This and That

In less than one week I'll be teaching my first knitting class, because of that and because I keep forgetting stuff I bought a planner.  I think it's going to help me immensely.  I love opening it up and seeing what I want to do or I write down what events are going to happen.  My son just registered for the GRE and the Math Subject test-boy oh boy are they expensive.  Anyways, I jotted down in the planner the days he is scheduled.  We live "out there" so it's a production and traveling is involved.

This is my second week of menu planning.  Menu planning for me is checking the pantry and freezer for meals I already own or partially own and then fleshing out the odd days with what I want to purchase.  I still wake up and decide what I feel like making.  Now I have a list at my fingertips to choose from.  The fish dinner on that list has been pushed back over a week....I'm not that keen on that one!  I wrote out all of the meals that I make that we like so that's my master list when my brain is stumped on creating the menu.  

Next weekend our son goes back to his campus after having SIX weeks off.  Once he is safely there, I'm incorporating new recipes at least once a week to get out of the doldrums of repetitive meals.  It's going to be yummy and fun.  It will also be so much more inexpensive.  

I stumbled across all of my mom's straight metal knitting needles and a spare packet of estate sale needles that a friend picked up for me.  My creative side decided to make a knitting needle bouquet.  I really like it even though I rarely knit with straights.  See that bare corner there to the left?  I would love to have a tall skinny shelf for cookbooks.  However, I'm in a no spending mood.  So for now I dream.  

Have a lovely weekend!  What are you go to meals that you serve every week?


  1. I find menu planning to be a such a beneficial pain in the rump. I struggle setting it up each week, but am so grateful for the list every day when I think about our food. We don't have a routine, which at times drives my husband crazy. I get bored easily if we eat the same thing. We do probably have some type of soup weekly. Other than that all bets are off.

  2. I've been planning a series of blog posts on my preferred cooking style: I call them "bucket chemistry dinners" because each recipe is so simple and the quantities of ingredients totally irrelevant. It's how I cook all the time! Do you think I should? I think I have a whole week's menu up there in my scatterbrain.

    I LOVE your needle bouquet, so pretty, but like you, I rarely use them anymore (after buying my first circular about a year ago, I'm addicted now!)

    1. I think you should a blog post of just that. Somedays I'm in such a slump, I need ideas!

    2. I too would love to see some new recipes! I think it's a great idea and look forward to the upcoming posts :)

    3. Oh, that's sounds intriguing! I'd love to see something like that too!

  3. Oh, menu planning. Therein lies a big gap in my organizational skills. I really do need to follow suit and create a master list ~ especially this time of year when my cooking interest is nil. Some nights it's just my husband I, other nights I have a houseful. I guess we are settling into some sort of rhythm...sort of. Tonight it will be meatballs and spaghetti as I have no idea how many will be here! Fresh bread and a big salad ~ it will either all be gone at the end of the night or we will be eating all weekend!

    Love your needle bouquet ~ the metal needles remind me of my mom :)

    Have a great weekend and enjoy your sons last few days of vacation! ~Paula

  4. Love the needle bouquet--I have one too, of my grandmother's knitting needles! It's sparser than yours though, maybe I need to keep an eye open for estate sales ... ;)

  5. Love the knitting needle bouquet!!
    Like you, I make a plan for the week and then pick something from it on the day that suits our time and how we feel. And like you, I have a fish dish that's been sitting on that menu plan for a while now! The fish is happy in the freezer, and there were other things that needed to be used up first, I guess.
    I've been a bit bored with my go-to meals lately, so I've been trying lots of new recipes. But yesterday my husband complained that I never cook the food he likes anymore, so I guess next week it's back to what we know! :)

  6. i need to do more menu planning that involves what we already have. we spend WAY too much money on food, and with 2 littles, so much gets wasted.
    Wish i could take one of your knitting classes!!

  7. I just reorganized my needles a few minutes ago. I swear, Karen, you and I are just mentally together this week. (: I needed to separate my crochet hooks from my needles. It was too crowded and I couldn't easily find what I was looking for (like the size 8 dpns that turned out to be size 7. ugh).

    Menu planning isn't something I'm good at. But generally we'll have roasted veggie "Indian" night, rice and beans, pizza (tonight!), tacos, chili, "real" Indian night, and shepherd's pie (a surprising hit with my picky 10 year old). Sometimes I'll make stuffed peppers for a change, too. And we'll ignore the nights where the littles eat mac and cheese while the rest of us devour hummus and flat bread.

