Lessons Learned

Hello Beautiful. (Frodo says "hi")

It's been a flustery kind of week.  On Wednesday, while rushing to go to work, I jammed the wrong car key into the ignition.  Well jammed means that I couldn't drive that car. My husband spent the morning prying the key out, calling a tow truck and well.....Let's say "haste makes waste" and it's going to be an expensive fix.

So with that snafu looming about in my brain, I've been focusing on enjoying my daughter's visit!  We went shopping a few times this week and I've been cooking all my new meals for her to taste test.  Because she lives alone she's challenged by cooking for one.  As you know, I'm challenged by cooking for two!  It all comes down to flavor to make cooking exciting.  She leaves tomorrow.

Our son arrives home on Thursday for three weeks before he leaves for a summer research program.  This will be the first summer without kids.  I think I'm okay with that.  It's interesting to see them carve their paths in life while my husband and I have fun doing our activities.  I'm learning to enjoy this empty nest life.

I found another mistake in my sunflower shawl and decided to let it be.  It's the kind of mistake that could be considered a creative adaptation of the pattern and only I know it's there (and now you!).  Knitting with a wool silk blend is a tactile pleasure that a knitter should experience in their lifetime.  I've been daydreaming of more knits with a similar fiber content.

May you have a lovely weekend :)


  1. I'm glad to hear you enjoy the empty nest, although I'm sure there's times it's hard...As I knit and read and write, I have that empty nest in the back of my mind...what life will be like when I have time to devote to my activities!

  2. ohhhh. bummer about the key. that sounds like something I would do.
    have a great weekend, sweet lady!

  3. Hi, Frodo!! I was so hoping that you got your photo on your mom's blog because you had done something naughty; that's about the only time I get mine on. I keep hearing 'Frodo wouldn't do that....Frodo wouldn't do this"---are you really always so good, or is that my mom making up stories???

    Hope you are having fun with your half-sister-----and you got to also test taste some of those goodies!!!

    Lots of sniffs and licks,


    PS I like your hair-do. I'm desperate for one!!!

  4. Oh...I hate those days when I make those hasty mistakes. I hope you are enjoying those visits! I know how special they are. It's an interesting trick, figuring out all these new dynamics. I think maybe I'm getting a bit better at it, but that's easy to say when everyone is home :) Have a wonderful mother's day!!!

  5. Hasty mistakes are the worst because once they're done you *know* how preventable they are and we tend to beat ourselves up about them. They happen to the best of us though! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Karen, and a very happy Mother's Day! :)

  6. Oh, gosh, I've done things like that, too. (In fact, I fried my husband's camera *yesterday* while hastily trying to upload some photos to my computer--I used the wrong USB cable. Eek!)

    I'm so glad that you are enjoying your daughter's visit, and that you'll soon be spending time with your son.

    I don't know if I've ever knit with a silk/wool blend, but now I want to! Can't wait to see your finished shawl.

    I *love* that photo of Frodo! What a great face he has. : )

  7. Oh how I hate those kind of rushing mistakes.

    Glad you are enjoying time with your daughter. Enjoy your weekend and Happy Mother's day!

  8. Oooohh...sorry to hear about the wrong key in the ignition. Eeeep! It happens to all of us.

    Enjoy your time with your daughter and son! And no worries about the knitting 'mistake' - I am sure it's lovely and no one will know/notice. It's an intentional part of your design :)

    Happy weekend and happy mother's day!

  9. Oh no. hate when things like that happen because then I totally obsess and beat myself up over it. Beautiful photograph though! Well done!

  10. Frodo is the sweetest! So sorry to hear about the jammed key - it happens to the best of us! Enjoy the rest of your daughter's visit!

  11. It's always when you are in a hurry isn't it...what a nuisance.

    It sounds like you had an amazing time with your daughter though, hope it made up for the key upset. I had a bit of quality, mum and daughter time last week too. Hannah asked me to go with her to an open evening in London to find out about a Post grad MA course she wants to do. We had time for a fun afternoon in London first at the V & A. An amazing Museum with beautiful textiles. She'll be off again in September too and I will badly miss her.

    LIke you, we'll have to get back into our old rhythm again of the two of us when she leaves. But like you say It's an adventure...a bit like when we first got married. The fun of having time to do things together, and our own adventures too. A kind of second honeymoon....

    Hope you have a lovely weekend too.

    ps I've written a couple of supper ideas in the comments on the last couple of posts if you are interested.

  12. Ouch. That's not a fun way to start the day with a key in the wrong ignition... I feel like someone has stuck the wrong key in my ignition sometimes, come to think of it. ;)

    Yes, silk and wool is just delicious. I know a knitter who suggests that you just go ahead and put a mistake in a piece when you start and get it over with. She says hardly anyone would ever notice and you stop trying to make it perfect... I can't quite subscribe to her method... but, I have learned to live with SOME of my mistakes (and no one else has ever pointed them out... seems I tend to though. LOL!). Have a great weekend, Karen. blessings ~ tanna

  13. Oh no, so sorry to hear about the key! I have done so many similar things...I guess it's just part of life. So glad you had a lovely visit with your daughter! It's always a treat for me to spend time with my parents, and I hope someday our future children will feel the same way ;)


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