My Studio

I formulated an idea a few days ago.  Why not have a space to call my own?  You see, I have yarn squished in my bedroom closet and yarn sprinkled through out the family room.  My notebooks and pens were stashed in a kitchen cupboard.  I had nooks and crannies everywhere.  Since the kids are both on their adventures for the summer, I suggested to my husband that we flip the guest room into my studio room (it's a craft room but I like the word studio better). He said "why not!" that is one of the many reasons I love him.

So yesterday morning, 9 a.m. we started.  We moved big shelves downstairs, small shelves upstairs, a table from storage upstairs.  I collected my "stuff" from corners and baskets.  Poor Frodo, he did not know what was going on and followed me everywhere.  I know my legs and arms were aching, so he must have been just as tired (he still sleeping as I type).

I still have to share this room with guests when they visit.  However, we have each child's room empty as well-so there is plenty of space in the house.  My computer is downstairs for now.  I'm debating whether I want that in this little oasis. I fear it would be a distraction. My husband suggested some shelves above the table, I'm thinking a vision board.

The doll in the photo above was my mother's toy as a child.  She was bald with a broken leg (and naked).  I knit her the outfit that she is wearing-unfortunately I cannot remember where I found the pattern and it was pre-Ravelry days.


  1. It is so nice to have a room of ones own. Enjoy your space, your special place of retreat and creation.

  2. Your studio/crafting space turned out great! What a nice place to be creative and have everything organized and in it's place. Lucky you! :-)

  3. Congratulations! I think you are quite well deserving, and I agree that studio is a very apt name. So glad you have your space to create and envision your ideas without distraction.

  4. I love it!!! What a perfect space for you to work in. I like the idea of a vision board! Ree & I started putting together our art/craft room a few months ago. Then morning sickness hit & it's not put together anymore. Maybe we should work on that again soon!

  5. It looks wonderful! I'm sure you will enjoy it very much. I dream of a space of my own... some day.

  6. I LOVE it! I love all your needles in that cheery green container. Your studio looks very inviting, the perfect creative retreat!

  7. How perfectly lovely! What a welcoming space for you! I think I will start calling my office my studio too:) My mom has a room like this--it used to be my little brother's room, but is now more of an all-purpose space. It really needs help to be transformed into a studio, and I'm hankering to help her with it. I don't know when I'll be home next, but it's at the top of my list. Happy creating!

  8. I *LOVE* your new studio. It is such a bright, inviting space. I like how you have organized/displayed your needles and yarn. A vision board would be perfect.

    How wonderful to have one of your mother's childhood treasures. The outfit you knit for her is absolutely gorgeous.

    Enjoy your new play space!

  9. YEAH!!! A real 'studio'!!! It looks lovely, Karen!!! (I know I revel in my tiny, little enclosed porch must be over the moon in a whole room!!!!!) I'm dreaming of all the fabulous creations that will come out it!

  10. I love your new space, Karen :)

    I'm beginning to think my knitting attic is never going to be done since everything else keeps taking precedence on the home project list but your room inspires me to get it finished!!

    I was happy to spot the box I made you sitting on your desk...I had forgotten all about it :)

  11. This is wonderful! We recently decided to convert one of our rooms to an office and it's exciting to move things around and start decorating. Your studio turned out so well!

  12. Yes, you need a studio, it's so important for the artist inside you and yours is just perfect!

  13. What a lovely space Karen. It looks like you get really good light to work.
    Enjoy having a space of your own.

  14. Wow, such a lovely studio space. Can't wait to see all the creations that come out of there :)

  15. Such a lovely spot to call your own! I'll bet you are going to really enjoy this, Karen!! Love the baskets of yarn... ;) blessings ~ tanna

  16. Love your studio, Karen! It's such a welcoming room. The containers on your desk are so pretty and love the baskets of yarn. :-) Enjoy!

  17. Fun! It looks like you did a super job. I need to get my stuff organized one of these days. You are an inspiration to do so!

  18. The studio looks great! I love the you arranged everything...very cozy. One of these days I hope to make my own studio!

  19. once upon a time I had a lovely space for craft but that room was converted into bedroom small lounge computer room. I miss the space and the opportunity to leave projects on the go ready for action when I wanted them to be. Lucky you... one day I gain my space back again. The doll is lovely and i like your pencil vase

  20. What a great space to escape to!

  21. I love your new space! It looks so inviting and inspiring! I would keep the computer out of there. I like the idea of a Vision Board.

  22. Every crafter needs a little space of their own and yours is just lovely. How nice to have a place for everything. Those baskets of yarn have me feeling envious! Enjoy your studio! :)

  23. I do believe I'm a bit jealous. That's a awesome space!

  24. I love it! I want a studio room of my own (insert whiney voice here)! Right now I'm relegated to the laundry room along with all of the other "junk" As soon as we clean up some toys and re-do the downstairs living room. Yeah. Right. Wishful thinking.


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