Looking Down

I've been looking up at grey skies and blue skies and fluffy cloud skies.  The weather has changed drastically the past week.  I've captured the movement and yet I was drawn to what I saw while looking down.  I'm recovering at a steady pace, thankfully.  Although not as rapidly as I would like.  I find myself longing for a walk with my dog and husband all around the neighborhood.  But I can't.  So I did the next best thing, I walked the property.  Being ever so mindful of each step I took.  Chanting to myself that I was on steady ground and that is why I was looking down.

I am thankful that moss stays green all year long.  The tufts are reminders of vibrant greens we will see in less than two months.   Because my land is wooded I have moss and lichen everywhere I look.

The last photo is my favorite.  It is a deer print, perfectly defined and freshly made.  We have about five to seven deer that love to meander through the back yard.  There's evidence that they also like to lie down and rest, especially in the woods.  We haven't seen them this past week but the print is proof that they are still here being friendly neighbors.

I've adjusted to the quiet rhythm my home takes when the kids are gone. I've inhaled and exhaled the lovely cold winter air embracing my winter, which you know I love.

Have a lovely relaxing weekend!


  1. that print looks like a heart!! hope you have a wonderful weekend, Karen!!!

  2. Lovely photos! The last one is my favourite too.

  3. Can I home to your house?! We are at -8 with a -30 wind chill! I'm hoping it won't last to long. I needed the 2 month reminder, I can't wait! Sending you prayers for a fast recovery!

  4. I know the recovery process is slow and annoying (remember the foot?) but you're getting there. Just be patient. It kind of forces one to slow down and really look...that's a good thing. Have a great weekend!

  5. You sound peaceful- lovely peace filled post today. I love the images- the moss, the leaves and the gentle foot steps...

  6. Thank you for this lovely post and peaceful nature pictures x

  7. Such a peaceful post today, thanks for sharing.

  8. Glad you are taking it easy, but still getting out and about.
    It's hard to patient, but to heal you must.
    Have a great weekend.

    PS- Not just onions, so much more...for a CSA.

  9. So pretty - it must be so wonderful to see signs of spring

  10. have a lovely weekend Karen! love your photos and words today. i never really thought about it but now that i do; yes, i too think it's wonderful that moss remains green all year long!

  11. like you I love winter too...but brown leaves me a little sad so I always plant lots of evergreens in the garden so that it's green all year. But spring is on it's way the primroses are coming up, and I saw a creamy white helibore yesterday. It's lovely to see the green shoots in your photos...Glad that you've been able to get out a little...hopefully you will go further over the weekend.
    I hope that it's a good one.

  12. Glad you have had some nice walks...and that you continue to feel better. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. The deer one is quite cool! Enjoy your weekend, Karen!

  13. Glad to read that you're on the mend and are getting out and about. There's so much to see if you look down isn't there, and how marvellous to have a piece of land of your own to patrol. But take care won't you :)

  14. I love that deer print. There's so much wonder to be seen no matter if we're looking up or down when it comes to nature.

  15. Beautiful images and words this morning, my dear.
    Have a great rest of your weekend.


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