Rhythm of My Days

I was thinking this week about how I like to eat the color green the most.  Salads, green beans, avocados, brussel sprouts, peas, kale-oh I could go on.  Once I started thinking, my green vegetable list grew and grew. Whenever I sit for a meal, vegetables are the first bite.  At the farmer's market this week, I bought locally grown green beans!  Those remind me of my teen years, I would be sent out to pick green beans in my father's garden, one for me-one for the bowl-one for me-one for the bowl. Believe me, it took a while to gather enough green beans.

Mild temperatures have graced us this week, summer at its best.  Each day, I have the back door open to listen to mid summer songs of cicadas and birds and sometimes the rustling of a breeze.  August is a busy month for me.  Our son will be home three weeks-we pick him up from his summer research program tomorrow and our daughter will be home for a brief visit mid month.  The rhythm of my days currently are slow, purposeful and serene.  Once the kids are home, the rhythm will pick up, become busy, stuffed with plans and outings.  I'm looking forward to the change of rhythm.

I will briefly say goodbye to:  my clean coffee table, my clean kitchen counter, quiet days, dinners that are haphazard and frequently-leftovers for two (you can interpret that as "no cooking days").

I will say hello to:  family meal menus, watching siblings laughing and joking, heart to heart discussions of future plans in schools and careers, family walks, being together.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful August planned! Enjoy every moment. Your posts always re-emphasize the importance of family to me. I miss mine – they are all across the pond in Canada.

    Look forward to hearing about August and its varied rhythm.

  2. I love vegetables too. Although it wasn't until I was in college that I realized I liked them!!! I love reading about your son & daughter together. They have a relationship like I have with my sister's. Yet another reason I am so thrilled that we'll be having another baby. I want that relationship for Ree too!

  3. I'm loving these late summer days, too. The mild weather has been perfect for long walks. There really is nothing better than the green "taste" of summer's bounty (okay, maybe chocolate ; ). It's so nice that you have a long visit from your children to look forward to. Have a lovely weekend.♥

  4. You and I are really so much alike Karen, from our eating to clean coffee tables. I do hope to one day meet in person, I think we would have a great time.

  5. I think your rhythm sounds relaxing and practical...take it as it comes....and enjoy what is there, the now. I agree I LOVE green and crave - especially during summer when it is all fresh and beautiful.
    Have a lovey weekend Karen.

  6. i'm imaging the rich august days ahead of you. enjoy...

  7. August is such a fabulous month, and I am sure your children will make it even more divine...messy coffee table and all. Keep knitting and reading away! Can't wait to see what is next.

  8. I know what you mean about having your children home. I don't clean up before they come because things are going to be out of place the whole time they are here. Our son and daughter are married with children and live far away and we don't get to see them as often as I wish we could. Our son, daughter-in-law, grandson, our daughter and her daughter were here for a week in June. I told them before they came that I was just going to sit back and enjoy them and let them run the show. They laughed and didn't think that was possible, but I showed them. I really enjoyed watching our two grown children having fun together. Time just flies too fast when you are having fun. It was time for them to return to CA and OK before I was ready.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog and kind words.

  9. Oh so much goodness during the month of August for you. Enjoy every moment...even the messy coffee table :)

    Happy weekend.

  10. Oh your two paces this summer/August sound lovely. I know it will be a great time. And all that green! I suppose I'll have to knit on some green this weekend now. Happy one to you.

  11. Sounds like a most lovely (truly!) time to look forward to. Enjoy! Green is my color of choice these days, too. Fresh salads from the veggie garden each day...such is just one of the things that I love about summer. :)

  12. Each rhythm has its own joys. =) I love fresh green beans, too. Eating them straight off the vine is pure pleasure. Your writing about it reminded me of enjoying grazing on alfalfa as we moved the irrigation lines... tasted very similar to green beans but with its own sweetness. I miss that, too. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  13. That sounds like a lovely family time coming up. It's hard as they get older, I think. My son is busy, mostly he seems to be either at work, in bed or with his girlfriend so although we live in the same house I don't always see much of him! Today we went for an impromptu lunch together, the three of us and it was really lovely.

  14. You have a wonderful weekend too!

  15. That sounds like it's so worth giving up a free coffee table for ;)

  16. Isn't it amazing how quickly the rhythms of our days can shift so quickly? We do a twice weekly shift here ~ four or five days of busy creative chaos, two or three days of quiet bliss. And repeat.

    So happy you are having a little weather break ~ overdue, I know!

  17. How beautiful:) I love all kinds of green things too, and green beans raw are my favorite:) I love how contemplative you are about your days, noting and appreciating the little things about them and welcoming changes. It's really admirable:)


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