May Blossoms

This week has been glorious-the sun has been shining, the birds singing and my wild dogwood trees are blooming.  I remember when I was about 12 years old and our family moved from the city of Pittsburgh to the suburbs.  I grew up with a cement back yard fenced in with two patches of grass just long enough for one cartwheel.  As a small child, I would ride my tricycle in circles or beg my sister to throw the jump rope over me while it was tied to the fence so I could practice my skills for recess at school. Even then recess was competitive and demanding.

We moved to a tiny brick ranch on a half acre that was overgrown by flowering trees and bushes.  Lilacs lined the driveway and underneath poked grape hyacinths. Dogwood trees were also in the yard and they blossomed near the end of school days.  Around this time of year I would be planning my summer reading list.  It was around 12-13 years old that I became an avid reader.  Sitting under a dogwood or any other tree (while avoiding the bugs) with my novel and my notebook, I would daydream and read of places.  I would document each book I read, title and author.  Even then I was a list maker.

May was also the month of Mary, and church smelled so sweetly with the fresh bouquets that decorated around the statue.  The overpowering fragrance was carried by the breezes felt with windows newly opened. The month of May reminds me of my grandmother who celebrated her birthday in that month and when visiting her we would explore her garden that was filled with flowers, sit on her swings (yes! more than one swing!) trying to swing higher and higher without getting caught and reprimanded.  Her swings were special because they were suspended with springs.  The bounce and swing motion was addicting.

So now I walk with camera in hand capturing a simple blossom, Time is stopped, suspended while I capture the beauty of Spring.

Have a lovely weekend!!


  1. I love sharing your an only, books were my main friends during the summer months (and the library reading club!) I did the same thing....making those book lists---and squirreling myself in a self-made 'fort' under some big old drooping bush. i remember thinking one summer i'd just start with the A's and work my way through the fiction section (this did NOT happen!)

  2. Living in australia means I have never seen the dogwood tree before, i've read about it in stories but the lovely photos and recollection of its scent in the breeze gives me the essence of its beauty. Thanks for sharing

  3. Very pretty pictures of the dogwoods. I was/am making lists of books and what I have read. Lovely post:)

  4. I love spring and all of its blooms!

  5. Beautiful post, Karen... Took me down memory lane, too... ;) blessings ~ tanna

  6. Such a well written, beautiful post. What is it about grandmother's and flowers? My grandmother was an avid rose gardener and roses always remind me of her.

  7. Everything about this post is so touching Karen. I love seeing all the beautiful flowers, one of my favorites. I need to spruce up my Mary garden and take a few photos for you to see, it still has a long way to go, but each year I try to add a little something.

  8. Beautiful post, thanks for sharing some of your memories.

  9. What a beautiful glimpse into your life. Love the dogwoods :) Hope everyone is well.

  10. What lovely memories and that blossom so pretty, I haven't seen anything like it before.
    Hope you have a good weekend too.

  11. Beautiful photos. I really enjoy your nature/outdoor pictures. Isn't it funny that you can trace back those days of reading and note taking, and all the sensory that went with it?! Wonderful memories, I think. :) Lilacs always remind me of my grandmothers yard. I'm thrilled to have them in our yard now.

    Have a great weekend!

  12. great post. Its funny how certain things can transport you back in time so quickly.

  13. Beautiful blooms and springtime memories Karen.
    I am a swing addict- that just sounds sooooo fun!

  14. Hi Karen!

    What a lovely post. : ) May is my favorite month of the year and your childhood memories brought to mind many of my own (I used to tie one end of the jump rope to the fence, too!). I can't wait for the lilacs to bloom.

    I've got to tell you: your blog looks beautiful. <3

  15. this is so so sweet karen, we have similar memories, reading, trees and flowers, our grandmothers and the love for the month of may. it is my birth month so an extra favorite for me!

  16. Love those dogwoods...and I just discovered your knitting patterns! Thank you for providing some knitting inspiration.

  17. Those blossoms are just lovely. I know spring has been a long time coming to you! Hope you are enjoying it, every moment:)


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