stripes in the sock almost match the stripes on the top of the book cover! serendipity strikes again :)

  21. yikes!! I didn't know you could get a knitting injury?? Glad that you are on the mend! Tricia @ crunchycatholicmomma.blogspot

  22. My arms are so tired right now too! I'm looking forward to finishing up my Christmas knitting and taking a (little) break. The stripey socks are fun, but I know what you mean about being perfect for someone else! My daughter has lovely taste (at six), but we definitely lean towards different colors...it's been a good exercise in broadening my horizons! ;)

  23. Glad you are feeling more able to knit! Those socks are looking lovely, and I bet it feels nice to nearly have that skein of "not your colors" out of the stash :)

  24. Life is a Verb looks AMAZING! Right up my alley. I love how your daughter's socks nearly match the top of the book - made me smile. :)

  25. Though I haven't tried knitting, I enjoy seeing your knitting projects in this blog. And... that book seems interesting to me. :)

  26. I'm glad your knitting injury is healing and you're able to work on those beautiful socks and sweater. I think the colors of the socks are great!

  27. So glad you are feeling back to normal! And that Life as a Verb book looks really neat - I'll have to see if I can find a copy to flip through. :)

  28. What fun socks! And Life is a Verb!? I have to find that book!

  29. I love the sock yarn, fun colour! Glad to hear your forearms are feeling better.

  30. Those colours are perfect for socks.
    Glad your arms are ready for some more stitches.
    Enjoy the reading.

  31. I'm so glad your arms are feeling better! Sounds like a good book - I love some good reflections.

  32. That book must go on my list! I love the socks, I just completed one! Now to knit the other one.

  33. What colorful knitting! And I LOVE that book....so much goodness to read, ponder, and live!


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