Blue Skies

Yesterday became a day that you just soak up and enjoy.  The sky was brilliantly blue and the temperature was perfect for a walk.  I find that I look down more than I look up while walking, probably to avoid stumbling about in the world.  However looking up sometimes gives me a happy feeling and a sense of wonder.  I can't remember enjoying a blue sky in my twenties.  Or even in my thirties.  Now that I'm older (won't mention an age-because I'm ageless) I see beauty in my everyday surroundings.

Have you noticed the days getting longer?  I have.  I'm one of the few that enjoys the dark days while approaching the winter solstice.  By Sunday the snow will be completely gone and we are in for some drippy days. Oh and the birds are singing!  My, my are they a bit early. Their singing is more than welcome on my walks.

I've managed to clear out two bags of paperback books that I'm fairly certain I won't miss.  I've straightened up some drawers in the kitchen, returned items to the workplace in the basement.  I'm almost positive it's my husband who is not putting stuff back where it belongs :)  I'm pleased with my progress and have plans to continue a gentle reorganization of my "stuff".

How was your week?


  1. I am with you Karen, I like the darker days, but time marches on as they say.
    It's warm here, too warm. We are going to have temperatures around 75 for the next few days, it makes me so sad :(
    I hope you enjoy the weekend and many more blue sky days.

  2. I can almost breathe in that fresh crisp air!!! Enjoy the weekend!!!

    Our weekend might get a little dicey.....a possibility of an ice storm looms, and after the one we had in 2009 (no power for over a week----and we were one of the lucky ones; 5 trees down---and again, we were one of the lucky ones!) no one is taking this lightly.

  3. I have noticed the days getting longer - particularly in the afternoons - it is light here until almost 5 now. And the quality of the light is different - stronger and clearer. Ah well - I love the Summer days, but it is so busy and I miss the long evenings by the fire. Have a lovely weekend xxx

  4. I enjoy the outdoor scenery so much more now than I did when I was younger. I think when we are younger we are so busying "doing" and not enough time "being". This weekend we have to de-Christmas the house and clean, then my daughter is having her friends over for a girls movie night. Have a great weekend!

  5. My post today has sky pictures too! I am really trying to be more aware of the outside. If only so I can teach Ree of the beauty that is out there. I have only very recently started to notice how gorgeous nature is. I want her to know it sooner then I did! I've noticed the days getting longer too. Especially because I don't feel the need to begin supper at 4 o'clock!

  6. Beautiful pictures! I love a deep blue sky like this! Thanks for the inspiration to continue organizing and getting rid of stuff! When we got new book shelves and I reorganized my books, I got rid of some. Now I need to go in and take a second look and see if I can get rid of even more. Enjoy your Friday and your weekend!

  7. I am going to stare at your blue skies for awhile. We are gray, gray, gray. And wet and cold. I am staying cozy with lots of wool, knitting, and reading. Have a blessed day, Tami

  8. The days are getting longer and the temps warmer...what happened to my winter? We are getting temps in the 70s...that is NOT right. Have a lovely weekend and when you are done organizing, can you come to my house...please?

  9. What a gorgeous sky. I tend to think the sky here in Arizona is the most beautiful until I see other people's views. I too love the shorter days. They just feel cozy. I think our weather this weekend may actually be colder than yours.

  10. I do notice very much as I work and at 5 before solstice, when I get off, it is already dark. Even though I love the cosy short winter days, I miss seeing the sunsets ( which are only 2 blocks away, but I am indoors working still!) but the good thing about the days getting longer again, aside from sunsets, is I can ride my bike to work again!

  11. Oops, I should have said 2 blocks to the beach! :)
    Have a wonderful weekend Karen!

  12. hi karen! what pretty skies. they were beautiful here too yesterday with puffy clouds on the horizon. we had a windy day which always makes everything brighter too. i'm so happy to be out of the most polluted city in north america (cough cough) all i can do is look up and marvel at the sky. but, funny you say you didn't when you were younger. i must be a dreamer, because i'm always looking up at the sky.

  13. We had some beautiful warm sunny days this week as well. But today is gray and dreary with tomorrow only in the teens! Icky!

  14. I kind of like the darker days for as long as we have them...and the colder temps. But such lovely blue skies ~ would not pass up those, either! (I know...I'm a walking weather conundrum!) You are making great strides in week I will begin! ;) Have a great weekend!

  15. like you, i think i pay much more attention to the sky as i get everything really.
    and you know i'm with you on the darker day thing ;)

  16. Wow, look at those skies, I have not seen skies like that in a while. Sounds like a lovely walk. Enjoy your weekend.

  17. There is no blue like those skies this far south! The clouds are so different here...

  18. This is indeed a gorgeous blue sky! And I only see a little photo and can already tell it was outstanding.
    Noticing things like an unusually blue sky, unusual color contrasts in the sky, cute little flowers on the side of the highway, and delicate dew on the median is something that drew me to the person that became my best friend and hubby. I think we were both raised to "stop to smell the roses" and many our age look at us funny when we want to stop the car in a random spot to get out and admire the cloud formations.

    Great to hear you're getting some organizing done. I've got to get better with that myself. My week's been fun though, we finally got a pet!! I'll post about our addition to the family later in the week :)

  19. I am in my twenties and I love looking at the sky. Just like you, it gives me a sense of wonder. And it makes me think how wonderful it is to live and funnily, talk to myself and say "girl, fuck your problems" hahaha it's just every time im alone, i always think about the nature and how awesome it is and that all my problems are *just* problems and then I become happy for a while :P


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