Yarn Along

This week I started a quick lacy cowl in a lovely springtime green!  It's a cheerful happy knit that I love to sit and work on.  The yarn is Malabrigo Silky Merino and the pattern is the Noble Cowl.  I am enjoying the quick knit.  Here's my project page.  If you missed yesterday's post, I finished the citron shawl and enjoyed wearing it very much!

I started a new book this week, Traveling Mercies Some Thoughts on Faith.  I was in the mood for Anne Lamott and I think it coincides with the lenten season, don't you?  I find her writing refreshing.  I most love how she can be humorous and serious in one sentence.  Laughter is so healthy for us and why not mix it with a bit of faith?

I finished Prayers for Sale and everyone who commented last week told me there was a twist, and there was, but guess what?  I kind of guessed it, call me clever.  I still enjoyed the twist and the book was overall a good book.  I think I would enjoy more books by this author.

What are you knitting and reading?

Joining Ginny


  1. Such pretty, pretty yarn Karen. That is the color I wanted to paint my den walls,but Mike wasn't on board.
    I like Anne Lamott too and you picked a perfect book for the season.

  2. that is just about the color of my kitchen!!! sounds like 2 books to put on my to-read list!!

  3. Oh Spring Green!!! My eyes needed to see that today :) I've never heard of that author so I'll have to take a look for her tomorrow when I'm at the bookstore. I like the mix of laughter, seriousness and faith you described. Have a happy Wednesday!

  4. Oh I love the colour!!! It is gorgeous.

  5. What a gorgeous color, Karen. I think it is a great gift for you. And yesterday's citron was oh so pretty. As a kid I always disliked the Lenten season. My birthday seemed to be either Ash Wednesday or during Lent. No cupcakes for my class!!

  6. That yarn is simply gorgeous. I absolutely love the color!

  7. The cowl already looks beautiful and I love the yarn color.

  8. The citron is gorgeous, but I'm loving the color you're working with now. I've never loved greens but suddenly, I do! Thanks for the book recommendation. :)

  9. Great color. We need some cheerful colors in these long winter days. I love those instant gratification projects!

  10. Love, love, love that color!!
    I really don't like when people tell me there is a twist to a story, because then all I do is guessing and second guessing and sometimes I figure out what the twist is and that kills the surprise element. I'm glad you still enjoyed the book, nothing better than closing a book with a content smile :)

  11. I've only read a couple of books by Sandra Dallas, but my mom really likes her books. You should read some more. I can't believe you've finished another Citron! I'm just hoping I'll get to wear mine this coat season!

  12. Oh, that green! I can't wait to see this project complete...and Malabrigo is such a wonderful yarn. I have dreams about that stuff.

  13. love traveling mercies, as i do all her books. though i think that one is one of my favorites....i've triend to start three different books this month and can't get into any of them.

    we are doing barbara kingsolver's "flight behavior" for book club next month, so i might just go ahead and start it

  14. Once again.. love the color! The Citron is beautiful.. I always love seeing what is on (and off) your needles. :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  15. That cowl is gorgeous. I just love your color choices. Oh and that malabrigo-has to be one of my favorite yarns. Ann Lammott is a hoot and so smart. I do enjoy her writing.

  16. That yarn looks great! I have knit a few items over the past year with Malabrigo and I think it is my favorite yarn. Along the same lines, Traveling Mercies is my favorite book of Anne's. You have a great combination going on!

  17. A twist, you say? Hmmm...now I want to speed up and get to the end! Loving this new green Malabrigo you've chosen. What a great color. It's funny, I've never been a huge fan of greens but find myself drawn to them more and more. Certain shades, at least. I've never read Anne Lammott but have seen quite a few postings on her books over the last few weeks. Enjoy!

  18. Such a pretty green. I can totally see how addictive knitting could be.
    Currently finishing up the 3rd book of the Hunger Games trilogy.

  19. I like the look of that pattern! Dare I add another project to my to-knit list?

  20. love the green!! I just bought yarn for a birthday sweater for the baby and it's green as well......we must have spring on the brain!!

  21. Gorgeous green color. Noble Cowl is such a nice pattern and will look great in the yarn you've chosen. I scrolled back to yesterday's post. Love the citron edging!

  22. You are reading one of my FAVORITE BOOKS OF ALL TIME.
    Other favorites include some of her earlier books, all the non-fiction ones.

  23. Great color ! Your book sounds like the perfect lent read. Last night at knitting group we sat around discussing what to give up for lent or what to do daily for lent. The suggestions went from the norm to the crazy.

  24. You clever girl, you! :) And what a perfect color to get you through February!

  25. Ooh, love that color. I've been craving green too! I'll have to check out that Lamott book, it's been a while since I've read her.

  26. I love the green you are using, and the Noble Cowl is a pattern I've been meaning to make for some time. I can't wait to see how yours turns out!

  27. That green is so inspired for spring!

    I picked up my first Anne Lamott read from the library yesterday. After all the great things I've heard I can't believe I'm just beginning now!

  28. Mmmmmm....such a yummy green! My favorite color!

  29. that green is lovely and the cowl is going to be wonderful! :)

  30. oh, that yarn, so yummy! what a beautiful cowl you will have!

  31. Your cowl is looking good - I love the green which is screaming SPRING IS COMING - just hang in there a few months! After the blizzard and waking up to a fresh coating this morning it seems an especially important promise! I adore Ann Lamott! I had all her books at one time but lent them out and never got them back. Traveling Mercies is wonderful but possibly my favorite was Plan B. She wrote a wonderful passage about her thighs which she lovingly called the dear aunties. Feeling bad about her body while on a vacation with lots of slim young bodies around, she decided to treasure herself and the parts she didn't like by thinking they were like the dear old Aunt on bewitched with rolled up stockings around her ankles and smeared lipstick - slightly embarrasing but so adorable and lovable. Loved it! Since I have a pair of aunties myself and had a favorite real life auntie - stockings and all. I miss her like crazy...

  32. that is one of my favorite books. love anne lamont but i've not read her in a while. i usually laugh out loud and cry with her books. she's good for the heart.

  33. ref. my comment...i meant lamott. happy day

  34. My teen is going to start reading Thoughts on Faith for school next week! We love her in this house. Great cowl... Can't wait to see it finished!

  35. i love that green is a lovely spring like colour, I just love it.

  36. I LOVE ANNE LAMOTT! I am so glad to see others reading and enjoying her. Her fiction is amazing, but it's her non-fiction that really grabs me and always makes me laugh. Also, I am definitely a "green" person, so your cowl is making me want to knit in spring green!

  37. love the green, one of my favourite colours


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