Knitting Surgery, Marriage Advice, and the Oppressive Quiet

Guess what?  I had enough yarn-phew!  Dodged that little bullet but of course I now face another challenge.  While I was blocking this beauty yesterday, I came across a dropped stitch!  I quickly put a blocking pin in it and now I'm waiting for it to be dry and when I have all my wits about me to tackle that problem. My stitch count never wavered so I'm wondering when I was rinsing and wringing-yes wringing-I might have broken the fiber.  Who knows, I'll see when I do knitting surgery.  Either way I can fix it.

My week has been quiet, unusually quiet and eerily quiet.  I find it funny that when the house is bursting with noise and commotion I dream of quiet and then when I actually do get what I want I'm at a loss at what to do with myself.  Don't you worry, I have made lists a mile long in times like these and I refer to them.

I believe I made the worst dinner ever the other night.  I followed a recipe, sort of, and then became creative and it was just not good.  We've been talking about it all week.  This is what old married couples talk about by the way.  Once when our daughter was two years old I made chicken tarragon and then a stomach virus crept through the house with vengeance.  To this day, tarragon is NOT a spice that is used in this house.  Funny the tarragon meal was a very good meal just was ruined by germs.

Anyways.  We celebrated 26 years of marriage yesterday!!  Can you believe it?  We are still happy and I thought for all of my younger readers I'd give you the secret to our so far success (you should never be so bold as to take it for granted).  First secret, you should be friends with whomever you marry.  Yep.  Friends.  Second secret, a sense of humor is an added benefit-if you cannot laugh about the silly stuff and stressful stuff then it's going to feel like a long 26 years of marriage.  Third secret, and this one is a biggie-do stuff together.  For instance, I knit while he drives, in a knit shop while I am blissfully contemplating purchases he sits and listens to his music on his iphone, when in a used record store I stand and dream of knitting-record shops do NOT give you seating areas.

Enjoy the long weekend everyone!


  1. Happy Anniversary Karen and Mr Karen!

    We are only just over two years in to our marriage journey but I would definitely agree with your advice. You sound like us! I sit and read while he explores old churches and graveyards, he goes on twitter on his phone while I browse the craft shop...and we are really good friends, and spend a lot of time laughing. One day I hope to do a blog post when we've been married for 26 years (or whatever we have then instead of blogs!)

  2. Happy Anniversary! I was hoping for a magical cure-all for marriage. All I can say here is we had all three of those things and still are in a very very difficult patch. Marriage is not for wimps.

    (And I can't wait to see that knitting when it's blocked!)

  3. Happy Anniversary! Wonderful advice!
    I used to tell my students something very similar. And that "love" is not like you see in the movies.
    That is funny about quiet house. That time is lost on me sometimes!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! 26 years is quite an accomplishment and something to be proud of. Wishing you many, many more happy years to come!

  5. Congrats on 26 years! We celebrate 30 later this year. I totally agree on the marriage advice - works for us!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! And great advice! I married my best friend, we can get each other to laugh no matter what, and we do things together. He is amazed at my knitting & has no problems going into a yarn store (even helps pick out yarn sometimes); he's taught me all about gardening & even though I don't do most of it, I do enjoy sitting outside keeping him company (knitting) while he & Ree go to town around the yard!

  7. Happy anniversary! We'll celebrate our 12th in another two months. (:

    (Best of luck with that stitch!)

  8. Happy Anniversary! We are a couple of years behind you guys. The big 25 for us next year.

    I find the same thing - I want peace in the midst of the kids commotion, then when I get the quiet I don't know what to do with myself! It just takes me a while to sit and "be".

  9. Happy Anniversary and I love your marriage advice, so very true.

    It's been quiet around here too, even with Alex still at home. He is often in his room reading for school and I am wandering the house a little lost. Oh, I have lots to do, I just have a hard time getting started some days.

    A dropped stitch? I know you will take care of it and have the most beautiful shawl.

  10. I think a dropped stitch would look different from a broken stitch, eh? Either way, it's not too tricky to fix it. I look forward to seeing the blocked piece!

    Congrats on your anniversary!
    I have a friend who is a beginner baker who likes to "wing" baking. It never ever works out.

