Joy and Comfort

I love how Frodo turns his head when I have the big camera, so modest.  This is after he has done three or four twirls because he thinks we are taking a walk outside.  A whole week of Advent has past and I'm wondering where it has gone!  I decorated the house last weekend and once again, I enjoyed my walk down memory lane.  Where I purchased an ornament, who gave me one to hang on my tree.  Of course all the ones my mother and grandmother made are treasured the most.

The cowl is growing stitch by stitch.  Perhaps it will be finished this weekend?  My hands, wrists, forearms and shoulders would be ever so grateful.  I have to take mini breaks to give my body a rest.  I know my daughter will love the finished cowl and I will love to be finished with the cowl.  A win win situation.

Did you see my NEW red Moleskine mini notebook?  It replaces the tattered one I carry in my purse for over two years.  Another birthday gift.  I write my lists in there, and whatever I want to capture before I forget.  The system works for me.   In the basket is the cutest, tiniest notebook with a pocket I've ever seen.  A birthday gift from my daughter.  I have yet to write inside but gosh just looking at it daily makes me smile.

Next weekend the kids come home for the winter breaks.  Cooking for two will turn into cooking for four.  When I cook for two that usually is just cook once or twice a week then we have leftovers for the rest of the week.  So a menu plan has to be created soon.  I need to brush up on my skills in the kitchen.
You know I'd rather be knitting.

A list of Joy:  outings with my husband, talking to my kids and my sister, Frodo twirling in happiness, Frodo napping beside me, a new knitting project, family, real friends and blogging friends-new and old :)

A list of Comfort:  hot tea, warm woolie socks, knitting, twinkle lights, chocolate, woolen mitts for warm hands, being inside when outside is too cold, dawn, and coffee

What is your Joy and Comfort this season?


  1. coffee, knitting and sewing, walks outside, snuggles with my girls

  2. This whole post brought me joy! Other things bringing me joy are tea knitting, new baby snuggles, ree's joy at anything Christmas. I like this idea for a post I think I'll adopt it next week for a post of my own :-)

  3. knitting, baking something sweet, watching Christmas movies, reading

  4. Little Frodo is just SO adorable! It makes me smile every time I see him in your posts.
    Knitting, candlelight, warm homespun blankets, central heating!, my husband and children, a cat snuggled up in a warm spot sleeping away, gingerbread latte's, lovely bloggy friends ;o), a good book, - oh so much! There are so many joys and comforts to be thankful for!
    Great post Karen.

  5. Oh I love this post! This is just my favorite time of year, and I am always happy to find a kindred spirit.

    My comfort and joy at this time of year is the darkness that leads to people lighting their houses, whether or not for the holidays. It makes me feel cozy to see it.

  6. Being home, spending time with the family, yummy treats (with coffee of course), knitting, enjoying Christmas lights and candles... Nothing fancy, but wouldn't trade it for anything. :-)

  7. oh - tea is good - fires, my new favourite is hot white chocolate. I wont see my older kids until new year, but it will be so nice when we do - and not much cooking either, so more times to sit and chat and play.
    I love that photo of Frodo xx

  8. Yes I did notice that cute red moleskin! Very festive looking. Comfort and joy lately has been my holiday knitting. Tomorrow will be a trip to NYC which I am looking forward to. I haven't been to the city at Christmas time in years.

  9. Oh frodo is adorable! I bet you are looking forward to all the family back home again. And I bet they are looking forward to mums cooking.
    Love Leanne

  10. I love your comforts and joys :) (And I'd rather be knitting too!)
    My dad carries a small notebook in his pocket for writing down all those random things that come up during the day, we call it his pocket brain. ;-)

  11. Such a nice post, Karen! I love the memories Christmas stirs up for each of us. It goes way too quick and is oh so full. There is so much I'd like to do, but I'm sure I'll only get through half of my list!

  12. Beautiful post Karen, and I love your new moleskin. Joys this season...time with my little man, nature walks, community and family. tea, candlelight, knitting, crafting, pots of soup on the stove and evenings by the fire.

    Happy weekend.

  13. how exciting to have your children coming home! I am enjoying spending time together as a family this month. Wish I could visit my parents, but that will happen in January.

  14. all I can think to add to that list....a good book and a fire!!! enjoy having the whole family together again!!! (I remember the coffee table photos from last year...steel yourself!)

  15. I love posts with Frodo pictures... LOVE them! I had a mini schnauzer from the age of 6 to 19 and Frodo reminds me so much of her. They are great dogs. Comforts and joys? Hazelnut chocolate, electric blanket, good book, clear sidewalks, little slivers of sunshine...

  16. Hi Karen, my comforts are : a warm fire, Christmas music, knitting,spinning,or sewing in a clean house with a cup of hot tea! Beautiful post...have a great time with your kids.

  17. I love your post and photos, Karen. My list . . . hot cocoa, lace knitting, a cuddly pup, having the kids home for the holidays, and marking things off the list in my notebook. :-)


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