Yarn Along

With great delight I am knitting another tea leaves cardigan.  I'm quite confident I can knit this up and wear it before summer arrives, at least that is my plan.  The wool is Cascade 220 in a lovely bluish purple or purplish blue. Here is a blog post about my original tea leaves cardigan.  I have worn this sweater many times this winter which lead to another being cast on.  If you haven't knit this cardigan up, you should because the instructions are very clear and it knits up quickly.  I am enjoying the "chunky" yarn in my hands since most of the time I'm knitting with lace or fingering weight wool.

I am reading two books but only photographed one.  As you can see I'm reading Wuthering Heights.  One day I thought about how I was in the mood for some well written angst, turmoil and characters you love to hate.  (Cathy senior to be exact, she is such a brat).  I dusted off my 1985 copy given to me from my mom for Christmas and started.  Oh, it's like visiting an old friend.  I have read this book many many times and each time I gain insight.

My other book is Anne Lamott's Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith.  She writes what every mother has ever thought while raising children, in a funny way of course.  Her honesty is humbling and funny :)

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. beautiful colour for your tea leaves. I too am really fond of characters that I love to hate; have you read Madame Bovary? I think he's wonderful because you want to give her a shake, and yet, you still feel a tiny bit sorry for her because her failings are so easy to identify with.

  2. I was just wondering about knitting my daughter a Tea Leaves to go with the one I am knitting for Emerson so hearing it's a quick knit is good news.
    I am glad you are enjoying your book, I have a few books I love to read over and over. Some books are like visiting old friends.

  3. Oh it's Tea Leaves everywhere.... now something is telling me I should start my own ;)
    So you're knitting your Tea Leaves with Cascade 220, that's the yarn I used for my now finished sweater. I might consider using it for a Tea Leaves too, as I don't think I can get Madlinetosh yarn here in Germany...
    Now to choose a colour...

    have a lovely day, Karen!

  4. Ohh after seeing Tracey's Tiny Tea leaves I've decided that's what I want to knit Ree for her Christmas sweater. (I plan ahead! That way MAYBE it will get done!). Now I think you've convinced me to knit my own too. She & I could have matching Christmas sweaters! I read Wuthering Heights a few months ago for the first time in years. My favorite book is Jane Eyre. I go to that one when I need some old time angst. I haven't read it in awhile though. Maybe it's time to dust off my copy! I have been looking for a good book to read.

  5. I love that pattern. I made Aine one a couple years ago that she still wears. I have the yarn for mine. I just need to clear the queue. I read Wuthering Heights in grade school and have not again. I think it also has to be added to the queue.

  6. i think i bookmarked tea leaves when it was first released---and still haven't knit it. i really must. (those blankets i'm doing are out of cascade 220---i know what you mean about it feeling like bulky.....what would we do with REAL bulky yarn!!!!)
    it's going to be really really pretty!

  7. It seems everybody by me has knit up a beautiful Tea Leaves cardi - something that I will have to remedy... :-) I love the first one you knit and this one is going to be just as beautiful, great color choices!

  8. That is a lovely cardi- that pattern is just a classic I think....knowing your knitting you'll definitly be done by summer!

  9. Wuthering Heights! Love! Another great "classic" to revisit over the years is Watership Down. I'm going to have my oldest read it soon. I'm hoping my husband and I can read along too so that we can all discuss it together. (:

    Everyone seems to love the tea leaves cardigans. Maybe I'll have to try one out for myself this Autumn (it's getting to be too warm for sweaters here).

  10. I have started Wuthering Heights 3 maybe 4 times, but I have never finished it. I think it may be time to revisit it!

  11. I love Wuthering Heights.
    I like to imagine the Bronte sisters sitting around and coming up with their stories.
    They're such great lit, but you can definitely tell they were written by teens.
    Oooh! I know, let's have this guy get driven MAD by love.
    Oh, and this one? Let's give him a crazy, firebug wife in a tower.

  12. What a pretty shade of blue!

    I think I'm going to make my way through her sister's book, Jane Eyre, before I decided whether I want to read Emily's book. I'm leaning towards it, though. ;-)

  13. I hope to make that pattern some day, either for myselff or the little miss. I love the yarn and it looks so comfy.
    Books that are old friends are wonderful. Enjoy :)

  14. I have had this cardigan in my mind for a while, your yellow one looks gorgeous, I'll give it a try, and to you book recommendations too, thank you.