  11. Heehee! I cook like that - it either turns our spectacularly well or flops dramatically. Either way I can never remember what I did.
    Have a lovely anniversary with your love. I agree with every one of your points xxx

  12. I hope the knitting is an easy fix! And congratulations on your anniversary!

  13. Happy anniversary - humour in a marriage I think is too a very real benefit. We are coming up to our 27th wedding anniv in October.
    Your home of quite must be different after the noise of family - I've yet to go through the empty nest.

    Love Leanne

  14. Happy Anniversary and Happy Shawl Fixing! I am curious - what was the name of the worst dinner ever? As someone who has made her share of pretty bad dinners and part of an old married couple (32 years) this would give us something to talk about!

  15. Happy, Happy Anniversary! I hope everything cooperates when you fix your stitch. Can't wait to see the finished shawl. I'm enjoying my "alone time" this week. I know that soon the newness will wear off and I'll start looking for new projects, leading to trips to the yarn and craft stores. :-)

  16. Happy Anniversary! The shawl is beautiful! Since you are in my neck of the woods - since Mr. Karen likes record stores, there's a new one in Wilmington - Jupiter Records. It's right off of Naaman's Road on Marsh. Just opened and it's very cool! Real vinyl.

    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

    1. I will have to look that one up soon, thanks for the tip!

  17. and I forgot to say, there are benches on the porch where you could sit and knit while he browses! :)

  18. Happy Anniversary!!! We have one of those dinner stories, the one that was so horrible we tossed it and ordered pizza...we still talk about to this day, with lots of laughter :)

    Happy weekend.

  19. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet and beautiful post :)

    Happy weekend!

  20. Glad you had enough yarn! I ended up ripping back my cowl as I was short a few yards.:>( Hope you can fix the naughty stitch! A belated happy anniversary; we celebrated the beginning of year 49 last week, and your advice is great!

  21. Happy anniversary!
    Good luck with your knitting fix - I can't wait to see it blocked. :)

  22. Happy anniversary! And very good advise. :) have a beautiful weekend!

  23. LOL! I think the knitting-while-he-drives is the BEST advice ever! LOL! Happy Anniversary, Karen. blessings ~ tanna

  24. Happy anniversary. And, with just a few more years on the clock than you I'd say your tips are spot on :)

  25. Oh, happy anniversary! Great advice. I knit too, while he drives. And we do make each other laugh.

    I hope knitting surgery works out for you. I"m not sure I"d know how to fix a broken stitch. A dropped one yes, but broken?

  26. Great advice Karen- congratulations on your 26 years together- lovely to read a couple who have stayed together for so long and love each other. Also give each other the space and the patience needed in a yarn store (hehe.)
    (ps. the chicken cracked me up- been there....)
    Swoon.. your shawl is really something...divine Karen- truly.

  27. Congratulations on your anniversary! Your advice is lovely, and I'd say the same. :) Good luck with your knitting surgery- it makes me shiver just to type those words, but I know you'll do well with it!

  28. Whoo Hoo! Congratulations on 26 years. It has not been quite so long for us, though we were together quite a while before the, "I do". I found myself nodding along reading your marriage advice. Friendship means respect on many levels that is needed for the long haul. It also means a lot of good laughs! Lovely post.

  29. Congratulations on your anniversary. We made it to 52 years on August 18th. I say marriage is always a work in progress. I feel like young folks give up way too soon. Your husband sounds a lot like mine. A woman told me years ago that men are a lot alike--God just gave them a different face so that we would know which one was ours.

  30. Happy anniversary! This is so sweet;) I am glad you had enough yarn, though I am sure you would have thought of a beautiful way to finish it even if you had run out. I must tell you of my worst knitting surgery. I was making a huge cabled blanket on circular needles, hundreds of stitches across, when I realized I cabled on the knit side instead of the purl side: noooo! My husband helped me pull out the stitches and get them back on the needles, but, oh, it was not fun1

  31. Thank you everyone for your well wishes :) I appreciate each one and enjoyed reading them.

  32. what a wonderful anniversary get-away!!!!! glad the yarn held out----now hoping it holds together!!!!! I know you'll do a fine fix!

  33. I love your idea of doing stuff together. I bet your husband is a secret knitter by now...

  34. Happy anniversary! I love your tips for a long, happy marriage. :)

    Good luck with your knitting surgery. I'll keep my fingers crossed for success!

  35. Happy (belated) anniversary! I love your advice for a happy marriage and wholeheartedly agree with all of it. My husband and I have been married for eight years and he is still my favorite person to do things with. Our life together has been quite eventful and it works because we are a great team :)


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