
My weekend was filled with blue skies one day and gray clouds the next, lucky for me I was out and about in the sunshine to not mind the dreary day.  My weekend included:

-watching Wuthering Heights on Netflix, oh I so want to read that book again and again.
-eating the best sourdough bread ever
-knitting the sweater
-dreaming of some new mitts and hats to knit but staying at the dreaming stage because I have to finish the sweater
-wishing the cold weather to return
-jumping into that rabbit hole of ravelry where I find more than my fingers can knit

How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda

My birthday celebration giveaway winners are:

Classic Elite Yarns Silky Alpaca Lace- Anke

Photo note cards- Susan, Judy S. and Sprite.

I will be in touch with you sometime today :)  (I have messaged all of you through Ravelry!)


  1. I finished my sweater and have just cast on a new shawl, it's a Christmas gift.
    I am sitting here wondering if I should turn the a/c back on, it's so warm and muggy.
    I make sourdough bread every week, but can't eat it...I miss bread.
    Congratulations to the winners.

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend. I too wish for cold weather to return and a little snow!

  3. sounds like it was a bread making kind of weekend. luckily, i was able to give two of my loaves away quickly.....my hips can't afford three loaves of bread a week.....and i have NO willpower over homemade bread!!! yum!

  4. First off, thank you for drawing my name! I am thrilled beyond words! :-) (I sent you my address through ravelry.)
    Your weekends always sound so enjoyable and relaxing. Knitting, ravelry, a good movie and delicious bread is right up my alley, too.
    I spent Friday evening with some great friends, took Hannah to her last swim meet of the season on Saturday (lasted 6 hours!) and took Nadia shopping for some new winter clothes. All in all a good weekend.
    Have a great week and thanks again!

  5. I'm starting to think of knitting some mittens and a matching cowl for myself with the colder weather coming. I went through my hand spun this past weekend and I definitely have enough to make some, that's for sure!

  6. It was a very busy weekend. Need more time to knit!

  7. Thank you! What a lovely way to start the week!

    It was grey both days down here in D.C., but I still got a bike ride in and started knitting socks with some stripey Christmas-colored yarn.

  8. i am so glad to know we weren't the only ones with unseasonably warm weather! gah, dislike! if you find the cooler weather, you know where to send it ;-)

  9. Oh Ravelry, like Pinterest, can be overwhelming at times I find. So much goodness. I have to limit my visits now! :)

  10. Congratulations to the winners of your lovely give away! I know that each lady will make good use of them. Your weekend sounds wonderful! Making a note about Wuthering Heights. ;) Our weekend was pretty much the same...out and about helping others out, doing a bit of relaxing and church.

  11. We had a pretty warm weekend here too, with sun on Saturday and a grey day on Sunday. Today though, the return of winter...lots of wind and at this moment there is a few snow flakes coming down :)

  12. Thanks, so much, Karen. Those note cards will be put to good use! We spent the weekend at the beach in OR, very windy and wet, but perfect for knitting by the fire.

  13. I cant remember ever having watch Wuthering Heights but am a fan of the song by Kate Bush, did you enjoy it? cant wait to see your next raverly project

  14. Congratulations to the winners!! Yea!! Ravelry IS a rabbit hole, isn't it? Such a wonderful hole though. LOL! I can't wait to see that sweater finished! blessings ~ tanna

  15. How lovely! I adore period pieces too:) I haven't watched Wuthering Heights yet because I keep telling myself I want to read the book first...but maybe I should just go ahead, given the tall pile of books already by my bedside! Glad you had a cozy weekend:)

  16. This sounds so lovely! Jane Eyre is my all time favorite book, but I haven't been able to get into Wuthering Heights at all! I thought for as much as I love one Bronte sister, I would *have* to love the other. You're inspiring me to try again, though - maybe I was just in the wrong mood?


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