
We (which means him) harvested all the spinach and lettuce from our little raised bed garden.  I thoroughly enjoyed both.  We traveled to see our son on Saturday for a quick visit.  We walked the campus and explored the town that he temporarily calls home.  We found a little bistro restaurant and I ate a tasty grilled cheese sandwich with focaccia bread and fresh mozarella...mmm... He is half way through his summer research program, seems like we just dropped him off!

Yesterday I knit and knit and knit. I will share more, soon.

We pulled out the calendar to plot out our travels, the real ones and the imaginary ones for the fall.  Sometimes the daydreams of possible places to visit can be just as fun as the actual trips. Funny how technology with virtual calendars cannot quite help my disorganized mind like the paper calendar that is in the kitchen.   Seeing the weekends and penciling in events is quite helpful :)

Overall my weekend was: sunshine, humid, slow, long, peaceful and quiet.

Joining Amanda


  1. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I understand about your paper calendar in the kitchen. We have one there too. :-)

  2. Your son is half way through?! Yes, it does seem like you just dropped him off.

    It's hot and humid here too and I am ready for winter. I have been getting outside before 6:00 a.m. and it's already hot! Blah!

    How fun to plan trips, I've been doing the same thing. I leave in less than two weeks and am so exicted!

    Have a great Monday and happy knitting.

  3. Slow sounds good to me. The older I get the slower I like my weekends, well everything really. I had a grilled cheese sandwich yesterday too, with tomato and a glass of lemonade, which was lovely on a hot day. And then Murray won! So a very good weekend here in London.

  4. i miss more 'events' since i've tried to be techy-organized!! I need to see the whole month.....a gazillion times a day!! (Love my kitchen calendar, too!!)

  5. Oh, I'm SO with you. All the electronic gadgetry in the world does not help my organization like a good note on the kitchen counter. ; )
    Have a great start to your week Karen.

  6. What's a kitchen without a calendar? I SO agree. Can't wait to see the result of all that knitting!

  7. Sounds like a great weekend! I got a lot of knitting done too and it felt great! The summer seems to be flying doesn't it?

  8. That is so funny - by "we" I mean "him". That's exactly how it is in our garden, too!

  9. We have not yet 'harvested' a thing...but soon, I hope! I'm a huge pencil and paper gal, so I know of which you speak. So smart to do a little advance planning, though. I think that helps some of those dreams become a reality a little quicker!

    Thank you for you note :)

  10. Oh, I love daydreaming about places to visit. Even if we never visit them, the daydreams are like a mini-vacation.

    (PS I have two paper calendars in my kitchen!) xo

  11. Wow, time flies. I love that we can discover new places through our children's education. Each time Hannah moves to a new student house she explores the area and finds all the good book shops and cafes and then shares them with us when we visit. She'll be leaving again at the end of the summer to do her Post grad degree after travelling for a bit. I'm already missing her and she hasn't even left yet.

    Can't wait to see what you've been knitting.
    Sounds like a good weekend.

  12. nothing like fresh spinach! yum!

    hard to believe summer is almost over - i think the kids that attend school here will start very early august. it seems too soon.

  13. Summer is flying past! Sounds like a great weekend, Karen. I'm looking forward to seeing what you knit and knit and knit. ;) I, too, need that paper calendar. blessings ~ tanna

  14. Sounds delightful! These days are quickly disappearing, aren't they? Hugs!

  15. I love planning out places that I "might" go-- so much fun to imagine, isn't it?

  16. It does seem like you just dropped him off. I have to have a paper calendar. I know so many people do digital but it is faster for me to just write it down.

  17. Karen, your lettuce looks great! Glad you got to visit your son and plan for more trips...sounds fun. Can't wait to hear about your newest knitting!

  18. Yay for greens and imaginary trips!

  19. Oh I love the sound of your weekend. And I am with you on the paper calendar, still have mine in the kitchen too :)

  20. What a bountiful harvest! And trip planning sounds like lots of fun, even if it is only imaginary. I am into the idea of making my own maps lately, and I may make one with a dotted little line leading to all the places I'd like to see. We are at Palomar now, and we don't have any trips planned until at least November or December, but I'm working on my husband to go to an old west apple town in the fall:)


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