Yarn Along

My tea leaves cardigan is making progress.  The body is complete and my only modification was to add an extra inch to the body length since I am on the tall side of life.  The first sleeve is nearly complete, I might add a bit of length to that as well.  I have daydreams of a finished sweater within the week-fingers crossed that they come true.

Ha!  I bet you think I'm reading that book.  Well how about I admit it is the book that I want to read next.  I am savoring the bittersweet end of Wuthering Heights today.  Cathy (Jr) is about to make the mistake of her life and somebody is finally going to die of consumption.  I've lost count on how many times I've read this book and every time I visit I experience a new facet of the plot.  To me, it is a must read classic.

Because it's open source I've been reading the printed version late at night and during the day while knitting miles and miles of stockinette I've found my place in the book on my Ipad book reader.  I will always love real life books, however, my Ipad stays opened and I can read and knit at the same time with ease.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. I was tempted to pick up the book on tape for Wuthering Heights last week at the library, after reading your post. You are right ~ it is a classic read. I cannot read and well...do anything else, I guess ;) but I do have great success with listening! Your sweater is coming along beautifully! have a great day ~ sun is shining here today!

  2. The cardigan is looking great. I have never read Wuthering Heights but I have read other Bronte works. I think it is time to dig a copy of it. I love how a book can just stay with you and impact you. Happy Knitting!

  3. Ohh the cardigan is coming along beautifully!! I love the color. I can't read & knit :-/ how I wish I could!! I haven't got much reading done lately, two sweaters is keeping me busy! And at night I've been too tired to read before bed.

  4. I'm crossing my fingers with you that you finish your sweater this week - it's looking good! Those eReaders are also so good for late night, under-the-covers reading when your husband is asleep! :)

  5. Your Tea Leaves is going wonderfully! I too use my kindle to read while knitting- nothing to hold open = more reading for me. I would have a hard time getting through very many books without the kindle.

  6. Your tea leaves is coming along very nicely. Maybe we get to see you model it for us by this weekend? ;-)

  7. Your cardigan is looking great! I bet you get it done this week too!

  8. You all are going to make me want to knit that Tealeaves aren't you? It really is a pretty pattern. I don't think I ever read Wuthering Heights. Maybe I did in highschool and I don't remember? Hmmm...

  9. Can't wait to see your Tea Leaves! I'll have to add Wurthering Heights to my list (I'm trying to get to some of the classics I've never had a chance to read, first up is Jane Austen.)
    I totally agree with out on real books and the convenience of ebooks. I love how easy my nook is to hold one handed and how easy it makes traveling with a ton of books. But it is just not the same as a proper book.

  10. Your Tea Leaves Cardigan is lovely! I also have read and reread Wuthering Heights many times and love it more each time!

  11. You're getting so close! Can't wait!

  12. can't wait to see the cardi completed! love the yarn you picked.

  13. Your cardi is looking lovely.
    You have me thinking I should take the time to read some classics soon.
    Enjoy your approaching finish.

  14. I love holding books while I read so haven't made the switch yet to an ereader. However, if I can read and knit, I may download a book on my ipad.

  15. Almost done with your tea leaves - the colour is dreamy!

  16. I can't wait to see you in this sweater! I keep forgetting to read while I knit using my ipad or phone. Thanks for reminding me that this is an option!

  17. Love the color of the cardigan! Wuthering Heights has been sitting in my library, unread, for a long time. I think you've given me the impulse to pick it up and read it!

  18. You make a compelling case for the ereader...to knit while reading would accomplish two of my favourite things together. I do love the turn of the printed page though.

    I need some of your sweater mojo! Look at you go!

  19. i hope to see the finished tea leaves on you next week!!! i cannot read and knit at the same time... i would have to try out audio books... at the moment i have to decide in the evenings: my knitting or my book...

  20. Ooh, almost there - the colour is so lovely!

  21. Oh man, trying to finish weaving in the ends on the mitered block blanket. I've been working on this thing for years and I'm finally determined to finish it. Love seeing the progress on your Tea Leaves -it's such a lovely color. Happy knitting!

  22. Your cardy is looking loooovely! And you know what? I studied literature at uni but actually have not read Wuthering Heights *gasp*! It is on my 'to read' list, I promise :)

  23. so pretty karen! i use a cookbook holder to keep my book open while knitting, i even have a collapseable travel one, it works great! (my poor ipad it is neglected more often than not, cannot read books on it).

  24. Oh the tea leaves if looking lovely. Still knitting away on my shalom and not much reading this week at all.

  25. Karen ~ if you ever teach a class on how to read and knit at the same time, I'm springing for a plane ticket to the other coast so I can learn this magical skill :)

  26. My goodness, your tea leaves is really coming along!
    I would also like a lesson in knitting and reading at the same time. That's quite a talent you have there... xo

  27. I'm like you, I will always love real books but the Ipad does have the awesome factor of allowing for multitasking something this momma always needs more of ;)

  28. There are several book that I love to re-read because I experience something new each time. I love that I am now starting to introduce them to my youngest. He's reading The Great Gatsby now. Your Tea Leaves is looking great!!!

  29. Reading and knitting at the same time!? How have I not done this already? Best idea ever.

  30. I was delighted by your new header. It is looking pretty here in NC--flowers blooming and the pear trees are budding. I am amazed that you can read and knit at the same time. I do good to accomplish one thing at a time.

  31. Let me know how you like the Alice Hoffman, I used to love her but didn't like the last couple she put out! Right now I'm reading Gone Girl, it's our next book club pick.

  32. A sweater in a week?! Your needles must be flying! I'm still working on my cardigan. Might be a cardigan in a year... :)


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