Dew Drop Cowl

I was gifted a luscious skein of sport weight alpaca last Christmas.  All year, I've eyed that skein wondering what it wanted to become.  A month ago the skein spoke to me, it said "a cowl".  So I searched Ravelry and found this pattern (the original).

I added a purl row in between five rows of stockinette stitch to add visual variety, I love the way this cowl turned out.  And it can be wrapped twice around the neck--so so cozy!

Here is my ravelry project page.


  1. I love it Karen! It looks so soft and snugly!

  2. I can see from the pictures how soft that cowl is. You must be totally in love with it.

  3. Oh so soft looking! We visited an alpaca farm on Saturday and made plans for a return visit there much wonderfulness that I think a cowl is on my horizons. :)

  4. Wow, that is beautiful. It looks so soft.

  5. It looks so warm and cozy! I have yet to knit a cowl, something I think that need remedied... :-)

  6. It's beautiful Karen and I really, really love the color.

  7. Oh, Karen, it's so beautiful! (And sport weight! The world must be coming to an end... ;) ) xo

  8. Love how this turned out, Karen. I'm such a brown person so I'm coveting just a but :)

  9. Oooh. Love the neutral but rich color. Very fall.

  10. Just in time for fall! And it is a wonderful color.

  11. I love the way this cowl turned out as well. Really beautiful. Rich and delicate at the same time. :-)

  12. Gorgeous cowl! I love everything about it: the color, the yarn weight, the pattern and the added purl rows. It looks so cozy and wearable.

  13. Oh what an inspiration you are to me! I am working on my very first cowl! And I can't wait to secretly send you a picture of it when it's done:) (Full disclosure: Being so new to knitting, I actually had to watch a youtube video to learn how to cast on.) Thank you!

  14. you turn out the most beautiful knits, karen!

  15. The cowl is lovely! I love how soft and toasty it looks. A cowl in alpaca, what a great gift to your neck. I like it!

  16. What a beautiful cowl. I love the addition of the pearl row.

  17. Gorgeous! It looks like the loveliest curtain in that picture by the window!


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