
Do you see that!  Snow-in great multitudes, well three inches which is incredible because it was not predicted.  I was excited by the surprise and almost most of it is melted today.  Short and sweet.  This weekend has been chock full of goodness including:

-mac and cheese, homemade of course
-lunch out with immediate seating due to snow storm-Score!
-knitting continuously on the body of the sweater, if the stars align and I'm not sidetracked I should be done tonight and onto a sleeve
-laughter and talking
-hearing a woodpecker early this morning but not finding him in the trees
-a lovely orange sunrise
-another viewing of Monsters, Inc (son's favorite movie) tonight with hot tea

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Mac and cheese, knitting and snow - cozy!

    Have a good week :)

  2. great weekend - I love how you still watch your Son's favourite movie with him. Hope your sleeve gets done xx

  3. I envy all that beautiful snow! All we have here is rain and hail. Lovely pictures

  4. A lovely weekend. Yikes on the snow. I here there is snow in the forecast for us tomorrow, 15cm. So happy I am still south, not looking forward to going back though. Have a lovely week.

  5. Hasn't this been just the strangest winter? It didn't start to get wintry until it was almost spring, and now that spring is just a breath away it's wintrier than ever!

    I love Monsters, Inc. I don't think either of my children has seen it. I'll have to do something about that... xo

  6. Love your snowy picture~ such a peaceful landscape! And yay for uninterrupted knitting!

  7. oh that is exciting! enjoy your son and your knitting and the last bit of snow!

  8. wow! lots of snow! and didn't say you just put away all of your winter gear...?

  9. Yum homemade mac and cheese! My boys would like to set up a time to visit ;) ;) I cant believe all that snow! We got some unexpected rain this weekend, but Spring still seems to be winning out down here. Hope you enjoyed your movie night!

  10. A lovely, snowy weekend. I do miss the snow when I see pictures like that! Hope you have a great week!

  11. Exactly the same thing happened here! Saturday was mild we out get some produce ended up having lunch in a little cafe...the weather was mild and spring in the air then Sunday morning Bam...snow! I couldn't believe it just snowed all day...big papery white flakes....wonderful...
    Yours sounds great...still got to write mine up...
    Have a good week

  12. That is a lot of snow for a surprise! The weather seems to have been really bizarre here too!

  13. I spent most of my weekend knitting horses. None of them are done yet (they're at the point where I can't work on them around the littles or they'll know what they are) so I'm feeling a bit like I'm just spinning my wheels, you know?

    I did go to a yarn yard sale, though. I'm going to post about it later today. (:

  14. Great weekend! I would have enjoyed all of those things as well - minus the snow. ;-)

  15. Wow, snow! Can you believe we were 79 degrees on Saturday?
    I hope you enjoyed Monsters Ect, it's a favorite here too.

  16. How lovely! I do love the snow and get excited whenever it spreads it's white cloak - even if it is almost spring :o) Sounds like a wonderful, peaceful weekend!

  17. The snow does look pretty but I have to say - I've seen enough this year until December. We are supposed to get a little tomorrow (but it looks mostly like rain). We love Monsters Inc too. Such a fun movie!

  18. A pretty picture! Even though I'm tired of pictures like that for this year! We're supposed to get 1-3'' tonight/tomorrow before it turns to rain. I'm very ready for spring! I hope your son is enjoying break!!

  19. Oh, so gorgeous! It's amazing to imagine waking up to snow, since we live, more or less, in the land of eternal summer! It's incredible how snow seems to introduce this deep quiet across the landscape. Makes me smile just to think about it!

  20. Beautiful Snow! Winter Wonderland!

  21. surprises are the best! wonder if we can arrange for a snowy surprise down here?
    doubtful, i know but a girl can hope :)

  22. Crazy weather huh? Low 70's here on FR back down into the 40's on SA.

  23. The snow looks beautiful. Our weather has been back and forth, I think we are stuck on cold and rainy now.

  24. Nice photo of your snow surprise. Sounds like you had a nice weekend.

  25. I'm glad you got a snow shower and jealous that it melted quickly :) Monsters, Inc. is a good one!

  26. I am SOOO jealous! We've hardly had any snow. I hope you are having a wonderful visit with your son! He has excellent taste in movies :)

  27. We love Monsters Inc (big kids especially!) Love that you watch it with your son :) Sounds like a great weekend to me!


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