
A weekend spent hibernating while the winter storm visited us.  We were lucky (or unlucky if you like a foot of snow) we measured about four inches.  That's plenty enough for me.  The power did flicker twice but it happened while I was blissfully asleep and so my anger did not rise nor did my hatred of the electric company.  My husband though keeps discussing the back up ideas.

I finished a project this weekend and I'll share soon.  My thoughts today have been haphazard.  I've balled up three different yarns for three different projects.  I feel a cast on frenzy coming upon me.  Heavens!  I will regret it after the start, I always do.  The heady feeling of new projects is so worth it.  Almost like a natural and legal rush.  As I age I become so easy to please.  My new project thoughts are:  worsted weight sweater (think tea leaves!), a fingering weight sweater, a cowl and a pair of socks for my husband, who is still owed a pair after my failure to knit up a pair at Christmas.

How was your weekend???

Joining Amanda


  1. Lovely photos of your snow. I am hankering to get something started myself. I know exactly what you mean about the electric company. ;-)

  2. I wish I was there with you Karen, to enjoy the snow and cast on a few projects of my own! I am trying to hold off casting on another poncho and sweater and a cowl...goodness, it's really a rush isn't it?! I am almost done with Mike's boot socks, he really does have big feet!
    Look at all your beautiful snow, I just would like an inch or so. We are 67 today so the house is open airing ahead of the rain we are expected.
    I get angry at the electric company too and threaten to deduct from their bill, but Mike say's I can't. Do you have a generator? We have to have one for hurricanes, but since the power goes out all the time we use it a lot.

  3. The snow looks lovely, I know it's disruptive and everything but it really is beautiful, and it makes people happy too. I feel a casting on urge coming too, even though I already have 4 projects on the go!

  4. My kiddos would love your snow. They have been so sad that here in VA we just a bit of rain. Not even a big rainstorm. So glad you didn't lose power. Oh, I love all those ideas. I am knee deep in my Leaves of Grass, so I am trying to be monogamous. I do fully endorse a couple projects cast-on. Some projects just don't travel well.

  5. Look at your winter wonderland! We spent the weekend enjoying all the snow that hit us on Friday.

  6. I always think pictures of snow look so pretty, but at the same time I'm glad it's not outside my window. I like looking at it way more than actually dealing with it. :-)

  7. Your snow looks wonderful. We too have had a very peaceful slow weekend.

  8. It looks like a fairyland!!! It's so so beautiful!!! I JUST (as in a couple minutes ago!!) finished a project....does that mean I can cast on a couple new ones, too!???

  9. wow it looks lovely...glad you are all ok. We were watching scenes of the chaos it caused on the news reports.
    Happy knitting...I'm still working on my socks!!
    Have a great week.

  10. Beautiful scenery. I love snowy days. Especially when I can stay home and craft! Our snow totals were laughable. But it sure is cold and windy. Can't wait to see your finished project.

  11. That snow is so pretty! It seems to do nothing but rain here, we will need boats soon!

    Enjoy your casting on :)

  12. Loved this post, because it made me laugh. :) Sounds like you are thinking about knitting the Tea Leaves Cardigan? It's lovely!

  13. Quite some snow storm. Glad you didn't lose your power. I haven't commented for a while. Did you finish "Prayers for Sale." I was wondering how you like it. I've heard it is a lovely book. Stay warm and safe with all that snow.

  14. Yes, it is a legal drug of choice we enjoy! LOL! Glad your power stayed on for the weekend!! blessings ~ tanna

  15. What to do if snowed in? Yay - deffo cast on for projects :) Looking forward to seeing them :)

  16. It looks so beautiful though....winterstorm and all that comes with it- I can't believe how much snow that came. Our electric always goes out in winter storms it never fails...Can't wait to see your new project!
    Have a wonderful wintery week!

  17. pretty snow! just enough to make everything look lovely yet not so much you can't leave the house should you desire chinese takeout ;-)

  18. Your snow is so pretty. We got...rain. Blah. Can't wait to see what your frenzy cooks up!

  19. Loving the idea of a cast on frenzy! I think I will be itching to do the same once I finish the blanket I am working on. I am trying not to knit anything else until I finish it. New projects are just too tempting... :)

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog too. In future if I think I see a snake I will ask someone with better vision BEFORE leaning in for a closer look!

  20. Oh my gosh, you have a lot of projects before you! They all sound wonderful - can't wait to see them all in progress! Stay warm!

  21. I'm glad you did not lose power. I envy the snowfall because we received nothing here.


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