
The battery to my camera needed charging this morning so a cell phone photo will have to do.  I am on the body of the tea leaves cardigan and I'm thoroughly loving the stockinette for the body of the sweater.  Easy, mindless and nearly mistake proof.

Yesterday was a busy day with errands and miscellaneous routine appointments in all directions.  From nine in the morning until three in the afternoon I was in the car.  I did get a lot done, crossed off many items on my list and had a fabulous lunch out with my daughter.  Today I'm doing paperwork in the morning, catching the noon news for the last check of the weather.  Tomorrow morning is my scheduled time to take our daughter back to her apartment-I want to make sure it is snow free!  So far so good.  If the plan needs to change she'll go back this evening.  Oh winter I love you so but not to drive in.

My husband had a great birthday, in all of those gift bags were CDs, DVDs, a video game and a racketball glove.  Thank you for the birthday wishes!

We turn the clocks this coming Sunday, do you believe it?  It seems so early to me and yet I'm excited to have a longer day and more time after dinner to take a walk.  Days weeks and months fly by for me and I miss those times as a child when a day felt like eternity.


  1. Have a safe trip bringing your daughter back! We are supposed to get a winter storm tomorrow through Friday :-( I can't believe it's time to turn the clocks back. I'm ready for the longer days too so we can go outside after dinner. I remember when I was a kid and summer's seemed sooooo long and slow and wonderful!! Now all the days go by so fast!

  2. Do you know how to knit backward? A couple of the women in my knitting group can do this - instead of turning and purling every other row of stockinette, they just knit in reverse. I think if I could get the hang of that I might not get so bored with all those rows and rows of it…

    I've noticed lately how fast the days go by. I feel like this has happened all of a sudden but in reality it's been speeding up for years now…

    Safe travels with your daughter. xoxo

  3. I so love the "natural" color of the yarn- this will be such a beautiful cardi!Forgot about the clocks-thanks for the reminder. Have a lovely Tuesday.

  4. You are speeding along with that sweater. Glad the errand running went well. The powers that be predict snow for us tomorrow - 4" or so. kiddos are ecstatic; me less so. Not the best snow driver! And turning the clocks-eep it has been years since I had to bother. Living in Arizona we are the last holdouts against it.

  5. We spent a lot of the day in the car too. Makes for a cranky two year old! You'll probably get our weather. It was in the 60's on SU and in the upper 20's yesterday with a bit of snow. Drive Safely.

  6. Hope you have a safe trip tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder on the clocks I had forgotten. Hooray, for more evening light. I can stop feeling like I need to get in my pajamas at 5:30.

  7. I have been out running errands all day today, I'm exhausted!
    I am not looking forward to the time change, sorry. I will be out of wack until we go back to normal. I just wish we would leave the time one way or the other.
    I can't wait to see your Tea Leaves. I have one more sleeve to knit on Emerson's and sew on buttons.[I found little ducks].

  8. I too like the natural yarn color. It looks so soft as well.
    Happy belated to your hubby.
    What a nice wife he has, right?

  9. Are you making the adult version of the Tea leaves. I made a short sleeves ones for my daughter and she loves it!
    I am always confused by the time change, I never know if we are gaining an hour or loosing one ;-)

  10. Looking forward to seeing your tea leaves. Safe travels driving your daughter back tomorrow, I am sure you guys has a lovely visit.

  11. Yes, time no longer feels like it passes slowly. How does that happen :( But cheers to evening walks and warmer weather!

  12. Looks like it is knitting up beautifully! I didn't even know it was almost Daylight Savings Time, but I am glad to hear it--more sunshine is always good by me ;)

  13. love that neutral colour Karen. I was looking for something similar yesterday for a cardigan but can't decide on the weight. It went from freezing to 17 degrees in one day and I'm not sure if I should start on a fine spring/summer weight cardigan or something thicker.

    It's a good feeling when you tick things off the list...I think once we get to the longer days you seem to be able to tick off more. I miss those long childhood days too...must try to recapture them somehow.

    The meal with your daughter sounded lovely. Hannah's been a way of a course but is back tonight and has promised to treat me and A to a special meal out on Sunday as it's mothering sunday over here. She asked if that would be enough or would I like a gift too...I told her that I was just happy she was even thinking about doing it and that the time together was the best gift of all.

    Safe drive back...hope the weather's fine.
    Bye for now

  14. whoops that should have been Hannah's been away on a course...not "of course'

  15. what?????? clocks??????? already!!!!!!!!! no way!!!!!!!!!!!! Freddy will be SOOOOOOOOOO happy!!!!!

  16. Happy belated birthday to your husband! And oh my gosh, I didn't have Daylight Savings on my radar at all!! Thanks for the reminder!

  17. It sounds like you have had a lovely few days. I hope the weather cooperates with your travels (and happy that you had a few days with your daughter!) The cardigan is so pretty, as is the yarn!


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