Troubling Knitting Dreams

My weekend was nearly the same as most of my weekends except I had a bad dream on Saturday night that I thought I'd share with you.

I was in a favorite yarn shop that was located in a big drafty barn (that doesn't exist in real life).  Yarn was displayed everywhere in many rooms.  I was looking and looking for lace weight yarn and all I found was bulky or worsted weight.  I was sure they carried lace weight and I had my heart set on purchasing some.  I asked an attendant who looked suspiciously at me and avoided answering my question pointing me to some sport weight wool.  So I asked another clerk and another clerk.  Finally the last sales clerk instructed me to ask the manager who was hiding in a room knitting with bulky yarn.

Here's where the scary part happens.  I asked the manager where the lace weight yarn was displayed and she stated firmly "If I have my way, we will never ever carry lace weight yarn".  Oh my, my knitting heart was broken to pieces....So I left in tears.

It gets scarier my friends!  I walked around and around the big barn trying to locate my red van (I don't drive a red van) which I never found.  Dusk falls, half human and half animal people start emerging on the street and the country setting turns into a shady city area.

And then I woke up! I have no idea why I was dreaming about a lace weight yarn absence but the half human/animals I will blame on one too many Dr. Who episodes ;)

What would be your knitting nightmare?


  1. My knitting nightmare would be running out of yarn. ;-)

  2. I'm sorry about your bad dream, Karen. Isn't it crazy how sometimes we have these dreams that have no meaning whatsoever? I crochet rather than knit, but my worst nightmare would be walking into a store and finding that yarn is no longer available anywhere! And there wouldn't be any more made...EVER!

  3. Thank goodness I do not have nightmares. A world without lace weight is bad enough, but with half human-half animal people out to get us, too, that's a real nightmare!

  4. you know you knit too much.......when you have knitting nightmares!! (right?)

    My (most recent!!!) knitting nightmare was a HUGE tangled mess of yarn...and I was right in the middle of it. I think I spent the entire night untangling this yarn (in my dreams) sigh. (It still wasn't fixed when I finally woke up....worried it was going to be a be continued...dream!)

  5. Oh Karen, I'm so sorry about your bad dream. Do you have a nice stash of lace weight yarn to bring you comfort? Not having any yarn would be a nightmare for me.

  6. That would be terrible! Luckily I have a nice tote full of lace weight yarn just in case there is such a crisis ;-)

  7. Oh my gosh - I had one last night! I have been looking for a new leather knitting bag in real life. So in my dream I found a bunch of bags that I had in the back of my closet. I was trying them out to see if they would work and was putting my supplies and yarn in each one - and all my stuff was disappearing! So that's mine - my stash leaving me.

  8. I so love that you shared your dream. In our farm store night now we are down to all chucky and no fingerling. It is a terrible thing for me.

  9. Terrifying! But a yarn shop in a barn sounds amazing! My knitting nightmare would be that someone gives me a lifetime supply of the most beautiful yarns I've ever seen, all hopelessly, miserably tangled!

  10. A barn full of bulky weight yarn, a missing red van, animal-human hybrids emerging on the street. Gosh, I hope it wasn't a prophetic dream, because it sounds like the end of the world--the knitting zombie apocalypse!

  11. I'm sorry but this is hilarious! This could be the start of a film script.

  12. Okay you had me at barn and yarn...what a combination :) The rest, let's just pretend you didn't dream it.

  13. It sounds very Alice through the Looking Glass - lol. Much more fun to remember than to experience I guess. Xxx

  14. Haha! I love crazy after-Doctor-Who dreams. (:

  15. I'm sure not finding lace weight yarn would be like a nightmare for you! If all you had to knit with was bulky? Oh. No. The horror of it all! Whereas the opposite would be true for me!

  16. That is funny, although I am sure it was scary in your dreams! Last night I had a nightmare that I lost Phoebe!! It has nothing to do with knitting, but it freaked me out. And the dog ate my knitting needle last night. For real, not in a dream. It was sort of a nightmare, as I made an evening run to a very crowded craft store!

  17. Hmm. Haven t had any yarn dreams yet, and the "can't remember the locker combination/not prepared for the exam" dreams have been replaced by "can't find the choir music" ones. Weird, huh?

  18. Whoa! Did you eat something spicy before you went to bed? ;-)
    I think my knitting nightmare would be knitting from a chart. I look at them and nearly get a migraine, so I stick with written patterns.


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