Hold Dear to my Heart

For over thirty years I've carried this rosary given to me by my favorite aunt.  The aunt that is knit worthy, who is my godmother and my confirmation sponsor all those years ago.  I was thirteen years old when I received the sacrament of Confirmation.  My parents had a picnic party out in the back yard after the ceremony and  I remember my aunt giving me this rosary to mark my entrance into the Catholic faith and the sunny day with cherry blossoms in the air.  My youth surrounding me and my future yet unknown.

This rosary has been tucked in my purse and followed me through my high school years and college years, moving from state to state early on in my marriage.  I've held it close to me during challenging times.  This rosary was a source of strength when my mother died in my thirties.  Many emergency room visits with a son who was accident prone and a mother with a knack for making worrying a full time job.  I carry this rosary and it grounds me.

The tiny cross was a gift from my husband early on in our marriage for Easter.  The tiny miraculous medal was pinned to a christening card for my daughter when she was born.  She received many, I kept one.  After my son was born three years later, I started to wear the cross and medal daily.  I cannot remember why I started but I've worn them for twenty years.

In the past ten years, my sister gave me the two hearts.  She said "big heart little heart, big sister little sister".  I effortlessly slipped this onto the necklace that I wear every day. A reminder of my little sister who is my only sibling and dearest friend.

In the past five years, my two children gave me a heart for Mother's day.  The inscription reads "mother, I love you always".  Another token to wear every single day.  

I collect each one and the memories attached to them, our histories woven together. I am a child, a niece, a sister, a wife and a mother.  All of these items are tied to people I hold dear to my heart.

Joining Amanda-talisman-prompt a day.


  1. Those are very special pieces! I still have the cross given to me by my godmother for my confirmation, the cross given to me by my mom (given to her on her confirmation) and a few heart charms given to me by my girls. They hold a very special place in my heart!

    1. I love how you are connected with your family like me :)

  2. This is so lovely. I still have the rosary from my First Communion, along with the prayer book that was given to me as a gift. Such special things!

    1. I have mine as well tucked in a drawer though. They are special!

  3. Beautiful pieces and I love that each one holds so much meaning. How wonderful you still have and use the rosary from your aunt all those years ago—I can only imagine all hours and prayers it has known.

  4. What a beautiful rosary. I have my grandmothers tucked away because I'm always afraid I'll lose it somehow. I love the necklaces you wear everyday. So very special!

  5. What a lovely post. I have a rosary that belonged to a great-aunt who I never knew, she died from a seizure when she was in her 20s. Whenever I pray with her rosary, I feel like she is praying with me.

  6. I heart you hearts- they are all so beautiful.
    What lovely and meaningful memories and treasures Karen- you are loved.

  7. Beautiful pieces to hold your memories close.

  8. What a privilege to see a picture of these precious things!

  9. What a lovely post Karen! Loved reading the Stories behind all these pieces!

  10. What a beautiful post!

  11. A beautiful post about your personal life and faith. I too carry a rosary given to me by a loved one, my grandmother. It is my private trinket that I can always look to wherever I might be. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Oh I love these! They are so beautiful! I have worn a miraculous medal every day for years & years. When I was confirmed I was given my great-grandmothers rosary. It is a treasure that I am planning on passing to Ree at her confirmation years from now (it being passed on to the first daughter/granddaughter).

  13. Oh, Karen, what treasures! I loved reading every word.

  14. mementos are an affirmation of our lives and those we are bound to. A lovely post - we should all be more sentimental i think

  15. what a lovely way to remember important people.

  16. I love these symbols of faith and love in your life. Thank you for sharing this!

  17. Beautiful sentiment and tokens.

  18. This is a beautiful post, Karen. Such love in all these things you hold close to your heart.

  19. What a precious precious post, Karen. Thank you for sharing these special pieces with us...and the meaning behind each one. What treasures!


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