
My weekend:

-I walked daily, well almost daily-embracing the change in the air.  You can feel fall just around the corner
-we (meaning he) closed the pool-you know what that means....heat wave is coming!
-Frodo is happy to have the pool cover on so he can walk across water :)
-I caught up on laundry and tidied up the pile of papers on the counter
-I've flipped through magazines and cookbooks getting hungry from all the ideas I've found.
-favorite tastes this weekend:  avocado with radishes and apple cake-not together.
-knitting with friends and knitting in silence in the morning.
-being unplugged for the weekend and finding it very therapeutic for my soul

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. I am ready for a cool wave, this heat has really started to wear me down. It's not so bad if I can hang at the beach, but right now that's not possible.
    Avocado and radish? I will have to try that one of these days.

  2. I love reading about your weekends. They always sound lovely and relaxing. I love avocados, never had them with radishes though. Might have to give that a try...

  3. sounds like another good one!!!! (I actually did a weekend post that was up about an hour.....and I pulled it. the highlight was the hummingbird migration that apparently went through our backyard...very cool; the downer is my bronchitis that's made me sort of grouchy. YUCK. You had a MUCH better weekend than I did!!!)

  4. Apple cake ~ our favorite! Sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend :) We need to do the pool too but like you said....could still be a few hot days coming. At least that is what we are telling ourselves about this least favorite part of pool-keeping!

  5. It always sounds so calm at your home...I agree it's good to unplug and concentrate on different things...but then it's good to get back on line and catch up with everyone on Monday. I find avocados so good for vegan days. I'm trying to grow an avocado seed at the moment but it's probably the wrong time of year. I'll be making lots of apple cakes soon the apples are almost ready to pick.

    My weekend was lovely because Hannah and her boyfriend are back from their travels I missed them so much.We had lots of lovely long chats and photograph sessions. I've learnt a lot this weekend about the history of Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand mostly very emotional as I expected it would be. But really informative and thought provoking. I've started a new book and knitting project too so hopefully will have time to share in Yarn Along this week.
    Have a lovely week.

  6. Sounds like a great weekend.- especially for Frodo( he.he)
    Good for you taking walks daily- I should start to doing that too....and unplug more- you seem to be in tune with what your soul needs.
    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

  7. My weekend was all about a wedding, too many hours in a car, food that disagreed with me, and fractious whippets ... I much prefer the sound of yours!

  8. My dad is closing his pool this morning. It should by 90 degress by mid week for sure.

    I am loving this weather. It has made for some great walks!

  9. We have no pool to close, only a local small river that doesn't close and so no work for us. :) Friday the husband and I used a Living Social deal along with some old gift cards to go see a movie which was so bad that I won't even mention the title. Saturday was filled with busyness, laundry, and knitting, and Sunday was church and then dropped the kids off at the m-i-l's for two nights. Sipped wine and knit on the back porch until dusk last night and then cooked up some freshly picked corn on the cob for a snack. Perfect. :) Have a great week!

  10. There is definitely a chill in the air - I've got my socks on tonight!

    Nina x

  11. avocado and radishes? Do share! Sounds lovely, friend!

  12. I would love to see Frodo walk across water!

  13. HA! I love it. He closed the pool so now you'll get the heat wave. Murphy's Law, right?

  14. I love my unplugged weekends :)

  15. I love the idea of avocado and radishes. Must give it ago this upcoming weekend! You just made me swoon with your "piles of paper" on the counter. Your weekend sounds great. Hope you get another good one soon.

  16. Your weekend sounds great :) it was my wedding anniversary on Saturday 22 years :)

    Bee happy x

  17. We closed our pool over the weekend, too. Tomorrow it's going to hit mid 90s--yikes!

    These days, I've been spending less and less time "plugged in", and I'm liking it!

  18. I love every single one of these things! I should make it a point to do more posts like these! Very inspiring! Avocado and radish! That sounds like a match made in heaven. I ate gigantic tacos for dinner, but the thought of that combination is making me hungry again!


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