Yarn Along with Ornaments

Yes, I've taken the knitting plunge and have started a little bit of ornament knitting.  I'm between projects and I wanted a project that was little and would eat up some bits and ends of my fingering weight yarn.  So I'm knitting my ornament pattern which is also on Ravelry.  I also have some light blue yarn that I think would make a great stocking color.  Knitting these little stockings puts me into the holiday spirit :)

I am nearly finished with Oh My Stars and can I say "oh my stars" this book has captured my attention.  I must admit there was a bit of dragging going on with the plot then Boom! something happened that I didn't suspect at all.  I tend to guess endings which makes me a sad reader most of the time, but not now.  So now I am happily reading along and devouring the book.  I have a mere chapter to read and that will be done before lunchtime today.

My next book is Dear Life by Alice Monro, you know, she won the Nobel Prize in Literature.  Can't wait to start this book. This was a gift for my birthday from my husband.  How did he know??

What are you knitting and reading?

Joining Ginny.

Psst:  there is a giveaway over here to win a lovely hat pattern.


  1. Very cute, Karen. I may need to knit a couple of your stockings to go with the mini beanies someone (who was it?) posted recently. :) Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your kids!

  2. I've been thinking about knitting a few ornaments and you've provided the perfect pattern! Of course, I should probably quit procrastinating and finish my gift knitting first.

  3. Ooh you've just reminded me of the string of tiny stockings my Granny knitted for me last year... I can't wait to decorate the house now! EEEEEEK!

  4. Such cute ornaments! I am hoping to knit some this season myself. But I say that every year! Have a great Thanksgiving Karen!

  5. I read Dear Life last year and enjoyed the stories. My book group is reading it again in January and I look forward to the reread. Knit ornaments are so darling!!

  6. Oh My Stars...never heard of this book! Need to check it out! Thanks for the recommendation! I know what you means about the little ornaments...I've had such a good time with those tiny hats...our 'charity' deadline is Dec 12....I bet I make a couple more after that! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  7. Oh that little stocking is just so cute! I cannot believe that Advent starts on Sunday - I feel so unprepared!

  8. such cute little stockings.....the Holidays are fast approaching!!! I might whip up some of your stockings to attach to gifts this year!! Thanks!!!

  9. What a fun little stocking! I love it, Karen.

  10. I always look forward to your book recommendations. My list is growing - now I just need more time to read! Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. I love the little socks! So cute.

  12. Cute ornaments and great idea to use up bits of leftover yarn. If you made a whole bunch of them, you'd have a perfect little Advent calendar. ;-)

  13. How fun! I might attempt some ornaments, maybe next July? I should be done with the gift knitting by then - for this year anyway. ;-)

  14. That is a cute little stocking. It looks quite detailed.

  15. those wee stocking are super cute.

  16. you will LOVE the Munro book, LOVE her writing.

    happiest of thanksgivings to you and yours!

  17. One of these days I'm going to knit for my Christmas tree. Your stockings are adorable!

  18. I love your mini stockings Karen ... cute :)

  19. Very cute, I love seeing festive knits. Deb x

  20. Oh, how cute! They are adorable! I haven't ever knit ornaments, but it looks like a great idea!

  21. Those little stockings look like fun! I just might have to make some of those this week ;)

  22. Super Cute Karen.

    I wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I am so thankful to have you as a friend.

  23. Very cute Christmas stocking....Happy Thanksgiving !

  24. The little stocking is as cute as can be! Love it...and now you have me wanting to add to my book collection! ;)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow, Karen!

  25. Very cute; I'll have to check out that pattern. Have you read Landvick's Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons? I enjoyed it. I just finished The Madonnas of Leningrad and am now reading The Body in the Kelp.

  26. I remember these stockings. So cute I think the light blue would be very pretty! Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving :))

  27. Ow, they look cute ! I am working on a cardigan, which will take me at least another month I guess..
    Never read anything of Alice Munro, don't read that many short stories anyway it turns out.. curious to know what you think of it ! Currently I am into Margaret Atwood's 'Surfacing' - love her novels !


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