
My weekend summary:

-YAWN-time change is very tiring...

-we walked the three of us in full sunshine yesterday on dry (not muddy) dirt roads.  Birds sang and spring gently whispered in our ears.  Sure there will be more snow and cold weather but it will be brief.  Trees are budding!

-with spring comes the craving of tossed salads.  My current favorite is assorted lettuce and vegetables with chickpeas and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top-yum!

-Knitting the lace edging of my pi shawl, I believe it's going to take forever.  Lucky for me, I like to knit.

-phone calls from the kids-our son will be home next weekend for his spring break!!

-hiding the winter boots and woolen socks (for now), washing winter coats, matching up mitts and folding up scarves.  Still at the ready, just in case.  And I know I'm tempting fate.

-afternoons of reading novels attacking crossword puzzles and snuggling with Frodo.

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Hah! I am right there with you tempting fate- away "ye old winter boots"...and yes,please to yummy salad. Beautiful image today Karen :)

  2. Ah yes, the dreaded time change... :-( We've had a busy weekend, but it's all good. Driving the girls to and from friends homes, working on the chicken coop, doing yard work... Gotta enjoy the warmer (albeit windy) days and enjoy the outdoors as much as possible.

  3. Your salad sounds so good. I have been on a beet and craisin kick with my salads and am liking the additions.

  4. such a good weekend.....I'm sorry you had to lose an hour of it!!!

  5. What? You have trees that are budding? We just got another 6 inches of (much needed) snow.

  6. My cravings for salads have returned too. I might have to give yours a try.

    Have a great week!

  7. Sounds like a nice weekend. We had sun yesterday, but it's grey and rainy today. I am SO impressed that you're doing a Pi shawl; those are big ones!

  8. What a great weekend. Enjoy your time home with your son.

  9. Oh, I love seeing the ground without snow on it! I can barely remember what that's like. Looking forward to seeing the pi soon! Have fun getting ready for your son :)

  10. It is always risky washing up the winter wear - but I love the optimism of it!

  11. Our weather was sunny with highs in the 60's this weekend. It was nice to have the windows open and fresh air whipping through the house.

  12. This time change thing is a pain! In AZ we ignore the rest of the country and keep our clocks set. Now that we are in VA, we had to play along. Grizzy, I tell you. Love that you are tempting fate. My daughter is the noticer of all things nature. She has been enamored with the budding trees lately. It is here.

  13. Doing the lace borders does seem to take a long while. The only thing I did with one was a Kaw Valley wrap, and it probably wasn't as long as yours will be. Lucky for us... we do love to knit. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  14. Oh my gosh, since when is it almost spring break?! This year is already moving too quickly. Your weekend sounds lovely, especially that salad! And daylight savings did not affect me until this morning...but now I'm exhausted!

  15. I so want to hide the winter things, but I know we have a snow or two yet to come!
    And the time change is a bear. Grumpy grumpy folks in my house this morning.

  16. In a fit I packed up all of the boys winter items this weekend, checked the weather for the week this morning and the first half is sun, the second is cold and rainy.....grrrr pulling the box back out this afternoon. Hope your Monday is off to a happy start!

  17. the time change is tiring, isn't it?

  18. Yawn, indeed! I took a two hour nap yesterday and I never, okay...very seldom...nap. But it felt so good :) I should think about matching up mitts but those boots will be with us for a bit longer, I think....mud city!

  19. i'd have left out the snowboots and such just so i didn't tempt fate. the weather is a fickle, fickle thing my friend.

  20. Oooh - your weekend sounds so lovely! So springlike! It's snowing over here...

    Time change - it's so much trickier now for me that we have a toddler. Our routines get thrown off a bit.

    Enjoy the week ahead and catch you soon.

  21. Yawn is right. I hate the time change because it takes me a week to recover - at least. I still haven't packed winter up. We don't so that until after Easter...just to be safe. Oldest is home for spring break and I'm loving it.


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