Lace Progress, Empty house and Chickens

The second week of us being two people instead of four people was comfortably uneventful. We slip into this lifestyle gracefully and enjoy the quiet (and clean) house.  When they are home, I take for granted the quick conversations that occur face to face, favorite meals whipped up and shared.  Once the house is empty and order is reigning in the laundry and kitchen, I easily savor the meals for two, usually prepared within an hour.

Texts and phone calls still tether me to them, giving me glimpses of their days.  I wonder how my mother coped without the invention of internet and cell phones?  I believe I called once or twice a week when I was away at university, usually with some kind of minor crisis.  This week, I texted my daughter instructions on how I bake a chicken!  Love the technology :)

Back to knitting talk--I inserted a simple four row lace repeat that I "know" which is Elizabeth Zimmermann's gull lace pattern.  Oh so lovely and I love the crisp stitch definition.  I'm half way through the raglan increasing.  While I knit away at the raglan shaping, I'm planning to do some simple waist shaping-haven't planned how or where though.  Also I'm considering what kind of sleeve edging...oh the possibilities are endless.  

Many of the blogs I read have real living chickens, so I thought I'd show you mine.  They are the quiet kind that can live in your house (one's a rooster!).  The table and chair set were made by my father-in-law when our daughter was two years old.

Have a good weekend everyone--stay warm!!


  1. hee hee.....I thought you took the plunge and got chickens (real)....but in January??!! Your sweater is moving along so beautifully.....looks like you've found your rhythm with it as well as the daily doings of life! have a great weekend, Karen!

  2. It is nice to shift with the rhythms of children coming and going. Makes you really appreciate both! ;) That sweater is going to be wonderful.

    I love that table and chair... how fun to pass along to future grands. =) blessings ~ tanna

  3. Oh I so wish I could get back into a routine this new year. I am struggling to find balance. I blame it on the cold - I work 11 hour days - go to work in the dark, come home in the dark - and with the cold just want to come home and crawl under a quilt. Hopefully as the days get longer this will help.

  4. I remember when I was first married and Mike and I were living in Texas while he finished tech school [he was in the Air Force], we were only going to be there for six weeks so I didn't hook up a phone, only calling home for a few minutes every Sunday. Looking back now that must have been agony for my Mom. I talk to all of my children at least once a day and Emerson calls me every day after school to tell me about her day.
    I love your chickens! Hey, and you don't have to buy feed or clean a coop!

  5. I'm so loving that cardigan. The colour is amazing and lucky that your husband chose such a perfect yarn for you...I'm sure there must have been some subtle hinting going on. I had to giggle at you chickens. Ahmad wants to get some when we move...I'm allergic to feathers and so am more half hearted but I do love the sound of a rooster cock-a-doodeling.
    I don't know what I'd do without modern technology to keep in contact with Hannah...she's really good at keeping in touch and we have nice long chats almost every day, usually when she's travelling to somewhere.
    Have an awesome weekend.

  6. I got all excited when I read "chickens" in your title, thought you had gotten some. Love your quiet chickens though and the pretty little corner with the furniture and plants. The lace on your cardigan is lovely and I adore the inside of your purse. A true knitter! :-)

  7. I often wonder how my mom survived without being able to text us too. Technology does have it's good features I guess. I love your chickens - just my kind. And what a lovely Namaste bag you have!

  8. Love your chicken and rooster! Would love to have some real live ones of my own, unfortunately my garden is way too small and I'm not sure what the lizards would think about it! Rebecca x

  9. We had chickens a few years ago. What a lot of work, but the eggs were amazing. Your chickens are more my style as being out in the cold was for the birds! Frodo looks content and I hope he is doing well! Long live our schnauzer boys.

  10. Love the color of your yarn. I think I called home about twice a semester when I was at school, much to my mother's dismay. She may have forgiven me by now, but I was one of the very last kids who had either a car OR a cell phone. I think i got my first cell phone at 22. Unheard of these days! Also, thanks for posting about the blog swap. I'm gonna do it too!

  11. I loved reading this post Karen!! I do wonder how I would have coped just a mere few decades ago with my sister living overseas. I couldn't bear the thought. It's hard enough, but without Emails, Skype and having online projects together I think I might go crazy. Love your chickens too! I do wish I had real ones though I don't know if this will ever happen, our property is not very big. I want to get rabbits in spring... we'll see!

  12. Your cardi is going to be gorgeous, Karen. Glad you have a quiet rooster.... Remember when you only called long distance if it was an emergency? Boy, times have surely changed. It sure is easier cooking for two, isn't it? My funny story from the GK visit was the comment from the four-year-old, "I'm not eating that; you're killing nature" I guess he doesn't approve of Cornish hens?

  13. Love those chickens :) Enjoy your weekend.

  14. Great chickens and so well behaved! Frodo looks very regal sitting on the sofa. Your post made me think back to the days before we had children and how quiet our evenings would be. Now, our home is full of giggles, cries, and talking. I try and enjoy every minute of it because when I blink they will be grown and out making it in the world. I agree about technology keeping us connected. I always called my mom while at school and it was comforting to hear her on the other end. Happy Weekend!

  15. What a cute way to make a corner charming!

  16. Love that color yarn.. and your chickens! We had some ladies for a while but I am not missing them today with the super cold and blowing snow. They hated the snow...
    Happy Knitting and thanks for stopping by to say hi at Wren House..

  17. I love the little table and chair set! What a nice thing to have. And a perfect place for your chickens.

  18. I agree with you on technology and grown children. I would be so lonely if not for texting!

  19. I love the lace at the edge of your knitting. A lovely touch indeed. Your bag is so neat and organized, inspiring. And having a sister who is fond of chickens and roosters, I am too. I still roast her a chicken on regular basis. hehe.

  20. You have been busy! I have one sleeve left on my sweater that I'm going to make myself tackle today. I love your chickens! No poo on the shoes that way!


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