Through My Camera Lens

The heat wave is over and I am one happy individual, the back door was opened, birds sang and the cicadas are in full swing heralding mid summer's arrival.  I've huddled inside during the heat wave, with knitting on my lap, ignoring the high temperature and the humidity.

Hiding and ignoring makes me blind to what I can see-truly see.  I look out windows, I glance at my surroundings while picking up my mail or newspaper, taking for granted the nature that embraces me each day whether the weather is comfortable or not.  Each morning I journal and I end my entry with what I am grateful for that day.  It resets my attitude-makes me focus on good things.

Yesterday I went outside and took my camera and once again, looking at nature through the lens lends pause to my day and several grateful thoughts.  I'm suspended by the moment while capturing nature.  I fiddled with settings, trying to catch that butterfly in flight-unsuccessfully I might add.

While crouched completely focused on the butterfly, I glanced to my right.  Although I'm not a fan of spiders, I can appreciate their beauty.  How lucky was I to see this spider and his web and an unfortunate butterfly for his meal.  He was the perfect subject not once moving while I refocused and collected a moment of loveliness.  All because I opened my eyes to see through my camera lens.

Have a lovely weekend, friends!!


  1. Such great pictures. I love to walk around my back yard and snap random photos. The weather might actually be sunny and cool enough to actually do that this weekend! Enjoy yours :-)

  2. I love doing this too. It's amazing how much more I "see" when I'm looking for pictures. The heat wave finally broke here too, now once all this rain stops I'll have to walk around the yard with my camera!

  3. What great reflections. I like your routine of finding gratitude everyday. A change in perspective can really affect your life and outlook. Gorgeous shots.

  4. this is all so lovely, my dear.

  5. Beautiful images and words. Enjoy those cooler temperatures, we are experiencing them too and it is lovely.

    Happy weekend.

  6. Oh yes - a cooler day here too. I am about to wander round myself and see whatt the day has brought out. Love your pictures xxx

  7. I love wandering around the garden and looking at all the pretty things. :-) Enjoy the open doors! Wish we could, but not only is it still too hot, we'd also be eaten alive by mosquito's. :-(

  8. What a great idea! I think I'll pick up my camera soon too - the *real* camera, instead of just my phone camera.

    Lovely pics!

    Happy weekend :)

  9. Lovely photos Karen, It's sticky here at the moment but I think rain is forecast tomorrow so time to catch up on all those household chores.
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Nice photos, and you are very patient to catch them!

  11. great pictures! I find, too, that I often see more when I'm focusing life through my camera lens!!! (and things sometimes pop up in the pictures that I never did see until I looked at the pictures!) staying the moment...aware of everything-----how hard!!!!

  12. Isn't that the truth!? I think one of the greatest gifts of photos/blogging is gaining a new perspective on the MOMENTS of beauty in our day. New focus and an attitude of gratitude... miracles for the soul. Excellent captures of your surrounding beauty, Karen. blessings ~ tanna

  13. I am not a fan of the heat and humidity, either. So I understand completely. There really is beauty in the up close and personal, isn't there? Very different from that view from within our cool caves :) You've captured them beautifully with your camera.

  14. Beautiful new renovated blog Karen....and yes, isn't that the truth if you just stop and take it in's all there, spiders and all. Have a lovely weekend.-ps. this is Camilla- Freerangechick- just changed my blog name :)

  15. I can completely relate to hiding inside with my knitting, completely absorbed, and missing the amazing natural world outside. I am working on finding a balance...

  16. sweet photos, mama!
    I could do with a little heat wave. Just one that goes up to 85 everyday for a while.

  17. Beautiful photos! I saw wild raspberries ripening on the path around the pond just the other day. They made my heart smile : ).

  18. huddled inside with knitting during a heatwave is a funny image. I am too glad the heat has subsided, just have to get through August!

  19. These photos are all so lovely! I too have been focusing a lot on the idea that we see so much if we make it a point to open our eyes. Loved the spider and those berries! It has also been blessedly cool here...only in the high 80s/low 90s! That is practically balmy for here, and I thank my lucky stars for it every day:)

  20. I've been trying to grab five minutes to visit this post since you mentioned it Karen ... it was well worth the wait :D


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