Knitting baskets and thoughts

Today I wanted to post about another finished knitting project but it just didn't happen.  I did not finish anything this week.  Now that I've admitted it to myself and you I feel a bit better.  Yesterday I cleaned and apparently by the above photo missed some dust on the floor :)  Over all the house is clean, trust me.  On Friday, my daughter will be home and that piano in the photo will be covered in sheet music, so will the dining room table.

Yesterday we took a walk down the dirt road which we haven't visited since winter started.  The sun was shining and the air felt slightly less frigid on our outing.  It's too early yet to search for signs of spring, but soon (three weeks?) the buds will start.  This winter lover could be ready.

The yarn in the above basket is Mad tosh (purple), then some alpaca from a knitting friend, and cascade 220 in a purple/blue.  The basket was my mother's and she kept her knitting in it as well.  She sewed the basket liner ages ago.

Just some administrative news, I received numerous spam comments here and decided to turn on word verification.  Hopefully I'll turn it off in a week.  Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you still take the time to comment since I love to read them.  


  1. Everything looks nice and clean to me:)

    I love your knitting basket. I bought myself one to keep by my knitting spot...not as nice as yours.

    I love the colors you chose for your yarn. I am still working my my owls and crocheted blanket..I am not much for knitting large projects I wish I were more patient;) Crocheting is quick for me I hope to have my blanket finished by next week.

    P.s you have a beautiful home I really like how you have everything decorated.

  2. Your piano is beautiful. I wish we had room for one. I would love to learn to play. Blessings, Tami

  3. I always miss the dust in the corners and under things. The house looks great! I am really loving that purple Tosh! What will you make with it, I wonder?

  4. So nice that your house will be filled with music soon- my daughter plays piano too...nothing like it. I love, love the yarn so very pretty. No worries with the word verification- I had to do the same.
    Have a lovely week.

  5. so wonderful that you have your mothers knitting basket, lovely yarn too! i so did not want to turn on the word veri either but the spam was too much!

  6. Dusting is my most hated chore. I will clean every bathroom twice before dusting. Not the best when you live in the desert and everything is covered in dust in minutes - then again perhaps that is why I hate to dust.

    I think I have the same madtosh color way. What plans do you have for it? Love that your home with be filled with music when your daughter comes home. I keep hoping one of mine will fall in love with an instrument - until then we keep trying.

  7. What a beautiful piano! I would love to learn to play someday. The yarn basket is gorgeous. And so is all the loveliness that is in it!!

  8. You want to come to my house? With two kitties, I can't win the battle. Beautiful piano and yarn basket!

  9. If I had a knitting basket, it would very quickly turn into a cat basket, I think. (: I keep my knitting projects in paper bags (the gift bag kind) on top of a bookcase - it keeps little hands and paws away.

    Want to come over and clean my house? Ha! I can't ever manage to keep on top of it. But that might be due to my tendency toward chaos. I did vacuum today and even washed a pan or two (which will quickly be undone when I make brownies later today). (:

  10. I love your piano! I grew up with a beautiful old upright and I miss it. I look forward to when we can have our own. :)

    Is it bad that I recognized both the Malabrigo and the Tosh yarn immediately in your photos? ;) (At least I'm assuming that's Malabrigo in the second picture!)

  11. oh how wonderful that your daughter will be playing on the piano again soon! do you play at all??

    and no worries about the dust! your space looks so clean!!! i have to free dust bunnies from my baby's mouth a lot!

  12. Dust? What dust...I don't see any dust. And I know dust, trust me :)
    That's a very nice basket and I love the liner. I'm starting to use smaller baskets to house my individual projects (it keeps me a little more organized) but a few of them could really use nice liners like yours. Maybe some day. (I love anything I have from my mom, so I know your basket is very special to you!)

  13. love the piano, a piano is on my list of objects I search for on craigslist.

  14. There are so many things I love about this post! The image of you knitting away while your daughter plays piano, the knitting basket passed down from your mother, all that gorgeous yarn! Color me jealous!

  15. GREAT POST:)
    Your blog is so you have twitter or fb to follow with??

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great day dear

    LOVE Maria at

  16. That wool looks so lovely, and I think it's so wonderful that that knitting basket belonged to your mother...
    There's something about that last image that just feels so comforting. :)
    Ronnie xo

  17. You want to see dust....come to my house ;-)

    Doesn't it feel good to go out again, even if it is brisk.

    Tomorrow is March 1st and I am super more month!

  18. Oh my god - that piano! We are on the hunt for one here - I grew up with an old (100 years old at the time) piano on which I learned to play, but that is long gone from my parents' house and I haven't lived with a piano since I moved out on my own. Julia & Asher's firstmother is also a musician so it seems like through nature or nurture, they're likely to have a knack for it… I'm so envious of your beautiful instrument! xo


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