Reflections, Frost and Autumn Days

I will announce right here and now that I am not knowledgeable in cars, just in knitting, but I do know an old car when I see one.  Earlier this week our riding lawn mower broke and my husband was stumped on how to fix it, so he called a friend to help.  Our riding mower is over 20 years old and my husband refuses to let it die and be replaced "its engine is strong".

When our friend came over to help out, he brought along his little project-a roadster.  I saw an excellent photo opportunity.  I love how the car "smiles" at you from the front, see it?  After at least 10 photos, I noticed that one of them had my reflection and the beautiful autumn day! Between the two of them, the tractor was resurrected once again to continue lawn duties.

This week has seen the temperatures drop and yes, frost!  Yesterday when Frodo and I went to pick up the daily paper in the darkness, I saw frost.  Good bye fall weed allergies, you will not be missed by me.  We continue to walk after dinner knowing that in a few weeks it's going to be challenging to beat the sunset.

These last few days I've worn:  a wool sweater each day, my pendulum shawl and my laminaria shawl, my wurm hat, and some old mitts and old hand knit pre-ravelry socks. As I stated on Twitter-I am in knitter's heaven this week!!


  1. I love your fall banner! And I have loved this true fall weather we are having too. Knitters rejoice!

  2. I can't wait to show you post to Mike, he has wanted a Roadster for years, but really with all our dirt roads it's just not practical.
    We haven't had frost yet, but there has been a chill in the night air, hooray!

  3. Love the picture and the roadster's happy face. We've had to cover the mums a couple of times to guard against the frost. Perfect time to wear our knits . . . and knit more. :-)

  4. Sounds as if your love of knitting has definitely paid off for you when the temperatures began to drop! :)

  5. We've had our first frost this morning! It's really not normal for our area to have frost this early in the season, makes me wonder what the winter has in store for us. I totally understand how happy you are when you get to bring the woolens out to wear them. So far I've worn knitted socks and two knitted shawls. Today I get to wear a hat. ;-)

  6. That is a cute smile on that car! Also, glad you're having fun on Twitter. I have an account but hardly ever do anything with it. One of these days.....!

  7. Such a cool car. My dad would love it! I don't blame your husband for trying to fix his mower. They just don't make things like they used to. I am on Twitter but I hardly go on it. Instagram keeps me busy enough these days!

  8. I love that car's "smile". I'm still waiting for frost--maybe this weekend. But, it is cold enough for hats, scarves, and handwarmers--yay! It is always nice to hear when people keep old--but good--things going strong. I just had my old vacuum repaired, and now it runs like new. Your Friday posts always make me smile! : )

  9. Your pictures are wonderful, and you had a great subject. Don't you just love it when a perfect Kodak moment happens? I'm glad your mower is up and running again. I agree with your hubby - use those machines til they die of natural causes. I know how you feel wearing your wonderful knitted items. I've been wearing socks and sweaters that I made and there is just no feeling like it!

  10. Great car! Enjoy your frosty days wrapped up in your woolly goodness. Frosts don't happen here until much later xxx

  11. Your descriptions are wonderful. I could hear MY husband saying, "it's engine is strong." and I could definitely see the smile in the front of the car. Happy fall knitting :)

  12. Enjoy your knitters heaven :) Happy weekend Karen.

  13. What a fun car! Did you get to go for a ride? Happy knitting!

  14. We've had a couple of hard freezes and frost every morning for the past couple of weeks. I start out the day in a sweater but usually ny noon it's too warm.

  15. frost for us this morning!!! i was in little knitty heaven going to yoga bright and early this morning...knit socks (of course), knit sweater/jacket, knit cowl, knit hat, knit fingerless mitts....i think i sort of overdid the knit-stuff, but i was toasty!!! love it!

  16. all of you knitters get to wear your handmades now, so cool.
    the one shawl I made successfully for my older daughter was pulled out of the closet today, too!

  17. Ooh, I love the car. Less the idea that it's frosty already. But then it is almost November. It is still ridiculously mild here, despite the big storm, but we're expecting temperatures to plummet next month. I'd better get back to my knitting!

  18. Oh, what a cutie-pie of a car. I love its little smiley face.


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