Yarn Along

Click clack click clack-That is the sound of me furiously knitting away to make an imaginary deadline of a sweater completed by Thanksgiving.  A knitter can dream and be hopeful, right?  Currently I am finished with the body shaping decreasing.  The pattern is quite nice and I must agree "effortless", there's miles and miles of stockinette to fly threw.  I'm nearly through the second ball of yarn (440 yards knitted!).

I started two books this week, Oh My Stars by Lorna Landvik which so far has been quite sad.  Her character qualities and development remind me of Catherine Cookson's heroines.  You know, not the ideal "perfect" beauty.  I miss Catherine Cookson...When I was newly married I read all of her books and Agatha Christie's books, just because the library had all of them neatly on the shelves.

I also started The Violets of March by Sarah Jio on my Ipad so I can knit and read at the same time.  My local library has an ebook borrowing feature that is quite nice so I'm giving it a try.  You should check your library to see if you can "borrow" books as well.

Lastly, I had to buy the Jane Austen Knits issue because I love lace knitting.  I'm pining over the photos, okay drooling and wishing desperately I could cast on a lace project, but I have to finish a sweater, a hat and start one more hat before I will allow myself that luxury.

What are you knitting and reading?

Joining Ginny


  1. I can't wait to see your finished sweater, Karen! I know you can do it! :)

  2. Your sweater is coming along nicely! I have listened to a lot of audio book while I quilt. I have started reading The 15 Streets by Catherine Cookson. I've seen all the movies on Netflix that are based on her books and liked them all.

    1. movies??? now I have to research that one :)

  3. I just know that sweater is going to be finished way ahead of 'schedule'!!! It's looking just beautiful. I downloaded Violets of March a while ago....got caught up with other stuff....and never read it. Keep me posted on how you like it...if I ever get through Goldfinch I might queue that one up again!!!

  4. You know that sweater will be finished! I find myself avoiding knitting magazines and ravelry lately just because I don't want to be tempted.

  5. Holy Horse!

    Great minds think alike. I was going to take out The Violets of March from my library on my last trip, but someone beat me to it. :-)

  6. You will make the Thanksgiving deadline! I didn't know about the libraries doing eBooks. I will check that out - thanks :-).

  7. Oooh yes, that Jane Austen knits looks really lovely - there are so many projects in there I would love to knit - and wear! Sounds like you are whizzing along with your knitting - hope you finish in time for Thanksgiving - I'm sure it will be lovely. p.s. also a great Agatha Christie fan :-)

    1. I'm partial to the Miss Marple stories, purely for the knitting content.

  8. I am sure you'll be wearing the sweater on or around Thanksgiving! :-) The beautiful orange shade really, really got to me. All I keep thinking about now is casting on an orange project. :-)

  9. I know you can finish in time Karen to wear your sweater, you are a fast knitter.
    Jane Austen Knits looks like a wonderful magazine and one I will have to pick up next
    time I'm in town.

  10. The sweater is coming along nicely, Karen! I "borrow" books all the time on my devices. It's a great way to read!

  11. Good luck getting your sweater done. I have lots of imaginary deadlines too :)

  12. I love borrowing books from my library. It's a great way to read books without carrying around a real book or buying the book.
    May your needles travel swiftly toward your goal, but take time to stretch and care for your hands and arms.

  13. Looks to me like you'll make it for sure! I love borrowing books from the library on my Kindle; it's so easy and saves lots of $$. Maybe too easy? Have you read The Angry Housewives Eating Bonbons by the same author? (Landvik) It's quite funny.

    1. I believe I did read that one, but can't quite remember the story line.

  14. Go go go! It looks like your sweater is progressing nicely. :)

  15. I'm sure you'll be finished in plenty of time for Thanksgiving. The color is perfect. I love borrowing ebooks from the library too. It's so nice to get something new without having to go out.

  16. Amazing! 440 yards! You are so impressive! This week I am reading Kate Atkinson's Life After Life--a little slow in the beginning, but now I love it!

  17. You are flying threw those yards of yarn, you go!! Can't wait to see it, I have a feeling you will meet that deadline :)

  18. Thanksgiving is so far away - you'll definitely finish in time!
    I'm knitting something with a lot of stockinette at the moment and it's sort of fun to fly through when you're occupied by other things. I thought it might be boring but it hasn't been so far.

    I love that your library does ebook borrowing! I'm going to see if mine does, too.

    Thanks for all of your support while I've been moving. It really helped xx

  19. our library has the same ebook feature and the red bean uses it for her kindle. i tried but do not like reading on readers. at all.

    on the upside, i thoroughly enjoyed the violets of march and think you will, too!

  20. Oh, still love that pumpkin yarn! The sweater is coming along nicely...I think you'll meet your goal :)

  21. I love the Jane Austen magazine and don't you just love the cover design! Thank you for sharing the book too ... added it to my long list of must reads. Your sweater is coming along quite nicely and I really can't wait to see it finished, and modeled :)

  22. I think I read a book by Lorna Landvik (years ago) that I think had to do with a hair salon. I have started borrowing ebooks from my library onto the kindle app on my ipad. I've been reading on the kindle app at night when my husband goes to bed before I do. That way I can read in bed. The kindle app can change background colors where as the app for my library does not so it is always a white background which lights up the room too much. I still prefer books though.

  23. That magazine looks fun. I'm sure you'll have that sweater finished by Thanksgiving!

  24. I think that you will make that deadline. Such a great color!

  25. I can't wait to see that sweater. I envy your ability to knit and read. When I read that is my only activity. Then again I can usually get lost for hours in a good book. I think the house could burn down around me and I wouldn't know it.

  26. Love the color you've chosen for your Thanksgiving sweater. I read Violets of March early this year and enjoyed it.

  27. Oooo, good stuff and good progress abound. I am knitting a 1 hank Blue Heron Metallic Clapotis and my second pair of socks. I have a cardigan cast on but is lounging because it wants it's own block of quality time.

    I'm reading A Red Herring Without Mustard by Alan Bradley and back issues of the Economist and The Week incase I feel too optimistic.

    I seriously struggle with the knit & read balance of life.

  28. OOh yea I hope you get hooked on audio books - it really is awesome multi tasking.
    Love Leanne

  29. We just discovered an online source for our current history reader (Of Plymouth Plantation) and are loving the fact that it's free! Knitting and reading are excellent companions especially if the kids want to join me in the story. Your knitting is coming along nicely...I'm betting you'll be wearing that sweater for Thanksgiving! Go, Karen, go! :)


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