Random Thoughts

I had the pleasure of meeting a friend for lunch and had a fun time.  We try to get together just the two of us but as you know it's crazy to pin down a day to catch up.  For two hours we laughed, talked and relayed all the events that deemed important to share.  While we met, the weather quickly changed from snow, to rain, to a gray cold day.

I've been thoroughly enjoying the knitting classes.  Every single person I've met has been a pleasure to teach.  More classes are being scheduled and my "to do" knitting is slowly increasing.  Sometimes life falls gently into place, my gram would say "it was meant to be".  She was a smart lady full of deep reflections.

My gram also believed what goes around comes around....who knew a catholic woman would believe in karma??

Next weekend, my daughter is coming home for half of her spring break.  We are sandwiching in what we want to do among routine appointments.  You know there will be shopping involved, just not sure where as of yet.

I started training my dear sweet Frodo.  Yes, he can sit and he comes when called.  But I'm thinking this little dog of mine wants to know more.  So I dusted off my dog training book and began with Chapter One.  Frodo loves this attention (read that as TREATS).

I love love love winter.  You do know that, right?  Would you believe while standing outside with Frodo the other day I had a brief thought of wishing it was light jacket weather.  I know!  I feel like such a traitor to my favorite season.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend filled with peace and happiness!


  1. It so good to catch up with friends glad you had a nice time. It feels like winter hear today rainwater in the garden is frozen but no lovely snow any more. I like winter too but I do feel a bit excited about spring and being able to get into the garden without sinking in mud.

    I love Frodo's name it brings a smile to my face every time you mention him. Good luck with the training and have an awesome weekend.
    Keep warm and dry.

  2. Please excuse my awful spelling! hear today?!! and lack of punctuation.
    ;o( Dx

  3. Yes, your Gram sounds like a very wise woman. I believe in karma too.

    I love winter and have been so disappointed as a lot of the US is experiencing Q and I am going to be almost 70 degrees...just seems so unfair, although Mike is very happy about the whole thing.

    After you train Frodo and need to send you Twinkie, he is rotten!

  4. So happy to hear that you enjoy knitting class...you know, your students are loving the their teacher too I am sure!
    Wishing you a little snow for the weekend :)

  5. I love winter, too---although I'm having a bit of a time this year. Give me cold, cozy up by the fire weather and I'm great.....BUT, don't throw in a 50 degree day/s then sack me with ice and the teens--then back to near 70 and the next week in the 20s. Can't handle that. It seems like that's been our whole winter. I'm frazzled!!!

    Can I line Freddy up for school? He's got the treat part down pat.

  6. I love catching up with friends and laughing!!

  7. I'm enjoying the winter too. We didn't really have much winter the past two years in my area. I couldn't shake the feeling that I really needed a long winter's nap under a cozy blanket.

  8. Oh, you brought a smile to my face with thoughts of Catholic grams and karma! Wise woman, that gram of yours. I hope you'll share the projects for your knitting classes! Have a great weekend. :)

  9. Oh no! Don't go over to the bright side! You are one of the few people I know that enjoys winter as much as I do! By the way, Grams are quite full of surprises...one of mine was termed a spinster because she married late and when she did marry, she eloped after church. The other one was an avid basketball player...who knew? Have a lovely weekend!!

  10. winter is the best! btw, i think that yarn is in my color ;-)

  11. Catching up with friends is the best!!!! Enjoy your weekend.

  12. please tell me the secret to enjoying winter :). one day.
    P.S. that yarn is darling.

  13. Enjoy your time with your daughter. I noticed you were reading an Ann Lamott book. I have read that one and the other two in her trilogy about her faith and raising her son. I really, really loved all three books. The so spoke to me on so many levels. I loved hearing about how she became a Christian and is now trying to live a Christian life. Glad you are enjoying winter. Have a great weekend.

  14. wishing for warmer weather...shame on you! My kids are with you, they want to get the treehouse finished and sleep outside.

  15. So glad that you're enjoying teaching! But, you're so patient and passionate about knitting, I'm not at all surprised that it suits you!

  16. I love it when things feel like they are falling into place... Sounds like your life is definitely doing just that. I've rarely met a knitter I didn't immediately like. ;) Frodo probably thinks his life is falling into place, too, with the dreams of extra treats with his lessons. LOL! Life is good. blessings ~ tanna
    ps I think it is okay to love all the seasons. ;)

  17. Yay for training! And I know what you mean - I am one of the few people I know who wishes for snow - and who is not totally sick of winter even now - but I have found myself dreaming about our gardens and wishing to smell fresh dirt these days...

  18. Sounds like a splendid visit! Have fun with your daughter!


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