The Week in Thoughts

This is what I saw on my walk yesterday!  The sun was shining just so, the ducks (if you can find them) were running away because of Frodo.  It was beautiful.  Speaking of beautiful, I read a post the other day and it is still with me, she mentions ducks and so much more you can read the post here.  

On my mind this week:

-the birds sang sweetly to wake me up, I've decided that I wouldn't mind being a bird or singing while the sun rises every morning.

-household chores-the ones that get done sparingly-dusting ceiling fans, dusting blinds

-entertaining the idea of staying at home with the kids during August.  Both kids have plans for the summer and finding a vacation with limited days available is near impossible AND we still have one more year of funding two kids at the same time.  Our daughter graduates next year with her JD and our son graduates with a BS in Math.  He will go on for a PhD.  We are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. 

-love the idea of spending money on a backyard oasis of sorts-then it will feel like a vacation.  This is what I thought about at 3 a.m. this morning pre-bird serenade. (sleepless night)

-my sister and brother in law are visiting next weekend and I cannot wait! 

I hope you have a lovely weekend, any plans?


  1. Thanks Karen.,,

    I could be a bird as well. Just stepped out the door here and my favorite chickadee was calling...

    I like your idea of a backyard oasis with the kids this summer, I have a hard time believing mine will be at that stage at some point.

    we have NO weekend plans which is wonderful, happy weekend to you!

  2. This looks magical Karen, what an amazing photograph.

    The birds wake us up at 5am with their chorus, too...I love it, especially if I know I've got another hour before I need to get up.

    We've had two weekends with visitors and one coming up so this weekend is going to be a quiet one, I'm dying to curl up with a good book at some point. Have fun with your sister.

  3. The birds are singing here this morning too and it's beautiful. I am headed back to the beach to listen to the waves. There is just something about the ocean that heals me.
    I hope your weekend is a good one Karen.
    PS- I think a stay-cation is a great idea and there's no packing!

  4. Those are some wonderful thoughts. Sometimes just staying home to relax does wonders. Lots of times folks come back from a vacation needing more vacation. Congrats to your not so littles on their successes!
    Such a beautiful shot Karen . . .
    For me this weekend, there are production meetings for Helena's ballet performances, a violin lesson and some studio time for me!

  5. Lucky you, such beautiful surroundings for your walks. Love the photo!
    My plans for the weekend are driving to Kentucky for a 1/2 marathon. 10 of us will be going together and I'm really looking forward to it. :-)

  6. Karen, my dear, do you realize how stunning that picture is? Just breathtaking! Yea!!! Weekend with sister! Awesome! I know you'll have a wonderful time. I like the backyard oasis idea.

  7. That has got to be one of the loveliest photos I've seen. Blessings, Tami

  8. looks like lovely spring weather! love your new header!!

  9. Beautiful photo. Truly!
    I'm kind of a homebody, so staying home for the Summer doesn't sound too bad to me...and working on the backyard sounds fab!
    My weekend means work, so I'm off!

  10. First...wonderful photo. Wow.

    Second, I love the idea of a backyard oasis. I'm working towards that myself. Well, beautifying it a bit, at least. ;)

    And congrats with the kids educational achievements. That's really awesome.

    Have a great weekend! Fun with sister to look forward to, also! double yay!

  11. Oh my such a magical spot in the photo. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. a stay at home vacation.....comes without all the piles of laundry at the end....not a bad idea!!! and the together-time is what's important anyway!

    (what a sad duck story....there is most definitely a morale there)

  13. I love your new banner!
    I like the idea of a quiet vacation at a home oasis. Well, with meals out and stuff, lol.
    Have a great weekend! Ours is half over, spent mainly enjoying the boys' sports on a gorgeous day!

  14. Sweet and lovely thoughts :) And what a lovely image, too.

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  15. Such a beautiful photo, it really speaks to your soul doesn't it? This weekend we are busy with hockey tournaments.
    Have a wonderful visit with your family.

  16. I am in love with the light in that photo! And those cute ducks. I like the idea of singing with the sunrise too--you have such a beautiful spirit! I bet you can have lots of fun locally in August--I keep finding that some of the best parts of being with family are the conversations:)

  17. Karen

    That is an amazing photo! I love it. It defines spring!!!

  18. What a beautiful photo and I am always so intrigued by what the mind says in the wee hours of the morning. XO


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