Let's List the Happys
I'm having technical difficulties today, sigh. This is the runner up photo instead of a photo that I'd love to share but because of whatever reason, you just cannot see it today :) What makes me happy: -the sun has been shining more often than not this week -the snow is so melted and condensed I can walk on it without sinking -the birds are singing joyfully today not knowing cold -I still have one bar of "good" chocolate left -finally I'm casting of the body of the sweater, it's been a long time coming -getting mail and sending mail -my haircut -friendships forged through the blogging community -the rabbit hole of ravelry :) -stretching grilled chicken into three separate meals-(read that as not cooking!) -discovering that chicken salad is fabulous with sweet red peppers as well as celery -dried apricots -crossing items off of my to do list Have a lovely weekend :)