  15. So beautiful! I haven't worked myself up to trying a sweater yet, but this might have inspired me!

  16. I have been wanting to read your book I have been seeing it everywhere...Love the yarn!!

  17. Don't know much about knitting, but I know that yarn is really nice. I like your color choice!

  18. When I first read Wuthering Heights, I read it for an eighth grade english class. I read all 425 pages in nearly one sitting, and then flipped back to page one and started again. I LOVE that book. Enjoy it!

  19. Love Anne Lamott and love the Tea Cardigan pattern! I'm wearing mine almost everyday! (my kids are a little sick of it.) ;)

  20. oh how pretty this one looks, i love the color! i have debated for some time but i finally decided to unravel my tea leaves and remake it. it is too large!

  21. Chunky?? :) My mum always says that too, when she has needles thicker than 3mm!!! I have the Tea Leaves on my list... my long list... so many nice things to make :)

  22. Ah Wuthering Heights, how we all love to hate Cathy senior. :)

    I think Plan B may be my next read, thanks for sharing! And love your tea leaves cardi.

  23. I'll have to take a look at that cardi pattern, it looks so pretty in your yarn! And I love the cover of your Wuthering Heights book!! I've picked up several older copies at used book sales, simply because they have cool covers!

  24. I have got to figure out the reading and knitting thing. I think that it's a perfect combination. I do love that pattern.

  25. I recently downloaded wuthering heights but I'm yet to read it, which is silly because I actually live in Bronte Country where the book was inspired!!
    Your tea leaves looks good already. I've been drooling over some Cascade yarns recently, they're not available over here, I don't think.

  26. Oh love that colour, it is going to be gorgeous. Been a long time since I have read Wuthering Heights, might have to revisit it soon.

  27. Everyone is right- Tea Leaves everywhere these past few weeks! I'm planning for one for fall and a matching one for my daughter while she's still young enough t allow such a thing as mother/daughter cardigans.

    The color you chose is so pretty. Great choice!

  28. Beautiful knitting and I love your book choice as well - I have a copy of Heidi from my grandma that I like to read every once in awhile. Haven't read Wuthering Heights yet, but it's definitely on my list!

  29. Love the colour of your new sweater.
    Enjoy your reading.

  30. Lovin' on that Tea Leaves Cardigan!! =) Sweater envy.

    BTW, I was having problems with spam a few weeks ago; I went to the comment settings and stopped anonymous comments... spam problem eliminated.

    blessings ~ tanna

  31. The color is very pretty. I plan to try this pattern sometime soon myself! Happy knitting :)

  32. Oooo, you are distracting me from my intended goals with that lovely cardigan! I always love the change to a different weight wool - takes a bit to adjust.

    I love your copy of Wuthering Heights. You describe the book so well. All those moody characters!

  33. Love the colour. I wore my tea leaves today, on the last day of 'summer' here. Was not exactly warm weather! It was a rude reminder that our warm days are going to come to an end all too soon and I am certainly not ready! I love the Bronte sisters. Such gorgeous language. Jacinta

  34. Oooh, I love that color--I'm sure the cardigan will be lovely. :) I plan on knitting a tea leaves someday ...

  35. Oh, I love those Bronte girls! It's so nice to revisit old favorites, isn't it? Love you pattern and yarn ~ I think I would live in that and never want to take it off. :). Paula

  36. I think I have a copy of Wuthering Heights here, I have always meant to read it. Everyone seems to be making tea leaves at the moment!

  37. I just finished The Sun Also Rises By Hemingway. Next on my list is Wuthering Heights!

  38. I am reading All The Living by C. E Morgan. It's an old book I found in a book sale! :)

  39. How funny - I just recently gave up on the idea of knitting a Tea Leaves for myself, and used the yarn I'd bought for it to cast on a spring sweater for Julia. I think I will make one, eventually, but now is not the time. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out for you. :)

    I haven't read Wuthering Heights in ages. I need to build these bookcases for my living room so I can unpack all my books; I haven't been able to get at them since two houses ago & it is driving me mad… xo


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