  8. I am NOT a good menu planner. We'll talk about it either the night before or that morning about what we want for dinner. I try to keep some frozen leftovers for nights when we are blah about what to eat. Most of the time our pantry staples are lacking as well as our desire to make dinner. A big problem for us is my random work schedule. Hubby work 12 hour shifts so packs his lunch and dinner and somedays I work when he is home with the kid.
    I love your needle bouquet. I've got enough to do that...

  9. Your needle bouquet is so cheery! And oh how I wish I could take a knitting class that you taught! Fun fun fun! I'm horrified to say but a meal we often fall back on is fish stick good!

  10. Go To Meals: Roast Chicken, rice and salad is a weekly thing. Also: Salmon, Pasta, Veggie Casserole. A LOT OF KALE. Almost every meal.

    Pretty boring, but it works for us.

    Have a great weekend darling!

  11. love the planning going on...and that sweet bucket of needles :)

  12. how I've tried to 'plan'.....but like you said, I cook what I feel like cooking and those plans often never materialize!! Fortunately, I'm married to man who will eat whatever is put in front of him (sometimes not particularly happily--but he never ever complains!!!)
    during the winter.....refrigerator soup is one of my favorites!!! (that's....whatever is leftover in the refrig gets cooked up with some sort of stock) The problem is---it's very very hard to replicate---and it's usually surprisingly good!!! Have a great weekend, Karen! Looking forward to all the new recipes!

  13. You are so organized! I know it helps, but I think I'm just hopeless and scattered. Have a great weekend!

  14. Such a cheery needle bouquet, love it! I have a planner too and love it! Many people use their hand held devices now to scheduling but I still like to write it down, it feels more organized. Happy weekend.

  15. I love those needles! The paintbrushes of a knitter:) Love it. And all of your planning feels good right now as I am having a hard time even boiling a pot of pasta. Thank you for the inspiration! XO

  16. I'm not a successful meal planner but I do have go to things like roasting a chicken on day one, and using the leftovers on day two for soups, salads enchiladas.

  17. I don't knit with straight needles either, but I love your bouquet! I'm pretty bad at menu planning, but really want to get better at it. I think my first step this weekend will be a freezer inventory. Wish me luck as I go freezer diving...

  18. I hate menu planning, but I love how much more smoothly things go when I do plan. And also that we don't end up eating pasta every night when I plan. :)

  19. For so many years I planned out a menu of weekly meals, but now I seem to have fallen off that wagon and I need to climb back on. I have been relying quite a bit on my crock pot lately and while it is a huge time saver, it's boring!

    Love your pretty vase of needles and they will always stay in bloom!

  20. I love meal planning, I never waste food! The hard part for me is making sure my grocery list reflects my menu ;)

  21. Failure at menu planning. I last about two days and then jump ship.

  22. I salute your for your organization and menu planning! I have a planning but then I sometimes forget to look at it! Menu planning is something I am not very consisten with...I do it for a while, then come home and don't feel like eating what I have planned to make so cook something else. I do try to keep some basics on hand all the time...I tend to make Southwest Mexican food a lot as my quick "go to meals" including burritos, enchiladas, tacos and cheese crisps. Perhaps this is an effect of living in Arizona, but the family usually enjoys it and a lot of it can be made without meat -- lots of beans and cheese!

  23. Karen I'm so envious of your knitting bouquet! My Mom has all of her Aunt's vintage plastic needles that I've been trying to get my hands on for years now. She just has them stored away in her basement and won't part with them.
    I just got my planner today and was so excited to sit down and write in it. I'm still working on my meal plan and think I have it mostly down. I'll try writing up a post in the next week or so! I've been looking for easy meal recipes that take standard ingredients.

  24. This teaching job is really honing your organizational skills! I need something to spur mine. LOL! I never use straight needles either and have enjoyed my bouquet in a mason jar. ;) My hat's off to your menu planning!! Have a great weekend! blessings ~ tanna

  25. Congratulations Karen! I bet you will be a wonderful knitting instructor and am envious of each and every student :). Good luck to your son and the GRE ( gosh I couldn't stand those tests). And menu planning, that is awesome...Have a fantastic weekend!!!

  26. How exciting, you'll teach classes! I'd love to learn knitting but am grateful to have learned crochet enough to keep me busy :) Can't wait to hear about how your first class went!


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