
Someone said to me yesterday that I'm lucky I have a sister, and you know what?  I am!  Sure, in my youth I was mean to her (very mean).  I teased, I taunted, and even ignored her.  However mean I was to her,  she was willing to play any game I wanted when I needed a playmate.

Once I grew up and we both had children of our own our sisterhood turned into friendship.  Our mother died in 1998 and since that time we have been sisters, friends and substitute mothers for each other. We talk daily sometimes multi-daily about the silliest of stuff.

My sister is a better cook and a better gardener than me.  She sews amazing things and is generous with her time and talents.  Whenever I'm demanding she still lets me have my way (sometimes).  We love to knit.  She loves animals and has a little zoo in her house: birds, a fish, a guinea pig and two! dogs.

I enjoyed our visit together and can't wait until the next visit.  However I hope the next visit has less excitement, you see the dog on the left, Rowan, discovered my bag of purchases and ate two bars of dark chocolate while we ate dinner on Saturday night.  Keep in mind he ignored all the fancy lentils, and green tea boxes I loaded up on.  He went straight for the good stuff.  You can guess what happened next.  Yup, a trip to the emergency room for some inducing.  He's fine and we are thankful for that.  The dog on the right is Avery, she is a golden doodle about 13 weeks old.  I babysat her while the hoopla was going on,  I like to think we bonded during those hours.


  1. I'm so glad Rowan is better. Your sisters home looks lovely...gorgeous china collection...(especially love the red and cream, top right) Hope your next meeting is less traumatic.

  2. Sisters are really such a blessing and I'm glad you have one
    I have two sisters, I'm the oldest by two years and they are 14 months apart. I think because we moved so much, 21 times by the time I was 18, we formed a very tight bond that continues today. They both now live in VA., but we talk almost daily.

  3. Sisters are wonderful. My biggest prayer for the past 4 years is that Ree be blessed with one. Thankfully one will be arriving for her just around her birthday!
    My middle sister & I would fight horribly & hate each other all growing up. But she is now one of my best friend's. I am so blessed that we live close by each other & our little girls are growing up with each other in their lives!

  4. Reading about you and your sister reminded me very much of me and mine. We didn't get along at all growing up (like you said, I was pretty mean to her) and for a few years after I had gotten married didn't really talk. It all changed when our oldest was born and now we really are sisters and friends. I still wish I would have done things differently when we were younger...

  5. You are very lucky to have a sister. I always wished for one! Figures the dog ate the dark chocolate. Glad it all turned out OK. The puppy is just adorable!

  6. Sisters really are a gift. I have two, I'm in the middle. My older sister was terrible to me, too. But I now count her as a bestie. Time will do that, right?! Happy choco-eating-pup was okay. Nothing like a little doggie ER visit to liven a Saturday night up, aye? ;)

  7. What cute dogs. I often wish I had a sister, I think that would have been wonderful. I have two wonderful sister in laws now, one who is pretty like the sister I never had.

    So happy you have such a wonderful relationship with yours :)

  8. oh, Rowan!!! (Freddy ate a bowl full of chocolate truffles one Christmas....and survived, but I've heard once dogs get the 'taste' of chocolate, they never forget it---and will always crave it. Smart animals!!!) You ARE so lucky having a sister (this, from an only child who goes around 'adopting' sisters!!!)

  9. You are blessed to have a sister, Karen. I have two brothers, whom I dearly love, and are the best brothers ever, but I don't have a sister. I've always wondered what it would be like!

    Her dogs are beautiful...both of them. Glad that Rowan is okay.

  10. Oh, bad puppy! I have a brother and his wife is like my sister! We don't get to talk much since they live in Japan, but with facebook, we are always in touch.

  11. I am glad that Rowan is alright! And,sisters are great! Blood sisters and the sisters I have been blessed with through my 3 brother's great choices!(The 4th brother is single. And, probably for good reason! WHO SAID THAT?? LOL)

    I need to stop in to the quilt shop to get October's schedule! Hopefully, our dates will jive! I miss the classes!

  12. I have three brothers and always wished for a sister. But, my mom and I are very close, and I am blessed to still have her.

    I loved the photos in this post! The clock looks like an owl. : ) And those two dogs are too cute--even if one is a naughty chocolate thief! It's so sad that he had to go to the emergency vet. : (


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