Yarn Along

This week Frodo wanted in on the photo.  Whenever I grab the camera he is right beside me thinking we are going outside.  I like to think he likes helping me with the photo composition.  Anyway, my pi shawl was done last night but I had to undo five rows of my lace edging.  That happens when you knit at night near bedtime, well it happens to me!  So let's say it's almost done.  What a labor of love.  I enjoyed having this on the needles.  When we went traveling this past weekend this was the only project I focused on.  Remember, I promised myself no new big projects until this project was off the needles.  Self motivation is easy for me :) Hopefully I'll update the project page soon with finished photos!

My reading is exactly the same:  The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman.  To be honest I did very little reading over the weekend with all the socializing.  Now that I'm home and back to the quiet life I'm sure this book will be finished in a few days.  I mentioned that the theme is a town with short stories told through many generations.  I love she has developed folklore and ghosts as the years roll by.  Also how history is preserved and altered through story telling of the characters.

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny


  1. Oh Karen, this is stunning! Love the green colour too. Cardamon loves to photo bomb too. I've missed visiting your space. Trying to make more time to visit my special blogs. Jacinta

  2. Frodo doesn't look real in that photo, he looks like a little stuffed doggie sat there next to your shawl.

    The shawl is gorgeous, I am in awe.

  3. That Frodo is classic! (he just knows how photogenic he is!)

  4. Karen, the shawl is absolutely gorgeous!!!It is a work of art and I cannot wait to see you model it when it is finished. Funny, Frodo wants in on the photos - our border collie hides when she sees the camera.

  5. How lovely and the color is perfect! I picked up The Red Garden this week and plan on starting it tonight.

  6. oh, Karen!!! It's lovely!!! (Do you know what Freddy would do to that if he was as close as Frodo??????! ...the little scamp!)

  7. karen your pi shawl is lovely. they are a labor of love ! i continue to work on my pi shawl....leaves of grass and love the knit. but oh does it go on and on !

  8. I love Frodo! And the shawl is very, very pretty.

  9. What a gorgeous shawl, you should be very proud! I also love your camera loving Frodo......too cute!!

  10. It's gorgeous! And it's always nice to see Frodo.

  11. Oh your shawl is stunning, best of luck with the edging.

  12. Oh what a stunning piece of work, Karen. So co-ordinated with Frodo too! xx

  13. Lovely shawl. At least your assistant is not laying on your project!

  14. The knit is lovely but I have to admit I'm distracted by the adorable Frodo!

  15. It's just beautiful Karen and I know you are going to love it for years to come.
    Love seeing your little Frodo, what a doll!

  16. I love the Frodo cameo! I have to be real careful what I knit when it's late. My eyes just don't focus like they used too. They shawl looks amazing.

  17. It is not so easy to knit at night when one is sleepy. I've done the same with the same outcome, no fun. One would think I'd learn... Lovely knitting! :)

  18. Oh Lordy! I do love it! Just gorgeous! I can't knit right before bed time or it gets ripped out the next day....every time.

  19. It's looks great!

    Alice Hoffman writes a really good story. I've got this book on my 'to read' list. I'll get to it soon.

  20. Beautiful shawl! I'm so sorry you had to rip rows- that's particularly painful for lace work.

  21. How lovely! Can't wait to see more photos!

  22. your shawl is wonderful. can't wait to see it all finished. you did amazing work. :)

  23. Wow! This is amazing. Your hands create the most beautiful things:) XO

  24. Beautiful! Your Frodo looks like he is admiring your gorgeous work.
    Enjoy your new shawl.

  25. Karen, that is gorgeous! I love that pattern in the center.

  26. Wow! That really is a labor of love. Frodo was right to want to be in this photo! Beautiful :)

  27. I'm catching up on my blog reading...lovely to see your shawl I just checked it out on Ravelry. I must start posting things over there too. Your shawl looks amazing...I keep doing that late night unraveling thing too. Can't wait to see the finished one.
    Happy knitting.

  28. Karen - the shawl is so beautiful! What a pretty pattern. Sorry to hear about the lacing that needed to be reworked. But I'm sure it was well worth it! Amazing job!

  29. Love it! It's beautiful!

  30. All knitting looks better with a little Frodo tossed in.


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