
My weekend was a productive weekend.  I've made my list and checked it twice, just like Santa.  I've wrapped and packaged all the gifts for my side of the family and even worked a bit on his side of the family.

On Saturday, we squeezed in a walk before the frigid air arrived.  Our walk was still cold and brisk but oh so nice to be out!  I've given up walking after dinner, it's too dark.  At the duck pond it appears to have been visited by wild ducks and the domesticated ducks are all fine about the invasion.

Sunday after Mass, I did some laundry and final preparations for both the kids, who will be arriving home today and tomorrow.  In the afternoon,  I met with some knitting friends to knit and chat.  Since I've abandoned the sweater, my knitting has been small and simple-carefree and relaxing.

This weekend was quiet and joyful and full of holiday preparations.  How was your weekend?

Joining Amanda


  1. Hi Karen - so glad your children will be able to join you for Thanksgiving. Stay warm. It's even cold here in Arizona this week (well compared to what it usually is...) Have a good one, my friend!

  2. It's such a busy, but fun time of year!
    I am so glad your babies are arriving home, I can just here the laughter and feel the love with all of you together.
    PS- Just remember to exhale, and don't let the mess bother you.

  3. Your weekend sounds lovely, Karen! Both kids coming home this week! Yipee! I remember those days...that was a long time ago. Now when they come home they bring their kids too...and that is even more wonderful! :) I'm going to miss having some of them here this year for Christmas, but that is the way life works sometimes. :)

    My weekend was good. I was able to mail out my second Christmas box! Yay! Then we went to my father-in-law's like we do every Saturday and I fix lunch for us to all eat together. We had bitter cold (12 degrees and I have no idea what it was with the wind chill factored in) so I stayed in all day on Sunday. We had about 4 inches of snow that fell during the night Saturday night. It was absolutely beautiful. I stayed in and crocheted.

    All in all it was a good weekend!

  4. so happy to hear you will all be together this holiday! that's a dream that will never happen for me again, i'm afraid---a holiday get together--son's and dil's schedule is simply too crazy. just about time to start the fussing.....at least i remembered to move the turkey to the refrig to defrost this weekend!!! (one year I totally forgot....a frenzied defrost was not a fun sight!)

  5. My kids are now employed adults (best two words ever!) and live nearby, but they still come home and spend the night for holidays, which is the BEST! Happy Thanksgiving everyone and happy knitting!

  6. Sunshine has been visiting us here for going on three weeks now, but with it comes cold -- brrrrr type cold, weather. The daughter and I spent Saturday afternoon outdoors cleaning up our herb garden and putting plants to bed for the winter -- got a healthy dose of vit. d in the process. :) Enjoy your Thanksgiving this week; so glad your loved ones will be gathered 'round. :)

  7. have a great time with your kids, mama!
    And have a great Thanksgiving.

  8. My weekend was totally non productive. So non productive and picture free I didn't even blog about it. We went back home to NY for a funeral for my dads best friend. Yesterday I wasn't in the mood to do much of anything, so I didn't! The next few days are sure to be chaotic!

  9. What a lovely weekend. And you have such a nice week to look forward to, with both kids coming home for Thanksgiving! You have it all over me on the wrapping. But I am 'thinking' about it.....;)

  10. Enjoy having those kiddos home :)

  11. Everything sounds awesome - I'm always impressed by how organized you are! I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet! :) Have a wonderful time with your kids - holidays are the best, aren't they? :)

  12. we have a very relaxed week and only left the house to take the kids to futsal for an hour on sunday...it was great!

  13. Have fun with your crew home! I also must mention that I am so impressed that you already have things WRAPPED!

  14. Have fun with the kids...so much to be thankful for. Hannah was home for a few days...she's only just gone back but can't wait till she's home for Christmas on the 17th.
    Enjoy your stress free knitting. I love the tester hat especially the garter stitch rim and am waiting for the pattern. It works really well in the Quince and Co yarn.

  15. How fun! Enjoy your kids while they're home!

  16. Ooh, I love brisk frosty walks - they're the best kind in my opinion!
    You sound very organised for the holidays - I'm the opposite this year which is so unlike me.


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