Knittings and Musings

Yesterday I started a pair of fingerless mitts for my daughter upon request.  I don't know about you, but when my family asks for a hand knitted item, I get giddy deep down inside.  There's a quiet joy rummaging through skeins of wool and patterns, matching and creating.  One mitt is nearly finished and hopefully the pair will be gifted while she is here next week.

I've been holding up bravely when I look at the coffee table.  It will get worse (messier) once my daughter arrives home.  For now it's not bothering me one bit.  Sometimes, I must confess, I have piles of stuff-that never bothers me.  Double standards. I'm back into the swing of planning out menus and buying enough food, keeping up with household chores.

It's raining at the moment and all week it's been cloudy and humid.  I've noticed some early leaves changing yellow and falling.  My oak tree has begun to drop a few acorns, however summer is still here.

My moleskine journal is filled up, pages and pages of thoughts and events have been scribbled.  This is one of many ongoing notebooks/journals that I have around.  I have one for quotes and observations, my "to do" book, a planner and a creative notebook.  I won't go into my pen collection it's extensive, I will say I prefer a pen with a cap.

How about you?  How many notebooks/journals are you keeping?


  1. Hi Karen,
    I had to smile when I read about your notebooks. I have tried all kinds of things to keep me organized and I have finally found out that different note books is the way to go. I keep one personal journal, one for to do lists and all kinds of thoughts and plans and one for meal planning. I have a big lined note pad where I start my shopping lists and the final one gets written on a small narrow pad that I take to the store with me. I also have a notebook for craft projects. I do have a pen collection as well but I mainly use the Atlantis pall pen from Bic because they write so smoothly.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Lately my kids have been piling on the knit/crochet requests. It's overwhelming. They are three, almost five, and almost eleven. I take their requests and wait a week to see if they really still want them. (:

    But yes, the fact that they're asking for handmade goodies makes me extremely happy!

  3. WOW! you've got me beat in the journal department (although we might be close in the pen department!!!) I usually only journal when I'm on a trip.......but I had so much fun with the last one, I've thought seriously about expanding----but, into knitting time??? oooooo don't know!!! I do love those moleskin journals!

  4. Your coffee table reminds me of my mom's fireplace. It's where all me and my brother's stuff ended up when we were both in college and it totally drove her nuts. :) Now that it's just my brother at home she has cracked down a bit and it's usually clear when I come to visit!

  5. You really don't want to know...let's see there is the gratitude journal, the to do journal, the quote journal, the nature journal, the writing journal :)

    And I have started the little man with a nature journal and a gratitude journal, might as well start them young.

    Happy weekend!

  6. I love journals. But I've found that if I have too many I get overwhelmed and then don't journal. Then I go to only one journal and don't journal because it gets too "messy" for my brain that wants to be organized. But about a week ago I realized I'm starting to get "pregnancy brain". I can't remember things. So I need to have it written down. Plus I've started counting blessings again so I got out my gratitude journal. Right now I'd say I have 3 journals: my gratitude journal; a journal for my lists, thoughts, quotes I come across etc; and a small notebook that fits in my purse for when I'm out & about or need to write a store list. I am constantly looking for a pen I like. Do you date your entries each day or just keep adding things? ( brain so much wants things organized even in a journal!!)

  7. i wish i had a mom that would knit me things upon request! ;)

  8. I keep two notebooks: 1) a diary for to record daily happenings (including quotes, recipes, books I've read, lists of gift ideas, etc.) 2) notes for my stories. Right now I am fond of mechanical pencils, colored pencils and sharpie pens.

    It's rainy here, too. : )

  9. Yep, if someone asks for something knit, I try to respond. I've kept track of the books I've read for a long time but no journaling.

  10. Karen, a request from a loved one for a hand-knit is music to a knitter's ears!! Yes, the clutter that ensues with children coming home is most tolerable. ;) I haven't kept a journal in a long time... blessings ~ tanna

  11. I love journals! I work in a combination planner/datebook/journal daily and keep track of projects in separate journals for knitting and spinning. I won't tell how many art journals I have going right now. :-) Have a good weekend, Karen.

    1. I have a feeling your art journals are in multitudes :)

  12. I live for the To Do list. I have a pink lined notebook that goes into the larger purse, but I've been known to have a pack of post-its on me at all time. Have a lovely weekend.

  13. I love when someone asks me to knit, it really is a great feeling.
    I am curious, does your daughter knit? Mine isn't iterested, but Emerson
    is all about knitting, [I smile just thinking about it].

    Please try and not look at your coffee table, I know it will be hard, but you must. My chest starts to hurt just thinking about it for you.

    I hope your weekend is a nice one Karen.

  14. Lol - we have journals and notebooks all over the place usually with a couple of pages scribbled on and then left. My husband is the one who does this in an attempt to get organised and then it fades.
    After a whole summer of non stop visitors here, I amclooking forward to seeing my coffee table again xxx

  15. It makes my heart feel good when my family REQUESTS handknits. And they are the ones that get them first.

  16. I don't journal per se, but I do have a notebook for all kinds of lists, reminders, recipes, phone numbers and the like. After it is full, I keep it for a while (maybe a year) in case I need it for something and then I recycle it. I always look through it though. My current one started in January when C was born and I've written down how much formula she was eating and at what times so we could figure out why she wasn't gaining any weight. As for piles...yep I'm a piler. Drives my husband crazy!

  17. I have a ridiculous amount of journals but lately have been faithful to my moleskin, too. we have a compromise of sorts, I don't mention bicycle. he doesn't mention journal and yarn.

    1. that sounds like the perfect compromise. It's what we do, I don't mention music and he smiles when there is more wool adoption.

  18. It seems that fall is in the air around here as well. I too have a "thing" for pens with caps and paper, however I have never been consistent with writing a journal, most likely because writing is not my strong point. Great post, enjoy what is left of summer.

  19. Oh, rain! That sounds so beautiful. We may get some in the fall, but for now it's still sunny and warm. Though I won't complain because it hasn't been TOO warm. I am just about to finish my last journal and start a new one. I have it all lined up and ready to go. It always feels exciting to start a new one!


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